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Sewing machine help

kayrosie | Posted in General Discussion on

Okay I need some help.  WE are trying to get a Model Iris Husqvarna, Embroidery part of it to work.  WE have attached athe Embroidery arm but when we go to start it does not go to the center of the hoop.  Does anybody have any suggesstions for me. 


  1. User avater
    matzahari | | #1

    some machines can be set to go to the center of the design and others to the starting point.   sounds like your machine is set to starting point.....see if there is an icon or button on the display that indicates which setting is being used.  hope this helps.

    1. kayrosie | | #2

      Thanks but it just seems to set there and do nothing.   It is supposed to start in the center.  We are going to make an appointment with the dealer. 

  2. fabricholic | | #3

    Have you made sure the arm is pushed all the way in? Have you lifted the presser foot? I am trying to think what to do. Is there an icon of an embroidery hoop that you need to press? Does it ask if you have stabilizer on it?

    1. kayrosie | | #4

      I think we have checked all that.  My daughter has an appointment with the person that sold it to the school so maybe that will help.  We have checked everything that we knew what to do. 

  3. carolinecymru | | #5

    I know with the old Orchidea you could check the edges of the pattern by selecting the corner positions on the control panel, and the arm would whizz the hoop around to make the needle sit at the 4 corners. It enabled you to see where the pattern was going to sew out relative to other things on your fabric, and then you could 'nudge' the position if it wasn't quite right. If you do that with your Iris, and it moves the needle to sensible positions in the hoop, it should show that the computer inside knows where the needle and hoop are. Have you tried getting it to sew a very small pattern?

    1. MaryinColorado | | #6

      Does it do this with just one vendors designs?  It may be the way one particular digitizer set the design to place the first stitch.  Mary

      1. kayrosie | | #7

        Actually we tried several different designs on it with the card and all.  My daughter called the dealer and she is going down there tomm. to see if they can give her a lesson on it. This is a sewing machine that the school bought, nobody has learned to use it, the previous teacher last year didn't know how to thread a machine, and she was a Consumer Science Teacher, anyway my daughter is going to be teaching that class now and she wants to know how it works and all. I have an Elna and it works on the basic same way but this one is not working so right. The dealer did say it might be hung up if they had not used it for year, and had it sitting around with the embroidery arm on it.  So we are going to go down and see about it. She was very helpful..Thank all of you for your suggesstions.  I guess I must have been on the right track just not getting it to work. 

        1. MaryinColorado | | #8

          I own the Husqvarna Viking Designer I, Rose(both sewing/emb. mach), and the Huskylock 936 Serger.  They are all excellent machines.  I do take each of them in once a year for a thorough cleaning and check up.  I also use a vacuum attatchment ($10.00) to keep them clean after use, they are usually covered and the emb. unit removed when not in use.  I've taught my 3 grandkids to sew on these machines and proper care & feeding of them. 

          Hope all is taken care of and your daughter will enjoy the Iris.  I wouldn't be surprised if she gets hooked on this fun machine.  Viking dealers are great usually, they offer trade ups and when you buy thier machines, the website has free upgrades for the software.  She may be able to go to the website and get the free software upgrades once she gets the machine back. 

          Good Luck!  I hope it works soon.   Mary

          1. kayrosie | | #9

            I am thinking it will be fun to see how this machine works.  The school is willing to get her anything she would like since they really want her to learn how to embroidery on this machine and maybe do some shirts for them.  SHe has a big job ahead of her.

            Thanks for your info.


          2. MaryinColorado | | #12

            Sounds like they found the right teacher for the job this time!  Someone enthusiastic and interested in making learning fun! 

            Let us know if there's anything we can help with!  Mary

          3. kayrosie | | #13

            I will do that. She b ought a pattern to make retro aprons.  I am going to copy it and we are going to try and make one.  I bought some material that I thought look retro.  Will try it this weekend.

            Thanks for all your help. Will let you know what we find out today about the sewing machine.



          4. MaryinColorado | | #14

            Hope you get the machine back soon in tip top shape!  Have fun with your daughter!  Those aprons sound cute.  Mary

          5. kayrosie | | #15

            We got the sewing machine down to the dealer and found it had been dropped, or something. We have no idea since my daughter has not taught down there.  This is her first year and she just got the job. She decided she decided to try to figure out this machine and that is when we found it there is something wrong with it.  So we will have to go get it another day.  Thanks for all your help.


