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Conversational Threads

Sewing Show in Puyallup, WA

Ckbklady | Posted in General Discussion on

Hi everyone,

I got to the Quilt, Craft & Sew Show at the Puyallup Fairgrounds (Washington State, USA) yesterday and see that no one here has mentioned it, so I thought I’d report in. It’s a much smaller show than the Sew Expo in March that Threads attends (and that I am already counting the seconds to the opening day). It’s on today and tomorrow (but not on Sunday, oddly).

Anyone who might have the time to drop in at the show can see the exhibitors and classes here:


It’s a VERY quilty show – very little for fashion and garment sewers, but lovely to be in a big room stuffed with $9000 embroidery machines anyway. I actually didn’t buy a thing, so I’m going later today to my local Pacific Fabrics store to tempt myself further and to get in the mood to sew for the holidays.

Quilters, crafters and anyone ready to buy a new machine might get a kick out of the show. I hope the news is useful to some.

🙂 Mary


  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    Have you heard anything from "Blondie"?  She lives in that area. It's been a long time since we've had any posts from her.  I pray she and her family are well.  She used to post so often.  Mary

    1. Ckbklady | | #2

      No, I haven't seen her posting lately. I wished we all had worn name tags at the sewing show - I bet we cross paths with other Threads posters without knowing it.

      :) Mary

      1. MaryinColorado | | #3

        Talk about sticker shock!  What are they thinking with those prices?  Whew!  Might as well get an industrial machine and go into the business if you're going to put out that much money.

        I love seeing all the quilts at the shows.  At the show in Denver, some of my favorites are the Alzheimer's Quilts.  I enjoy reading the stories behind them too.  

        Did you see any "must have" new notions?  Mary

        1. Ckbklady | | #4

          Tell me about it. I couldn't believe the saleslady kept a straight face when she told me that the $9000 was on "show special" for $4995. Who has $5000 to spend on a sewing machine?

          What really got me was that the commercial/industrial machines were even more. It was the smaller "hobby" embroidery machines that were in the $5000 and up range. I really feel for the salespeople. Selling those in this economy has to be a challenge.

          There were some lovely quilts at the show. I'm not a quilter, but I sure appreciated the precision and attention to detail.

          At the show were there any "must have" notions? Yes and no. Not an essential but a handy gadget is the new Sidewinder from Wrights - it's a little motor-powered tabletop box that winds bobbins. It can be powered with batteries or with the included plug-in A/C adapter. It's nice not to have to unthread a machine to run a new bobbin, but the price is high- $30 in most places. The show had them at full retail, but I got one at 30% off in Portland last week already. It's the first notion I've bought in a very long time. I love that there aren't many innovations in sewing gadgets - I have no more space to store them!

          :) Mary

          1. MaryinColorado | | #5

            I haven't been to any of the fall shows this year.  I saw the Sidewinder in the Nancy's Notions catalog.  I hope the person who invented it will get the royalties for it!  It should sell like hotcakes, as they say.  Hoping to venture outside today since it is suposed to be warm and sunny.   Mary


          2. Ckbklady | | #6

            The Sidewinders were selling like hotcakes at the show! It was wild to see a huge pyramid of the little boxes. I mentioned to my companion how much I liked it and as I described it, three ladies leaned over and listened in. They bought one each. I should have gotten a commission!

            I'll see your "sunny and warm in CO" and raise you a "cold, wet and dark in Seattle"!

            :) Mary

          3. MaryinColorado | | #7

            As Kenny Rogers sang "You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run".  I won't rub it in though, Colorado weather changes so fast, by the time I get dressed and ready to go out the door, it just might snow or ???  Guess I better "run"....Mary

          4. Ckbklady | | #8

            I know it. Here the saying is, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." I have sunglasses and an umbrella in my purse at all times. The sun comes out so infrequently this time of year that we all feel like vampires when it does - dashing for a nice, dark house!

