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sewing/emboidery machines

ruby3 | Posted in General Discussion on

hello, this is my first time on, very new, looking to buy a sewing/embridery machine.  been sewing for 30 years…just sewing and quilting , nothing exotic.  Ready to branch out. Am looking at a Brother Innov-is 1200  or  Baby Lock ellure.  Any comments?


  1. Betakin | | #1

    Hi, Ruby and welcome. I have several different brands of sewing machines and one is an Innovis, plus a stand alone embroidery machine that is one of the older different brand but Brother made models, like the Simplicity and Babylock that are known to be workhorse models.

    I really cannot tell you much about the combo sewing/embroidery models other than what I know from the owners reviews on PatternReview.com. Brother sewing/embroidery models seem to be highly rated. I think owners of the models you are inquiring about will see your post and will reply with comments and some info for you. I have also been very impressed with the embroidery done by Pfaff and Viking models that I have seen. I hope you find a machine you truly enjoy.

  2. jillhad | | #2


    I have a Brother Innov-is 500 -  had it for a few years now and really enjoy using it.  I know it is at the cheaper end of the market but it performs really well for both embroidery and ordinary sewing.

    It was worth it for the buttonholes alone <big grin>


    1. ruby3 | | #3

      thanks for the input.  I am leaning toward the Brother machine.  I think I can get the most for my money...at least at this time.   Enjoy your weekend :  )

  3. Felt | | #4

    I have  Janome Memory Craft 10001, a comb sewing and embroidery machine. Have had it about four years.  The MC 11000 is out now and would like to upgrade. Like some of the new features on the 11000.  It is hard to decide which one to purchase. I like the new Brother also.

    Edited 7/29/2007 8:05 pm ET by Felt

    1. ruby3 | | #7

      thank you -- thank you for responding.  everyone seems so happy with their machines that I  think I will be successful with whatever I decide.  I am hoping to start a little side business with it and am looking forward to beginning.  Thanks again.

  4. Crazy K | | #5

    I have two Designer SEs by Viking..........love them!! I had a janome 9000 which is a great sewing machine but the cards for embroidery are very expensive and the amazing box gave me 'fits'........I'm sure it was 'operator error' but it made a fun thing not so much fun!  I got a Designer I and then traded up.  I can use a USB stick straight from the computer for embroidery or put my designs on floppy disks (which I usually do) and I have an external floppy drive connected to my machine.  The SEs are also great sewing machines with lots of utility stitches, fancy stitches and easy to use features.  The power is great and the lights are awesome!  They lighting can be changed from warm to cool, etc. for matching colors.........really great for quilters, etc.  I went with the SEs originally because there is a dealership near my home that services, offers classes and the staff are very knowledgeable of the machine...........makes a huge difference.  I took classes on the machine as well as the software and they were both VERY helpful.

    That's  my nickel's worth!


    1. ruby3 | | #6

      thank you -- thank you for responding, everyone seems so happy with their machines that I am looking forward to having success with whatever I decide!!

  5. ctirish | | #8

    Hi, I have a Baby Lock Ellure that is about 6 years old. It doesn't have the USB port but other than that it is like the new ones. It does beautiful embroidery. If I had to do it over again, I would not get the Baby Lock software for editing and digitizing designs. At this point I am not sure which one I would get. Right now I have the Baby Lock Palette 5.0 for editing and digitizing and the Baby Lock Designer's Gallery for organizing and the Dakota Alphasizer w/Colorworks for editing and other things.
    As for sewing regular stitches, the Ellure does a good job. I would not say it is the best stitching machine on the market and I hope to get another sewing(stitching) machine to use.

    I have two Sergers, a Baby Lock Evolve and a Bernina 600 DL or something. With the two sergers, I can leave one set up for 4 thread overlock and the Evolve I leave set up for cover stitch and any other stitches I want to try out. - it is the easier one to change the set up on.

    When you get the machine make sure lessons come with it and you will love what ever machine you get. Good luck, jane

    1. ruby3 | | #9

      WOW  that's a lot of machines!!!  You must have a great sewing room or a busy business.  Thanks for you input.  I am leaning toward the Brother because the shop offers unlimited lessons to insure your comfort level, and a 5 year service warranty.


      I originally started out just to upgrade my sewing machine with one that does a blanket stitch to expand my quilting (mine were very basic machines but I got alot of use from them).  I ened up looking at what a combination sewing/quilting/emboidery machine could do and haven't stopped obsessing since.

      Thanks again for your help.....

      1. User avater
        matzahari | | #10

        i also have an embroidery machine permanently set up . it's the ellageo three (takes floppies but no USB port or flash stick)  which is a great embroidery machine but not the fastest greatest sewing machine. so I added a babylock decorators choice which is speedy and a real workhorse. that one is setinto my koala table and gets used everyday.