          6. MaryinColorado | | #16

            That is a shame!  Hopefully it will be running like a charm when she gets it back!  Mary

          7. kayrosie | | #17

            Yes hopefully.  At least it should.  I would be sick if it was my own but since the school owns it it is their problem. I don't understand why somebody had not checked it out before this though.  Makes me think somebody should go check out all the sewing machines and make sure they work.  I am going to suggest that to my daughter try them all out the next time she goes to the school.  They are going to clean out the refrigerators one of these days so that might be a good timie to do it.


          8. MaryinColorado | | #18

            I would think they would have a tax number or something and get a discount since it is a school.  They probably haven't been vacuumed and oiled once a year and test driven. 

          9. kayrosie | | #19

            Oh there was no worry about getting it fixed. They have too.  It is just to bad whoever dropped it had not spoken up before now so they could have had it all fixed and ready to go. 

            Well, I am going to get busy and start making baby clothes again.  I need to make some baby quilts and stuff.  Looks like we are going to have another baby in th family.  My nephews are going to have one and last night my son and daughter inlaw informed us they are going to have a baby. So Grandma needs to get busy. Going to dig out the stuff tonight after I get home from work. Time to gear up the sewing machine again.


          10. Katcleland | | #20

            Just jumping in on the tail end of a chat I am sure, but I was happy to read about the new baby coming, I actually got back into sewing again because of two grandchildren 6 months apart, some how I still don't feel old enough to be a Nana but hey the reality is I am.  I was looking seriously at the Iris machine because it is my name and I thought it was a sign, but it was near double the price up here in Canada compared to the U.S. and I would not be able to get it serviced if I bought state side.  So I went Pfaff.

            Have fun getting into the sewing again, I am doing heirloom style Rompers for my grandsons and I must say with no deadline the pleasure to sew these little outfits has returned.


          11. kayrosie | | #21

            I have never got into the heirloom sewing but I bet it would be fun to do. Sure would like to see pictures if you are able to download them on here.   I don't know much about the Iris. My daughter will be teaching and that is the one they have.  I have an Elna and have always been happy with it.  My sister has a  Pfaff.  She reall likes it.  I think it is just what ever you get used to is the sewing machine you like.

          12. Katcleland | | #22

            It is funny each Romper set starts as a simple one but before I know it I am thinking hmmm, I should butt that up against the hem instead of making a straight hem and before you know it pockets have entredeux and the wing needle is making stitched designs and suddenly it is more than a simple play romper, but I tell my daughter and daughter-in-law just let the lads wear them otherwise I will not feel like I can keep playing myself. OR I wonder what if I topstitched the collar in pale blue to go with the romper wouldn't that be sweet on the white collar, and on and on it goes.

            I loved this when I sewed for my own children but they all needed far more clothes than I had time to embellish so I settled for piping on the boys shirts and pockets and some pretty stitches on my daughters hem of her jumpers.

            It seems easy to do to me but I am rusty now after many years of simply sewing dresses and skirts for myself and really how many sets of place mats do we really need :-)

          13. kayrosie | | #23

            I would be most happy if I had all the time I wanted to sit at the machine and just play.  Darn anyway.  I know what you mean .  I get carried away and put all kinds of stitches and stuff on them.  I did a smock dress for my two granddaughters one time. Made it up myself and just did it. They wore them alot. They were very cute.  Now my one granddaughter is 12 and not into dresses but the other one is 6 and she still likes them.  Of course, with new baby coming who knows, I maybe able to make some girl dresses. HAHAH.

          14. Katcleland | | #24

            Funny how life always cuts into what we really want to do, I guess that is why it is called living.

            I too wish I had more time to do the pleasures of the heart, but we grab what we can when we can and file the rest for "Some Day"  usually when I get going down the road of play and suddenly it is 2 in the morning and darn it all I have to get up for work in a few hours so a hasty closure happens to the project and off I go to find my pillow.

            My husband is very understanding and simply smiles when he hears how late it was for he knows good and well I can't do that 2 nights in a row anymore and I will be a very good girl in to bed on time the next night.

          15. kayrosie | | #25

            I know the feeling.  When i made those 9 dresses for the wedding. I was very organized and on time.  Had everything planned out and ready to go. Why can't I do that more.  I have to be more disciplined. 

        2. kbalinski | | #10

          I also own an Iris machine.  I love it, use it almost everyday.  Started doing so much embroidery, I upgraded to a 6 thread Brother that only does embroidery.  Couldn't bear to part with my Iris, though.  If you have any questions in the future, let me know.


          1. kayrosie | | #11

            I think she will really like the machine when she gets it all figured out.


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