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Sewing vetrans please….

kjmhjackson | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I have done some reasearch but i thought i would ask you experts for your opinion on a good machine for a beginner>thank you KJACKSON



  1. carolfresia | | #1

    Hi, K,

    Take a look in the "Equipment and supplies" folder here--there have been a couple of discussions recently on choosing new machines. People's opinions vary, of course, but one thing I can strongly recommend (without naming any brand names!!) is that you visit a local dealer and test-drive some machines in your price range. See how the machines feel, what features you can get for the price, and find out if you like the dealer and will want to be working with him/her in the future, for machine maintenance or even upgrading to increasingly better machines.

    Good luck!

    Carol Fresia

    P.S.: I've moved your message to this folder where people are more likely to reply.

    Edited 4/5/2002 4:14:47 PM ET by CAROLFRESIA

    1. LouiseBegin | | #2

      Carol gave you some super information on buying your first machine and I will try to go on from where she left off.In some ways buying a sewing machine is very much like buying a car.You will find a ford lover will tell you his car is the best?? Well sewing machine owners are much the same.We find a machine that we test drove(if we were smart) and it's our best tool and our favorite friend now.Which do you think we tell you??? My best friend is a White.

      If there are dealers close enough to you,...I hope...Hop in your car with a handful of different fabrics.If shops have trial fabrics on hand most will be midweight cottons ,muslins and such.For this venture leave credit cards and most cash at home.And go to as many dealers as possible and test drive these babies.Seat in the drivers seat you yourself flip the switch and sew.You will know which machine is the one you want.If you can try both new and refurbished machines.Don't let the clerk have all the fun.You are going to be using this at home.You want to drive itself first.Now talk money and this is important thought.Often the refurbihed machines are ones that are sound mechanically as have been overhauled and folks traded them in for newer ,fancier models.You will know which feel right to you and might very well get a better model for the same money.No you may not need or think you want all the possible extra features right now but will you want them soon.Please if possible stay away from Ames or Wally world specials on sewing machines.Most are considered to be almost entirely disposibles

      A good dealer will make sure you are happy with your machine and some will have great classes in their store.These can really be worth their weight in gold.

      I hope you love sewing even half as much as I do.

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