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Conversational Threads

Sewing apron

DONNAKAYE | Posted in General Discussion on

With all the interest in aprons lately, I thought some of you might be interested in a little torn project that mom and I used to teach to the teen class in the summertime so that they could learn about grain and to master some basic stitching techniques.  It has four (or you can make more) pockets, attaches to the body with either a Dritz apron ring (a round piece of plastic that slips through the casing) or you can make your own tie/sash.  Any takers?  I’ll upload the directions.  It’s also great for embellishing, and it makes a terrific gift for your sewing friends…..D.


  1. jtp | | #1

    This sounds very interesting.  I've been making aprons for years and always love to collect apron patterns.  Please do share this!

  2. User avater
    dayenu | | #2

    i have two. here is one

    1. MaryinColorado | | #4

      So very nice!  I like the embroidery too.

    2. Pattiann42 | | #5

      Are  there any instructions?  All I got was a picture.

      Also,  if interested in the apron ring, I found what I thought is a good price, at the Saturday Evening Post Museum website.  Honestly, SEP museum!



      Edited 8/31/2007 3:44 pm ET by spicegirl1

      1. User avater
        dayenu | | #6

        i didn't use a pattern. but here is a cool tip: in the skinny pockets I put empty film cannisters so scissors or thread rippers don't pop through.

  3. dressed2atee | | #3

    Wow, this is so inspiring....I can't wait to start on my own.  Thanks

  4. Pattiann42 | | #7

    Haven't found your directions or a Dritz apron ring.

    1. DONNAKAYE | | #8

      Well, I haven't posted the apron pattern yet but will endeavor to do so asap now...(Chuckle!)  For the apron ring: (1) Put your keys in the ignition; (2) go to sewing store; (3) whip out wallet and buy the apron ring!  I'm really trying to be funny!  Hope it's not misconstrued!  I'm having a good time over here (typing all day for my work and bored to death!).  No, in all seriousness, it's a little plastic ring that clips around the waist.  I'll post y'all your instructions soon as I can take a break!

      1. Pattiann42 | | #9

        I wish it were that simple.  I am limited to Jo-Ann Fabrics and not the Superstore.  No apron rings, clips, hoops - whatever you want to call them.

        I found one (mystery size) "clip"at Clotilde for $4.48 plus S&H and a variety of sizes (hoops) at the Saturday Evening website beginning at $2.75 plus S&H.

        Edited 9/1/2007 3:39 pm ET by spicegirl1

        1. DONNAKAYE | | #10

          I'll check on the web sites and make sure the one I'm thinking of is the one you're getting.   Hope you didn't mind my little bit of "comedy."  I'll get back to you on this!

          1. Pattiann42 | | #14

            Love the comedy.  However, when I was 12 years old is was another century.  My Grandmother gave me an apron with the "hoop" - I think by that time I was much older and it was probably the mid to late 60's.


            "Growing old is not for sissies!"

          2. DONNAKAYE | | #15

            Sorry, folks,  We had some bad thunderstorms yesterday after I was on the forum that knocked out our service for a while.  I could get onto the forum, but it wouldn't upload attachments.  All appears to be fine now.  I've attached the instructions for the apron.  Enjoy!

          3. Pattiann42 | | #16

            Thanks so very much.  Love the tearing - I do this when mass producing bibs for the Red Cross to give to nursing homes.  Those who do not work that much with cottons were aghast when I said this is a quick way to prepare the lengths, then shape with scissors for sewing.  But then, I like time-saving methods to do just about everything but sleeping!

        2. DONNAKAYE | | #11

          Spicegirl, I can't find the apron ring on the Clotilde catalog online.  Is that where you saw it?  I don't have a current print issue.

          1. Pattiann42 | | #13

            My Clotilde Catalogue is July 07; pg 24 under Home Decor and they call it an apron clip.

            So far Saturday Evening Post has the best variety of sizes and best price.

            Couldn't find anything on the Dritz website.

        3. DONNAKAYE | | #12

          Never mind.  I found it.  YES!  That's the clip!  I still have one from when I was 12 years-old.  I'm going to try and upload the pattern in a little while....d.

This post is archived.

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