            :) Mary

          5. MaryinColorado | | #9

            I spend way too much time alone n this house!  I am going stir crazy! 

          6. Ckbklady | | #10

            Well, it won't be long until you can go outside and make a snowman. :)

            Being indoors a lot can be a bit much - even a short walk outside could cheer you up.

            :) Mary

          7. MaryinColorado | | #11

            I need to find a way to get out there and start meeting new people my own age.  I'm a bit shy at first and am bored with my own company and doing things alone or with the grandkids.  I guess it's a delayed "empty nest syndrome".  My home was always a flurry of activity, now it's quiet as a tomb! 

            Okay, I'm done whining now, sorry everybody!  Thanks for your encouragement.  Mary

          8. Ckbklady | | #12

            You're not whining, you're venting and it's perfectly alright. This is the perfect place for that- this is an online virtual 21st century quilting bee! Didn't ladies always use quilting bees to get together and talk? If you can't talk to your fellow sewers while you're quiltin' along (or sewing, knitting, weaving..) then who can you talk to?

            I'm cheering for you - now get out there in that Colorado weather and meet folks! Are you a member of the local ASG group? That would be a lovely way to meet like-minded folk. I have been wavering about joining my local ASG because I am snowed under with schoolwork and work, but in the New Year I'll have more time and may do so.

            :) Mary


          9. MaryinColorado | | #13

            Thanks for your kindness.  I took your advice and went out for a long (2hrs.!) walk today with my lab, Bailey.  I had to really push myself to do it, but it felt great to be outside in the fresh air.  (Then I came home and took a nap with the heating pad. ha ha) 

            The ASG might be a good idea, I hadn't thought of that.  Thanks Mary!  What are you studying in school? Mary

          10. Ckbklady | | #14

            Oh, that's great! Fresh air with a lively dog is just the ticket! Try that every day or two and you'll be feeling great!

            What am I studying? I'm working on an Accounting degree, and this quarter the focus is on Federal Payroll Accounting - yecccchhhh. I've been sneaking in a copy of the reprinted Margolis patternmaking book and reading it during the lectures. Way more fun than knowing every imaginable permutation of those W-2s!

            The ASG will be the answer to my prayers in the New Year, I think. School has been such a huge part of my life the last three years that I sew infrequently. Having meetings to attend will keep it on my radar, I hope!

            :) Mary

          11. MaryinColorado | | #15

            When I was in nursing school, we had classes all day, intermittant clinicals at night or in the evenings, and I worked part time.  I remember pinching my arm to stay awake.  One day, sitting in the front row, with the strictest professor right in front of me, I fell asleep!  I was mortified, she had such a mean reputation.  She called me in after class, and just kidded me about it.  Whew!  Anyway, I know what it's like to have to put sewing and other things on the back burner for awhile.  Will you get a Christmas break?  Mary

          12. Ckbklady | | #16

            Yikes - a scary instructor ribbed you about being exhausted? Ouch. I've done my share of pinching myself. I have a bit of an edge, though. In this wonderful 21st century, instructors don't bat an eye at students hauling water bottles or coffee cups into class. I carry something with me to drink at all times. Even water keeps me awake sometimes (although today was a three-latte morning!).

            I will get a break - thanks! I'll have about a week to myself in the middle of December, and then Christmas prep will take me away from sewing again and the holiday whirl will eat up the final week of the month. I will have fewer courses next quarter (and much less tedious ones!) so there will be sewing time - hurray!

            Thanksgiving will be wonderful tomorrow - no textbooks open for two whole days!

            Happy Thanksgiving!

            :) Mary


          13. MaryinColorado | | #17

            I don't think the instructors cared if we had drinks, but sitting in those little chairs all day with the attatched tiny "desk" left no room, with huge textbooks, notebooks, and a tape recorder.  If you had a drink, someone was bound to accidentally kick it over, lol.  But you're right, the 21st century has brought us those wonderful water bottles and lidded drink holders, Starbucks, and energy drinks and bars that actually taste good. 