        I haven't gotten into digitizing but i have lettering programs, the designer's gallery organization software and recently bought Customworks so I can tweak designs and change color stops and create lavish  borders. my main use of embroidery is all over embellishment of fabric before i i turn it into garments.  SO I also have a double wide jumbo hoop it all which saves me TONS of rehooping. it's also great when you want to do dozens of the same thing like nakinsa or sewing labels.

        I am fortunate enough to have a stand alone sewing studio over my garage which has it's own bathroom. Until we bought this house I used an extra bedroom for sewing and had every corner crammed full. really crammed !!

        Machine embroidery isn't a cheap hobby thats for sure, after the software and conversion boxes and cost of designs and stabilizers, it all adds up.  so if you just want to monogram things or add little motifs to curtains or shirts I would suggest not buying every bell and whistle you can find. I started with a PE 150 and was happpy for several years until I outgrew it.

        and with two machines you can be embroidering and sewing at the same time. important for those of us who are impatient.

        1. ruby3 | | #11

          good things to know.  I did suspect that this could get expensive.  The Brother I am looking at has the USB port but for the time being I hope to just get relly good on the stitched the machine provides and ramp up my quilting/wall hangings.  Thanks for the info. everyone has been so kind.

          1. pc3 | | #12

            Hi, I have 4 brother machines and I love them. I have a small machine my husband bought for my 20th anniversary, one I bought second hand, and an Inovis 4000. I love them all but the Inovis is my favorite. I have a small buisness and sell my designs so I sew out lots and lots of samples and it runs everyday. Its a real workhorse.
            But what ever you get, have lots and lots of fun.Pam

          2. summer | | #14


            Would you share with me what kind of business you have. I want to do something with embroidery when I retire.


          3. pc3 | | #15

            Hi Summer,


            I created a line of 3D Designs for home embroidery machines. I had them copyright and sell them on the web. I was very fortunate in getting to contact the right people and Viking sold them for one year, and I now have a collection with Cactus Punch. I also was able to get hooked up with John Deer and he sells my designs on his web site. But if you want to see my designs check out my site at



            I am not sure what you are wanting to do but if I can offer any suggestions, help, or friendship in your efforts please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address at

            [email protected] and I will try to pass on anything I have learned or any help I am able to offer. It has been a wild ride for me because when I started creating these flowers my mom had just had a major stroke and spent the next 7 months in the hospital untill she passed away.  Then as I started getting interest in my designs I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and went through a year of Kimo. So I feel very fortunate that I have met so many great people in the business and have had so much help. But people are always looking for something different, so if you have any ideas go for it.

            I hope you find your nitch there are so many great oppertunitys out there.


          4. summer | | #16

            Thanks for your reply.

            Wow, it seems you have survived a lot. So glad all is going well with you. I am copying this reple and saving it. I will get in touch with you agian at the beginning of the New year.

            For Now,

            Have a HAPPY HOLIDAY.



          5. jjgg | | #17

            WOW! your flowers are fabulous - esp the poppies. So you embroider the petals all separately and then attach them into a flower?

          6. pc3 | | #18

            Thank you so much. I love them, but it is nice to hear that other people like them also.

            Yes, they are sewed out on Poly Mesh, cut apart (I use a wood burning tool to cut them out) and then wired together. They look real when they are done. My daughter is getting married in May and we are making all of her flowers for the wedding. But they are so much fun to do it's like playing instead of work.

          7. jjgg | | #19

            How long do they take to sew out? (each petal?) I suppose you can set them to sew out all the petals on one frame (if the frame is big enough)I book marked your site, I may have to order them. I love poppies, real, embroidered or appliquéd on my quilt.

          8. pc3 | | #20

            They are sewed out in a 5x7 hoop and all of the petals are sewed out in one hooping. Then the leaves are sewed out in the next hoop. I think the petals take about 45 minutes and the leaves another 25 or 30 minutes. But I might be off a few minutes. I haven't done that flower in a few months. But my sister entered a contest for breast cancer awareness and the contest was to decorate the front of a bra with something. She put poppies on it and used greenery along with it. She didn't win anything, but it sure was funny.


          9. jjgg | | #21

            I saw a display of those bras. I don't know if it was the same contest your sister was in, but they were all very good.

          10. pc3 | | #22

            It was a great idea for a very important cause. Any one touched by cancer of any kind appreciates the support that things like that generate. And the ideas that people came up with were so creative.



          11. AnitaSews | | #13

            I am in the same position you were when you started this thread.  I have looked at several different manufacturers and compared their features and the Brother Innov-is 1500D has far more features for the money than their competition.  That worries me...why is it much less money and does the same thing?  I don't expect you to answer that, just thinking out loud. 

            I am looking for an entry level sewing/embroidery machine that I can grow into (feature-wise) so I don't have to upgrade in the future.

            What did you ultimately buy and how do you like it? 


  6. dressed2atee | | #23

    Hi there, my first embroidery/sewing machine was a Pfaff 2124.  It's pretty limited.  I recenlty purchased a Babylock Ellegante2.  It is fabulous!!!  Very user friendly, I think it exactly like the Brother Innovis.

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