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Conversational Threads

Sewing Studio Fairy is Baaaack!

Ceeayche | Posted in General Discussion on

She’s aware that you’re up against the wall with so much to do and so little time. Take some time and let her know what magic you’ve worked in your studio this year. Also if there’s some special magic you need from her to help you make it through now is the time to ask! She has her wand ready!


  1. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #1

    Hello Studio Fairy Godmother! Glad to see you back...A wave of the magic wand to spread Joy to those who are finding it hard to come up with ideas for last minute gifts would be appreciated... Thanks Cathy

    1. Ceeayche | | #2

      Consider it done Mz Cathy.

      She recommends an hour looking at back issues (even the wedding issue in June--rethink your favorites for NOW). Now, Exhale and let the fabric speak to you.

    2. User avater
      artfulenterprises | | #5

      Happy Holidays Cathy!

      Last minute trifles are easy with fleece! Scarves and lap blankies are the greatest...For those with fancy tastes...dredge up some scraps of flashy fabrics from your scrap piles and make little evening clutches. A girl can't have too many pretties!


  2. decoratrice | | #3

    Please, good Fairy, send lots of business to the independent fabric stores out there!

  3. KharminJ | | #4

    Happy Winter Holidays of Your Choice, Studio Fairy!

    My wish for Yule this year is "The git-up-and-go to actually USE some of the piles and stacks of fabric and fabric-masquerading-as-wadders that I have clogging up my space." I guess it's an improvement to get it out of the living room, but now I can barely get to the ironing board...!

    Bright Blessings to you and yours!


  4. thumbsx10 | | #6

    This is a bit late, but this could be archived for next year. Just today I saw a cute idea for a bottle bag: it was Santa's pants made of red felt, black ribbon for a belt, and the suspenders were the handles. It could hold two bottles or whatever, one in each pant leg.

    1. Ceeayche | | #7


      Ooooh that sounds cute for a wine gift!!!! I'm going to try that! or in denim for some garden tools! or in a fashion fabric for some sewing tools! Ohh the ideas are a flowing Thanks! The Studio Fairy has sprinkled some thank you dust on you!

      1. User avater
        VKStitcher | | #9

        CHL - those are great ideas, too!

    2. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #8

      What a neat idea!
      ETA: I'm an
      What a neat idea!

      ETA: I'm an referring to thumbsx10's post about the bottle carrier that looks like Santa's pants. This new forum setup doesn't make it easy to tell what post you're replying to!

This post is archived.

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