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sewing machine power cords-help

ottonpantherbaby | Posted in General Discussion on

I have a big problem and i hope someone may have an answer for me. When we moved the power cord to my sewing machine a 770 plantitium viking was lost. I talked to a dealer, they are not sure the main company will have one since my machine is about 8 yrs old. Does anybody have an idea?



  1. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #1

    Try another dealer. Also do an internet search. An eight year old machine is not old. There are places that are out there that can supply parts for most major machine companies. I have a 30 year old machine. That excuse would work for that age of machine. I have seen power cords and foot pedals for sale on ebay, so check there also. How eager was your dealer to look for the part for you? If he was not that eager/helpful, find a better dealer. Cathy

  2. zuwena | | #2

    Let me suggest that you also contact the customer service office at Viking.  In the past, I have been remarkably successful in going right to the source when I've had a problem locating something from a particular company.  They can usually identify dealers or, when they are very nice, they will get it and send it to you and the price will usually be at cost or sometimes gratis.

    Good luck.  Z

  3. MaryinColorado | | #3

    Oh horsepucky!  I have had to replace the powercord for my Viking Rose when it was about 10 years old.  It sounds as if that dealer just didn't care to provide good customer service.  Try a dealer that has "Authorized factory service" locally or nearby if possible.  They can order what they don't have in stock from Viking.  The dealers in the Joanne stores don't seem as knowledgeable in my opinion as the independant dealers are. 

    If not, contact http://www.husqvarnaviking.usa.com online. Good luck, you should be able to get satisfaction from them. 

    Have they stopped making and selling the Platinum series?  Mary

  4. Teaf5 | | #4

    When you do your internet search, enter your "machine name" and "model number" and "power cord" in the box, and you'll probably get a number of sites.  I did this last week and found a free, downloadable machine manual from the manufacturer of a machine I just inherited!

  5. rekha | | #5

    I don't really understand your question .

    Are you saying that the original powercord was removed and you have replaced it with something else. If yes, did it start the machine at all? If yes, you could trace the fault. If you are using a powercord rated less than the machine requires you would expect the machine to 'blow up'.

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