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Conversational Threads

Sewing with Stretch Chenille

kelly | Posted in The Archives on

Has anyone sewn with this pretty new stretch chenille? Just bought some, but it’s different than any fabric I’ve worked with. I have a simple cardigan pattern, but wonder if there are better ways to work with this very stretchy, bumpy, and sort of thin 100% acrylic fabric. Facings might provide needed body along neck and front, but no ready-made chenille garments seem to have them. If facings are used, what kind of interfacing would work best? What alternatives to facings might work? Are hems likely to droop and hang unevenly, and would some sort of binding work better? Are there any patterns that contain special hints for working with stretch chenille, especially for a less experienced sewer? Thank you so much for any tips, tricks, traps, and thoughts!


  1. connie_ward | | #1

    Kelly, where in the world did you find chenille? None of the fabric stores in my area have been able to get any, the garment industry seems to have a lock on all the piece goods. Would love to find some.

    1. kelly | | #2

      *Connie, sorry it took me so long to respond -- I didn't see where anyone had replied to my original note! Anyway, I found this chenille at Hancock's Fabric Store in Shreveport, LA. I know they are part of a chain, but I don't know the other stores. It's not quite like the better readymade chenille (I have some that is a silk-rayon blend, where the fabric I bought is 100% acrylic); but it is really pretty and soft to the touch!

      1. connie | | #3

        *Kelly, thanks for the info and just in time. I don't have a JoAnn's or Hancock's in my area, but I'm on my way to Ohio on Wednesday to see my family and there's a decent JoAnn's and a not-so-decent Hancock's (took over Minnesota). Maybe they've improved in the last year. It'll be worth a try. Thanks

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