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Conversational Threads

sewing trims on valances

hagbi | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

i just sewed a valance and want to put on a trim.  Do I sew it on or glue it on?


  1. suesew | | #1

    Glue won't stand up to washing or cleaning, but then who cleans their valances.

    1. hagbi | | #3

      thanks, sue suw for your reply but I don't intend to wash these valances.  I vacuum them clean

  2. louise | | #2

    Dear Yaf
    What type of trim did you wish to put on your valance? In general I sew on all trims, either by machine or hand, but there are some which fall outside of this type of exemplar. I am about to make an essentially box pleated valance for my living room, but I wish to draw up the centre back of the pleat slightly and then create the impression that the loops of my (to be ) affixed tassels are responsible. After much consideration I think a velcro tab or loop will do nicely. I would probably attach these after completion of the valance just to double check that my imaginings are working out in reality AND the tassels will be removable for laundering.

    And just for the record I do clean my valances...............usually when one of them comes down from on high sobbing about the distress of hanging there day after day suffering from neglect and the scorn of visitors. And.........other valances get cleaned, so why can't we?

    1. hagbi | | #4

      a beaded trim won't look nice if it is sewn on the front side of the valance.  I appreciate your response. 

      1. louise | | #5

        ? A beaded trim? I think you have my response confused with someone else's.
        So for what it is worth....when I use trim, I always line the item, basting together by hand first to check all is where it should be, then sew, clip curves and trim corners with confidence. Sometimes, understitching is needed to keep the lining from peeking out, but if you are using a cording with tape attached there should be no problem. If you wish to attach a cord alone, then I would sew by hand using a back stitch sewn right into the seamline. Then press and hang.

        Edited 1/16/2005 9:01 pm ET by Louise

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