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Is Sewing World down again? Say it isn't so!
*I think it is! I hope we don't lose all of our Minott messages.
*I can't get past the SW crest. Has this been your experience?
*I thought it might just be that my password was wrong, and that is why I couldn't log-on to Sewing World, but the error message was basically that the server wasn't found or available. I e-mailed Krista at Sewing World 1-1/2 weeks ago about my password, but haven't heard from her.
*I haven't been able to get my fix of SW today! How will I survive? It's still down as of midnight Tuesday.
*SW is still down. What a bummer! But we will return, pick up the pieces and start where we left off! I really dislike the format here at Gatherings. Too bad. Seems to be more stable.
*Whew! Last night, I couldn't even get here to Gatherings. Glad I found y'all! Martha Ramos & I have the Minott books. Matter of fact, girlie & I were faxing info back n' forth until well after midnight. (Is that dedication or what???) Anyway, this format (awkward as it may be) will have to suffice until our beloved SW is back. Did we break it with all those Minott Method messages??? Darlette.... who's just so happy to be "connected"
*I don't know why you couldn't get to Gatherings Darlette. Tequila! Do we have to behave ourselves here? I e-mailed webmaster at SW. No reply yet. It's like sitting in a plane on the tarmac and no one is telling you what's going on. Let's get moving! Had a long talk with Jan yesterday. She is having fun reading the postings. She's terrific. Don't hesitate to call her. Later I will pass on some of what she talked to me about. Spending so much time on computer had to buy something actually called "computer eyedrops." Now if I could just find the place on the computer where I'm supposed to squeeze this bottle ..........."
*HeeHeee! Just hit the Wimbledon site to get the latest scoop on what's going on over there. **NEWS FLASH** Venus Williams beat Glamour Girl Kournikova. *** I tell ya', yesterday was NOT a good day for me! Wimbledon was completely rained out! No Sewing World! No access even to Gatherings! I thought the gods had ceased to smile upon me... :-))) I'm reading up on the Minott info this morning. Got the Appendix A-3 thru A-10. Also reading up on pps. 13-26. Man, I sure hope we don't lose ALL those Minott messages. I only have hardcopy thru msg #139, & I think the total was well over 200. Well, let me get back to my reading...
*Darlette- Even tho' I don't have the book yet - still paying off 2 wwek vacation in late May - I have hard copy of the postings thru 226. I know there were more messages than that but if you need them I can snail mail copies to you.Ginna
*I miss SW. Had an inspiration this morning for marking darts with tissue paper and a post-it glue stick, and no one to talk to about it! Sob, snuffle. Nothing to do but go home and sew.
*Your dart idea sounds interesting. Please share! I'm getting ready to make a slip style sundress and know I'll have to play with the dart placement.
*AAAGH! SW is still down! Has anyone heard anything?
*Hi everyone, Missed you all! I think I have the whole folder --- I have through message 237, dated June 28, so I think were OK on that score. Carol, I emailed Krista too, and haven't heard a thing. Bet we're the best thing to happen to Gatherings in a long while NancyPS It actually looks like I could upload the folder here, though I'm not too sure how to change it from WP to doc. Let's see if it has disappeared before we panic.
*I don't know about that Nancy. We could blow up Gatherings the way we blew up SW. How could you upload your folder here? Inquiring minds want to know. Let's not rush into this. And if we do go that route we should start a new topic.
*Carol, I'm not going to actually "do" it, but if you look below where you type your message, it says "you may also include an attachment to your message ...under 50kb..." Do you really think SW died of overuse? :-D
*Gee, I have been at quiltropolis trying to get my SW 'fix'. It just doesn't work anywhere else, does it?
*Since this has happened before you'd think someone from SW would post here and tell us what's happening. I e-mailed the webmaster again - still no response. How else can we find out?
*Carol - Maybe it's professional courtesy. It's OK for users to cross post about another bulletin board, but maybe it's not for the bulletin board owner. You think??
*You're probably right Ginna. But they could get a friend to do it!
*Ginna,I don't see a real conflict. I always check SW & Gatherings. I'm also a devoted Threads subsciber and reader. SW promotes sewing which has to be good for everyone. Anyway, that's how I see it.Leslie B.
*I check out both SW and Gatherings also. It would be nice if Krista & Sean would cross post when there are problems with either site. It would be a simple solution for everyone - webmasters & users. It might also get Gatherings a greater following.Carol - The next time you email Krista why don't you suggest that she post information about SW here. I'm going to post a message for Sean (& maybe email him) about posting to SW when Gatherings has a problem. Since I don't have Krista's email address would you post a message for him also making the same suggestion and include Krista's email address?I am editing this post to let you know that I did email Sean regarding cross posting when either site is down, although I could not supply him with Krista's ADDY.
