Hello all,
I’m not certain who to ask if this topic is appropriate for the Threads Gathering; but I’d appreciate your help in getting the word out.
There’s a non-profit, that I admire very much, called Spirit of America. They work closely with the United States Marines to match money and goods to specific needs in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Marines tell Spirit of America what they need and then SOA uses the Internet to get the word out. They are able to work very, very quickly.
The Marines in Iraq have asked for sewing machines.
So, I thought all the great folks at Threads might be interested. After all, how often do Marines ask for sewing machines….?
Specifically, they are raising money for industrial sewing machines for Sewing Centers which are being set up by the Director of Economic development. These centers will employ women to do piece-work in order to provide poor Iraqis with affordable clothing. They expect these centers be self sufficient in about 3 months.
Here’s a bit more about the project – Sewing machines for Iraqi women
And here is some background information on this organization, which is an official charitable organization, i.e., donations are tax-deductible.
$475 and we’ve got one machine. They are aiming for 950 machines so every little bit helps.
I’ve made my donation and I hope you will too,
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Wow! What a project - I'm always impressed when the larger world gets interested in providing sewing machines & materials for folks who have such need. Do you mind if I copy your post and place it on another message board? ~ Meg
Yes, please do! I very much appreciate your help with getting the word out.
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