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Conversational Threads

sewing aids for the visually impaired

user-7177324 | Posted in Fabric Guidance on

I am leader of a sewing group at my church. There are several of the ladies that have vision problems. Can you suggest tools and techniques to use?


  1. FrancesC | | #1

    I don't have the knowledge to answer our question directly but, out of curiosity, I Googled "sewing aids for the visually impaired" and found quite a few entries. I think that if you Google it yourself, you will find plenty of information. I did stop to read one entry and thought it had some good advice; this is the URL for that particular one:

    I think that others here will have more info.

    1. user-7177324 | | #2

      Thank you so much

      Thank you so much! I will certainly do that! I did order a few "seam guides" by Clover. We haven't met as a group since the health restrictions were in place and all the ladies are eager to get back to group sewing. I'm gearing up too with new projects and I'm looking for ways to make the ladies' tasks easier.

  2. OrahLee | | #3

    Years, and years (!!?!!!) ago, I remember a sewing program that featured a guest sew-er who was legally blind. I think the program was Shirley Adams (I love her and wish they would run her shows again). This guest had ways to keep sewing by machine. I send best wishes to your ladies who have so very much to share. Keep them sewing, or at least attending your sessions--- the inclusion is important for us all !!!

    1. user-7177324 | | #4

      OrahLee--I remember Shirley Adams too. I'll let you know if I find her on the internet. Thanks for the lead. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to start using "sew-er" instead of sewer or sewist. Seamstress doesn't quite suit me and sewer doesn't fit the definition either. Maybe Webster could come up with an official answer.

  3. Thomasfouch | | #5

    Great thought and i agree with you...https://www.pikashow8k.com/pikashow-alternatives/

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