*hey!what's wrong with the format (it does work, after all, so there's something to be said for that);)
*nancy & carol,i'm confused. upload a 'folder'?you can only upload files to this site, but if you have a folder that consists of multiple files, you can upload them one per message (respecting the 50 kb. limit), so others may donwload them at their convenience.btw, what's in the files?
*just emailed krista. looks like they've recently switched over to the same board setup we have (so you'd better come up with ideas how to improve this one, cos it's the only format that works), and may just be experiencing some growing pains.will keep posted.
*Four things I like about SW format:Topics are broken out so that you can go straight to, say patterns and fitting discussions, without always coming up with the heirloom sewing folders.Within a general topic, the folders are alphabetical, not by most recent post. So you know where things are.The old messages don't keep coming up within a folder if you have already read them.Last - maybe it is just me, but I like the password to get in, so that random people are not looking through our discussions. At least you have to have a little interest in sewing to bother signing in.
*Pam S -- you said it exactly!!!!! We like to have major topics with sub-topics. Gatherings seems so helter-skelter. Double ditto on the passwords. We especially don't want our DH's to read these messages and if you read about the smugglers and money launderers on SW you would know why. No I won't explain. See what you're missing! I don't have Christa's e-mail address. I just went to sewingworld.com and emailed the webmaster. Sean are you listening??? We like the way SW is set up. This is not the same!!!!!!! We like major categories -- ie., Pattern fitting and alterations, patternmaking software, notions, fabrics on the web, fabric stores, and so on and so on. And Sean would Threads give us credits and free books if you publish a book using all the great ideas that we come up with. This must be a great source of info for Threads!
*I must be missing something here, but every time I log on to Gatherings, I enter my password. How come you don't?I do agree strongly with the organizational part of it as described by Pam S. and Carol.
*Sean, You know what else I really dislike? Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway . I clicked on "read your new messages", came to this topic, read the new one and posted one of my own. Then I clicked "read your new messages", and got brought right back here, because there were new messages that were responses to earlier posts. BTW, "folder" refers to a topic on SW that we were all intensely involved in. In its present incarnation, it's just a long WP document.
*Sean I think what Nancy wants to do is download the entire collection of messages at SW (which she has been saving over the past few months) so we don't miss a thing. Is that okay with you? We could call it Sewing World at Gatherings. And some day we could have Gatherings at Sewing World, or maybe we could do Sewing World at Fine Cooking if things get a bit too tame! LOL
*Is there also a handshake?! What are you talking about?
*Sean, we all from SW mean no disrespect towards Gatherings, probably most of us come here to this site to check in too, (especially since Joanns site is so uptight up complaints..how dare anybody criticize Joanns for not having first rate fabric)but first and foremost about SW, we are all just like a big ole rowdy family at SW, teasing, helping out with information and laughing our heads off most of the time as mentioned in previous posts. We have a "front porch" at SW that so far has not been duplicated anywhere else, just a big ole gossip fest.
*Nancy, what handshake? What did I miss. Pam K -- right-on. No disrespect. Girls just wanna have fun.
*Carol, When I posted that comment about the handshake, there was a message from you about a secret password. I can't find it now --did you delete it? No, no tequila, it was there and now it's not!
*LOL Nancy!!!!! I wonder why if you have 30 minutes to edit a message it goes out right away!!!!! (It's the same at SW) Yes I did delete that. Sean why is that?
*Carol, Where's Martha these days? Coming here was her idea, wasn't it? Should we email her and tell her the party's started without her?
*Sean - the suggestions by Pam are right on the money. I see now they have permanent topics at the Cooking board, why can't we????
*I love it! Have you noticed that on the main page for Threads (www.taunton.com/th), Sean has it referring to Sewing World "withdrawal"? This guy really has his finger on the pulse of the sewing world!
*LOL! Nancy, we must have posted at the same time! Great minds and all that stuff!I am back in the employment ranks, but admittedly have been lurking when I get a chance.Did I read that Sean was able to contact Krista?? This is like a soap opera, "As the Needle Turns"
*Sean - the suggestions by Pam are right on the money. I see now they have permanent topics at the Cooking board, why can't we????
*Martha, This is really getting scary! All I have to do is say your name...