          14. MaryinColorado | | #18

            I forgot to say, winter has arrived, we have snow and it's cold, brrrrr.  Mary

          15. Ckbklady | | #23

            Cold and snowy is wonderful - it makes the sky bright even on an overcast day. It is so dark here, and the sun sets so early. We have had a few good dry days - very unusual for Thanksgiving!

            I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving Day and that the rest of the weekend is good "walk-the-dog" weather!


            :) Mary

  2. User avater
    blondie2sew | | #19

    Hey you two!! I loved your conversationAnd Yes I did go to the show as well...I went on Friday after my CTA meeting and of course bought a few items...but Mary I am sorry to say that it isn't like Sew Expo with all the trims!! What a drag!! But I did get a few things...not that bobbin winder though I still have mixed thoughts about it...looks too much like a toy to me..but that is my opinion...Then I went back with my youngest Giselle (6) and we did some make and takes..well to her "Crafts" she was all about it!! we were having fun...but I was sicker then sick but I still couldn't miss it!!Thanks for letting me jump in!! By the by Name tags would be great!! I would love to see who all we chat with at places we go!!Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderfulBlondie

    Edited 11/24/2007 12:40 am by blondie2sew

    1. MaryinColorado | | #20

      Hi Connie!  It's great to "hear" from you!  Glad that you managed to get to Puyallup with your daughter and have some fun "crafting".   It's nice to spend special time with each child and let them have your undivided attention. 

      I've been painting and reorganizing my little sewing room over the last few months.  I'm working on a quilt for my youngest grandson, 11yrs. It was supposed to be for his birthday, but the olde arthritis kicked that idea to the curb.  I hope to finish it and a serger crazy patch Christmas stocking this month.  I think you and I first started conversing over Christmas stockings last year.  Mary L



      1. User avater
        blondie2sew | | #21

        Yes I believe we did start that way with Stockings!! I do have some others I want to make for some special people in my life but We will see if this year or nextI want to start a tradition that my grandma did with us grandkids every year...have brand new pj's for Christmas...but I will be making them...so that is what I want to start with!! I have material...of course....Well when you get your projects finished love love love to see them in the gallery for all the ooohs and ahhhs!! I will have to post a special thread to let everyone know about my kids sewing program....it has been a joy and my sanity...love love love it...they give me so much energy!! But I will need to get some time to do that...so be watching for that thread...I have been moving my/girls' sewing room to a different room and so I am in caios as well...I am now dragging my sewing machine to my kitchen table, until I get organized...haven't done that in a long long long time. ha ha hasmiles to you alwaysBlondieEdited 11/24/2007 11:12 am by blondie2sew

        Edited 11/24/2007 11:13 am by blondie2sew

    2. MaryinColorado | | #22

      I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful too!  Well, we had a bit of a fiasco.  The plumbing was messed up for three days.  Stubborn hubby just kept working at it, he knows what he's doing, but this needed an expert.  We had take out turkey dinner from Boston Market.  It wasn't too bad, my daughter saved the day with that idea.  Small blessings noted! 

      The plumber spent alot of time here yesterday, gee, only $300.00 later, and a recommendation to have a guy come in and run a camera through the line for another $500.00 or so, then who knows?  Maybe tree limbs or not.  It is working now so please say a little prayer for us!

      The kitchen is finally clean.  So we are cooking the turkey dinner now.  ha ha  Our daughter and the grandkids are here so I better sign off and do a different type of "basting". 

      hugs, Mary

      1. Ckbklady | | #25


        I just caught up with the rest of this thread. I'm so sorry about your plumbing problems! But how nice to think that you will have had two Thanksgiving dinners!

        May your turkey be lovely and may you enjoy your family time today.

        Warm wishes,


        1. MaryinColorado | | #28

          We had a very nice dinner today, the turkey was perfect.  The kids are very entertaining but quiet now that they are older.  It's too cold to be outside much yet, but that will change soon I think.

