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Sewing Machine reccommendations

suestep | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I am looking for a new sewing machine to that I will use for a variety of sewing including quilting. Do you have any reccommendations.



  1. 1sewhappy | | #1


    I'm a new subscriber and I got on to see if I could get recommendations for a new sewing machine also.  I have been shopping around a lot and am very confused at this point because every shop seems to think their machine is the very best and gives me doubts about the other brands.

    I am also looking for a machine to mostly do quilting on but also to sew clothing sometimes.  I've narrowed it down (I think) to a Pfaff or a Brother.  The Brother it looks like you get a lot more features for the money but the Pfaff seems better quality.  So now I don't know whether to go with quality or the better buy. 

    I know I probably haven't helped you much, but can I join in asking everyone else out their for their advice?



    1. DeniseM | | #2

      The best machine is the one that you can afford, you enjoy using, you get good service and a warranty on and that you can grow into. I emphasize growing into a machine because if you get the least expensive with only a few stitches you'll be trading up in a month. I own a Viking D1, a Pfaff 1540 and a Bernina 165E. I love them all, use them for different things. The Brother is a good machine but I'm not sure about he quality as I don't own one. Bernina has a great reputation but I've seen the 1500 and 1600 series for sale on ebay and wouldn't touch either them because while they are great machines I  hate the interface. I look for ease of use and stitch quality. Make sure your dealer offers lessons and gives good support. These are more important than brand name. Also, I wouldn't go to Target or any big box store as you will get what you pay for, which isn't much. Any machine will do a good job quilting. It's a fallacy that you need a special machine for that. There isn't a decent machine on the market that hasn't got sitches for quilting. Test drive them all. Good luck with your purchase.

  2. Hoteimama | | #3

    I've been a Bernina owner for 30 years, and wouldn't give up a single one if I didn't have to! They are pricey machines, but well worth it. Try to get a machine a little beyond what you think you'll need, so you have some room to grow. The Bernina stitch quality is superb, and the machines are very easy to use. Of course, dealer support is a major consideration-but a good dealer can't compensate for a mediocre machine. I currently sew on a 180E, an 1130, a 1260, and a 930-all are excellent! Good luck in your search.-Tomi

    1. suestep | | #4

      Thanks for your suggestions. I have heard very good reports on Bernina.Sue

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