*Yeah, I wanna see permanent topics too! And I never "sign in." I just look at the LIST of comments, choose one, & just jump right in. Rarely do I read everything on this forum. So did I read correctly from Sean that SW is gonna become more "Gatherings-like" in the way that it operates??? Let me put it to you gently ==>> The volume of posts on this forum isn't anywhere near that on the Sewing World site. What SW requires is a heavy-duty, industrial strength, Big Mama-Jama to hold all of our STUFF! ***News Flash** Wimbledon's rain delayed again, but Steffi & Venus have split sets. ***Back to regular post*** That's just my nickel's worth... Darlette
*Martha, that is so witty!!! I love "As the Needle Turns". Seriously, I just ordered my Minott books, will scream if I can't get the rest of those postings. The permanent folders are much better than this format; it is much easier to check in, get the information one is looking for and check out. Really, a much more pleasant experience.
*Thanks goodness I am home alone! I am ROTFLMAO!!
*I'm going to try to attach a **small** portion of our discussion to a message to see if it works. Back in a bit.
*Testing --
*Nancy watch out. If we blow this place up then where will we go. Maybe Fine Woodworking will take us in. Sean you're okay - Obviously you have a sense of humor or you would have expelled us long ago!!!!!
*OK, I just did the attachment thingie, and IT WORKED!!! But-- I think it will only be good for someone who has WordPerfect. So I need somebody to tell me how to change it to a .txt file or can other word processors convert it? Someone please try it out with MSWord or something else and let me know.
*Oh ye of little faith. Carol, remember we wished we could send diagrams to explain things? Well, now we can! If only I could use my graphics program. This is a riot!!
*Nancy it worked! I downloaded your file and opened it with MS word. Bravo!
*geez. can't get a word in edgewise. guess i'd better get gatherings up to speed.i'll add subjects today, and grab some older topics from the archives to fill 'em in.i list topics by most recent because they don't always make sense by title.you can sign in if you like, and this gives you many advatages (the board will keep track of posts you read, and notify you when new ones arrive), but i'm not about to switch over to a password-only site (i hate getting to a site and finding they won't let me do anything till i tell 'em personal info)the software we use here, the same they use at sw, is the biggest, strongest mother-lovin' forum script there is. don't forget, gatherings is just one tiny part of the discussions here (i preside over seven other boards here, and they all serve 100K+ pages per week). no chance of y'all overruning us. keep posting and suggesting, and i'll keep trying.think anyway,sean.
*Wow - Thanks Sean. Can we set up sub-folders in the main ones? The patterns section was a big favorite for comparing notes - especially for us Burda fans! I just know that someone out there is already looking through the July issue and could give us a heads up on the latest styles.
*ok. one rule.never, ever, ever call me scott. my irish grandmother would kill us both.sean. S - E - A - N.any suggestions for folders/ subjects are welcome.
*Sean, prim and proper we are not at SW, but we would never,ever disrespect an Irish grandmother, especially if she is sewworthy. Just one rule from us...don't disrespect silk on this board, it induces unimaginable distress for Darlette and we need her around SW to keep us updated on Wimbledon and ROFLOAO.
*Firstly: A BIG Thank You to Sean (S-E-A-N) for letting us USE and perhaps in a sense ABUSE this forum. Without the previous 43 or so postings, where would we be with our frustrations? Personally, I feel we need both types of formats, the Gatherings and the SW. This one is succinct and to the point---the other is, as was mentioned, "front-porchey". I peruse them both, and find them both useful. But, as long as there are SWs and Delphis, etc., let's let Sean do his thing. I didn't realize, till he mentioned it, his other board responsibilities, either. I self-centeredly just presumed that Gatherings was his only baby. One remarkable thing happens when a favorite board is down---we all pop out and find each other! Sean, be assured, when Gatherings was down, there we were, at SW, spouting off about how we missed it! Right, gals? ann-mari
*Many abject apologies.Not to speak ill of silk - but I dearly wish that silk came in 60" widths - those 45" bolts leave a chunk on the side of every layout that just sits around in the scrap file 'cuase it's too narrow to go around me.
*Sean - don't forget about the separate folders in the topics - these are important to us as stated above - can you do that??Do you need suggestions for topics??
*Ann-mari, kind of agree with you. Are we asking S E A N, humble but illustrious webmaster, to replicate SW here? My .02 is that Threads should be Threads and SW should be SW, sort of like twins, you don't want to dress them alike, but treat them individually. We are all just in withdrawal over SW being down, right?
*Yes- we should not be so quick to remake Gatherings in SW's image. They are different and serve different pools of people, which do overlap. It's almost not fair to make Sean do all this work if we will move the bulk of our conversations back to SW when it is back up. On the other hand, I'm sure we will all benefit from anything done to enhance either forum.On a side note, has anyone received their July Burda WOF magazine? I think Martha McKeon is usually the first.
