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sewing entrepreneure

brigitte_gerandol | Posted in The Archives on

Does anyone out there have any suggestions for home based sewing businesses? I am researching this idea and could use some suggestions. Please e-mail [email protected]. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Victoria_Miesle | | #1

    I used to have a custom sewing business of my own doing alterations, custom designed clothing, and teaching. I still teach many aspects of sewing at our local store, but, I have a friend who has a degree in costume design and has successfully designed for the McCalls Pattern Co. Although, she nolonger is producing new patterns for them, she is still receiving royalties from patterns she designed a couple of years ago that they still carry. She is now preparing to design some articles for some local boutiques.
    What is it that you are hoping to do in your new venture?

    1. brigitte_gerandol | | #2

      *I would like to manufacture a product as well as get into teaching of classes. I am an intermediate sewer and constantly learning. I am also thinking or making leather products such as moccasins, gloves, vests etc. I love to sew and would like to make it my career eventually.

      1. Victoria_Miesle | | #3

        *I would think that any sewing store in your area would welcome a new teacher. I happen to teach the serger classes at the local quilt shop, although I am not a quilter but a fashion clothing sewer. They welcome my input on most of things that are related to clothing and serging. I would also think that for your leather production, it's a matter of finding someone to 'distribute' it, a local boutique perhaps. The same would be for your manufactured product--there is someone, somewhere, who will love your products, you just need to find them. I wish you lots of luck in your venture, and if there is anything I can help you with--I run a local sewing guild and several of the members are designers, and produce sewn products for others(be it stores or individuals).

        1. Sarah_Kayla | | #4

          *I find that it has helped me to have a very narrow specialty. I make high end arty Judaica. It is admittedly a very narrow specialty, but I have clients from around the country. Whe I stared out i was much more genralized, making kids costumes and baby quilts as well. After a year or so I realized that while the quilts and costumes I made were fine, no one was doing what I was doing with Judaica. Focusing has allowed me to establish a reputation and has helped to do figure out which shows and venues to exhibit in. There are lots of narrow needs that want to be met. It is a matter of looking at your skills and passio

          1. Pam_Brown | | #5

            *You may want to check with your local county extension office to request home based business materials. For your venture to be successful and sustainable for as long as you want it, there are several other issues you may want to consider: Space for the business, your family's support, zoning restrictions, legalizing your business, insurance (most home owner insurance does not cover a home based business operation), sales taxes, how to market your business and more. All of this feeds into an overall business plan that can help you better anticipate challenges in the business. The Texas Ag. Extension Service has two free publications: So you want to start a home based business and Starting a home based needlework/artisan business. Hope this is helpful.

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