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Conversational Threads

Sewing Machines

donnasdream | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

What is the best machine out now that is good for upholstery and quilting along with fashion sewing? and I’m on a budget.


  1. User avater
    White77mg | | #1

    Have you considered a vintage machine?  Check out your local Craigslist to see what's for sale in your area.  I found my White 77mg there and I love it.  I use it for my garment sewing and occasionally for heavy-duty home dec.  It only goes forward and backward and has a buttonhole attachment - but that's all I need.

    You also might want to take a look at some popular sewing blogs.  For example, Brian uses a lot of vintage machines and describes their various attributes at BrianSews.com.

  2. stillsuesew | | #2

    You definitely don't want one of those cheap plastic things you can buy for under $100 at Walmart.  It will not last and they won't fix it if something goes wrong.  Any of the big brands will work.  I would go to a dealer and tell him what you want and how much you have to spend and bring along some heavy weight decorator fabric and some light weight dress fabric and try the machines on both.  Of course he will try to sell you something bigger and better, but you don't have to go there.  Just keep repeating what you want.  The dealer should have several used machines to show you and they should stand behind them in case something goes wrong.  I have had wonder Riccars, Whites, and Vikings.  Others love their Singers and Pfaffs.  Try what is available to you.  People always say they want something basic, but if it doesn't do anything more than a straight and zigzaag, you will never know if you wanted something else because there will be no room for trying.  Enjoy the hunt.

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