          Squirrels on the bird feeders.  The dog is having fun chasing away the squirrels, then the birds go back to the feeders.  The dog comes in the house.  Five minutes later wants back outside to chase the squirrels away again.  It's funny to watch out the back door.  What a circus.  This went on all day. 

          Then we noticed a real menagerie out front too, even though the dog isn't allowed out there without a leash.  The birds seem to be hanging out in groups at the feeders, the squirrels sitting right beneath them picking at the scraps,  then some magpies came and chased them all away. 

          Cheap thrills, lol.   Mary

      2. User avater
        blondie2sew | | #27

        oh my gosh just think of all the sewing things and trim and fabric you could buy with that plumbing money....that is just wrong!! ha ha haI spent Thanksgiving with my family and I have to say it was nice we needed to be together!! My honey just returned home for 3 weeks then he will have to go back but he being here is much needed...bummer he won't be able to stay a bit longer for Christmas. I am glad you are enjoying your kids and grandkids...and hey who says you can't have your official Thanksgiving meal after the official day!! It's all about the company!! Chat soon EnjoyBlondie

        Edited 11/24/2007 5:42 pm by blondie2sew

        1. MaryinColorado | | #30

          I am so glad to hear that your dear hubby is home for awhile to be with you all during this difficult time.  What a blessing that he was able to get leave.  Mary 

          1. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #31

            Yes Books with the animals....The girls' preschool did that, they had "Book Buddie Bags" for the kids to take home and there was a stuffed animal and books that contained all about that little friend..sometimes even a game...Great idea..See you reminded me of that!! Might have to see about getting a book on Giraffe's. I also have the Cat pattern..I asked about a monkey..Because I love monkeys myself but she informed me monkeys were in the incubator.Too fun..And yes it has been a real joy knowing that I can breath and have a break in my thoughts when needed with my honey home...Thanks for your smiles Mary

          2. MaryinColorado | | #32

            The book bags sound like a great idea too.  I hadn't thought of that.  So many ideas,  the hardest part is choosing which to do when!  Mary

          3. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #33

            Exactly!! Hey do you have any Carol Zoo patterns yourself? I actually love the faux fur collection she has...and lots of great assortment for the eyes and such for all the animals!

    3. Ckbklady | | #24

      Hiya Blondie,

      It was a small show, wasn't it. No complaints, though - a small show is better than no show! It's nice to think that other "Threads Boarders" were there. Let's do name tags for the Sew Expo in March!

      I was very skeptical about the Sidewinder too, but it's actually a very sturdy little thing. It sure will come in handy when I have a threaded machine and a need for other bobbin colors.

      What little items did you get? I love hearing about others' shopping adventures.

      :) Mary (the other Mary)


      1. User avater
        blondie2sew | | #26

        That is wonderful to hear about the winder...I still might look into it further because that would be handy!! What did I buy...I got another pattern from Carol's Zoo...the giraffe!! Actually I bought the kit so I got the wonderful fur too with it!! I bought myself the set of Kai scissors they had on show special!! A couple of notions...the gal I with with told me about this cool double pencil that would trace a 1/4" seam allowance and such so I bought that.
        Oh yeah and another tape measure I cut into mine...ya know those little but important things!! that was all of $.96 I think that was it...I saw that cool drawer cabinet with the ironing board in it and wow I could use that in my sewing room!! Of course I didn't have an extra few hundred $'s in my back pocket. But that could be on my wish list.Other then that I was pretty tame...no fabric this time...wow did I just say that, ha ha ha...Blondie

        Edited 11/24/2007 5:37 pm by blondie2sew

        1. MaryinColorado | | #29

          I love those Carol's zoo patterns.  It's fun to buy a book that fits a stuffed animal pattern.  I remember Serendipity books the Harp Seal, if memory serves.  I made three seals and gave them with books one Christmas.  Puppies and bunnies were popular.  Now there are so many to chose from!  Mary

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