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Sewing machine shopping

Pegybell | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Many of you have suggested purchasing a machine that has a straight stitch needle plate and pressure foot for sewing sheer silks.  However, I am having difficulty finding a machine that has these as accessories.  

Would you guys please share names of machines that you are happy with that have this plate and  foot?

Thanks and regards,



  1. Elisabeth | | #1

    I got both a few years ago for my Viking. The stitch plate I had special ordered at a dealer and was a little expensive but it really is wonderful for those fabrics that want so badly to dive into the bobbin area. I doubt that most machines will come with these as included accessories. You might ask the dealers what extras they can get for you for any machine you are interested in.

    1. Pegybell | | #3

      Thanks Elizabeth,

      I have talked to my Viking dealer about these accessories and now that I know Viking has them I can push for them.  It seems that dealers have their own interest and they push these.  I've talked to a Brother dealer 3 times in the past week and have yet to get info from him on which machines have this feature.  He like the Janome machines that he sells better so guess what we have been talking about!

      Regards, Peggy

      1. KarenW | | #4

        Doesn't seem like such an elusive question that you couldn't get a quick and easy answer!   Pfaff and Bernina both have these accessories as well, I have and use them regularly on both  my machines of these brands.  I work for a Pfaff/Brother dealer, can check and see if Brother has them today (if I can remember!!!!), but if not you can "create" your own straight stitch plate by dropping the needle into the opening then affixing tape to the side of it on each side so as to create a smaller opening which won't allow fabric to be pulled down.


        1. barbchr | | #5

          My Elna Heirloom (which I love) had a straight stitch throat plate available for purchase as an extra. I was going to buy it, but the dealer recommended that, before I buy the extra, I try using the standard throat plate with the straight stitch foot that came with the machine for delicate fabrics. So far, this has worked fine.My old Kenmore came with the additional throat plate with the little hole. I broke more than one needle switching to zigzag and forgetting to change the throat plate!

      2. Elisabeth | | #6

        Another thought, when I ordered the stitchplate I was asked if I wanted the markings on the plated to be in inches or centimeters. Since I was used to my metric regular plate I got metric, but it was news to me that it came in inch markings as well.

  2. stitchmd | | #2

    Do ask the dealer if the specific things you want are available. With all the features they are showing you they might miss one. Often they have lots of extras tucked away that they don't show until you've chosen a machine and they want to sell you more to go with it.

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