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Conversational Threads

sewing technique

saarc3 | Posted in General Sewing Info on

can anyone tell me how this techn is done. The top looks as if it is he crunch together and sewn. The material on the top is the same print as the skirt.  thanks


  1. Palady | | #1

    Strictly a guess here - on flat yardage,  made multiple rows of gathers on the length & crosswise grain.    Figure it's the sort of doing you'd have to experiemnt with using your scraps stash.


  2. Teaf5 | | #2

    On a recent purchased piece of fabric, this same effect was done with elastic thread on the back side, sewn in loops like a 4-petaled flower.  In a recent magazine article, they used a backing fabric, and then the fashion fabric was scrunched and tacked down. 

    I agree that it may take a lot of testing on a like fabric to get the effect you want.

    And, since the resulting fabric adds a lot of volume to the bodice, it would probably be most flattering for someone with a very small bust.

  3. stillsuesew | | #3

    Hand wind elastic thread on a bobbin and stitch all over the fabric piece.  You would do this to a piece of fabric before you cut out the pattern piece.  Test test test

  4. saarc3 | | #4

    Thank you for your suggestions.  I had not thought of them, but they certainly sound possible.  I am going to try all three, and I will let you know the results.  Thanks a bunch.

    1. Rabia | | #5

      If you are interested in texturing fabric, I highly recommend investing in the book "Fabric Manipulation". It is an astonishingly thorough book and covers methods of fabric manipulation of all kinds, some of which I had never thought about! It certainly gives you an EXCELLENT idea of what is possible with fabric!

  5. deemail | | #6

    The secrets to sewing the fabric with the elastic thread is to, hand wind several bobbins before you begin, 'wander' a bit as you go across the fabric, you don't want 'even' lines, and then after stitching, lay out the fabric and holding your iron an inch above the fabric, steam a lot...the elastic will draw up and pucker the fabric nicely.  Then, of course, the most important thing, make the fabric first in a generous sized piece as the fabric will shrink considerably...then lay out your bodice pieces, mark with chalk and then stay-stitch on the chalk lines BEFORE cutting.  Now cut and assemble as usual...it will lay better and the size will not alter if you do the gathering and steam shrinking, and stay-stitching before you cut.  The bodice will be cute but one of the places I use this technique often is when I cannot find the right color ribbing for t-shirts or cardigans....just a small piece will make cute and comfortable neck and cuffs.

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