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sewing machine purchase help

bmbmb | Posted in General Discussion on

I am going to purchase a new machine and I was wanting to hear from some owners of a few types of machines.  I was thinking about a baby lock ellure’,  an elna heirloom edition, a viking iris or a bernina machine.  Please help me make a decision.  If anyone has one of these machines or is famalir with them let me know.  There are not to many dealers in my area and I would have to drive a considerable distance to look at all the different brands of machines.  Also if you have other suggestions please let me know.  I do mostly heirloom sewing for my daughter and some sewing for around the house. 



  1. Sheba | | #1

    I currently own a Viking Iris machine, for sewing its great! no problems, and easy to use. It has 20 built in stitches, when I purchased this machine from the dealer he compared it to the Viking Designer II for sewing it is basically the same. But for embroidery the attached loop is only 4 x 4, the different cards to add to your your library can add up.  Also if you desire to download from the internet your need to purchase a reader writer about 200-300 and the software for both you are looking around $500.00. So consider how much embroidery you plan to do.  You are limited in looping but if you are experienced you can connect the loops. Good luck.

    Edited 4/25/2003 1:26:50 PM ET by sheba

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