*Yes, and we don't particularly like them either.
*I always check the back of Burda for what's coming up next month, but haven't gotten the new one yet. Looks like they will still be showing lots of sheers, knits and unstructured dresses. Wish that July WOF would show up before the long weekend so I have time to ponder it.Did you ever get the spandex fabrics from Phoenix? I liked the ones I bought for shirts and dresses and maybe a swim suit, but don't think they are really suited for aerobics wear. Don't seem to have quite enough snap to the lycra, although I haven't had time to do the stretch tests yet.
*Thanks for putting up with us Sean. I agree, let Gatherings be Gatherings and SW be SW whenever it gets back and maybe we will all make some new friends and do a little cross-pollination!!
*Um, actually you don't have to sign in and have password to read the messages. I read everything on that site before I decided I wanted to bother signing in and having to use a password. No point in making up a new password for a site I'll never visit or post on (but I did, and I miss it too!)
*EEEK- there you all are. I was starting to have "cyber-friend withdrawal syndrome". I agree with the messages to let the two boards be different, but constantly improving. Improving doesn't necessarily mean identical, though. And if we can't dis silk for Darlette, we can't dis linen for me, please !
*Hi, everyone! So glad to see you! I've been in withdrawal all week. Does anyone know what's the matter with SW? I "gather" (no pun intended) that I'm not the only one suffering from cyber-sewing-friend withdrawal. I've been following the Minott method with fascination. Anyone heard how long SW will be down? TIA, Sue W.
*No, I have NOT received the July Burda - shocking, isn't it? !! I used to get it really late, like the first week of the month - then the last 3 or 4 issues got here really early.Anyone get it yet??
*I hate to tell you this because it seems I am in the minority, but I don't like the folders at the beginning of the list. Besides, they all say they contain new messages and when I check they are messages from Jan and Feb. How can I get rid of all the red "NEWs" so I can tell when some really new messages come in?
*Hi everyone! I've been checking in here as I have withdrawals also. Every time I check to see if I can get in to SW, my family holds their breath then lets out a great cheer! Personally, I find them all very rude...I agree with keeping SW and Gatherings separate. Besides not being fair to SEAN, it's not fair to everyone who already checks in here. We don't want to appear pushy and rude by having everything changed around now do we.I like Gatherings. The format is different from SW, but I still like it. Hey I have an idea! The one bulletin board I would like to see changed is Nancy's Notions. The last time I was in there she still had messages from 1996! It's impossible to find anything current going on. We could all stampede over there and make a ruckus!BTW, since SW has been down, I've gotten TONS of sewing done. I guess every cloud has a silver lining!
*Sean, give my regards to your Irish Grandmother for having such an illustrious, humble, and brillant grandson!I actually like the new folders you started! Gatherings will still be different than SW. Also I like checking in--then once I look at an area the red "new message" notation disappears.Rachel, I agree--the bulletin board at Nancy's Notions is the pits!Sean keep up the good work! If you mess up...well, we'll let you know. ;-)
*i believe sw has the same setup we do... you don't have to sign up and sign in, but if you don't, the board can't keep track of messages for you.
*Minnot Method -- I'm going to start posting under Fitting. See you there!!!!
*I was reading in the archives (like I have nothing else to do!) about the last time SW went down (January) Someone posted "Guess Krista went away for the weekend and forgot to turn the timer on." Hmmm, wonder if this was meant as a joke. SW has become an addiction. Guess there are good addictions and bad addictions -- we're lucky to have a place to learn and act up at the same time!
*SW outages: You think it's a "holiday thang?" Perhaps we'd better keep that in mind for the Labor Day weekend in early Fall. ***News Flash*** Andre Agassi's beating up on Gu-Ga (Gustavo Kuerten); Pete Sampras is thru to the Semi's (Mark Phillippousis retired...); Todd Martin & cutie-pie Patrick Rafter have split sets; and in the Battle of Britain vs. France, Tim Henman is leading Cedric Pioline. ***Back to the post*** Reading thru the Minott info now. Looks good... Darlette
*Darlette, who knows? Maybe we should all be taking off for the holidays instead of hanging out at our computers. Just can't stay away!!!
*I don't know. Sure beats therapy And then we have all that $$ to use on our stash!
*I have been trying to sign in to Sewing World for some time! What happened? Does anyone know? The format is so much easier than Gatherings. I can hone in on specific topics without scrolling through zillions of unrelated topics. Does Lea Cook use Gatherings? She always has great comments on all subjects.
*Pam S.- Yes, I got the lycra fabrics. They are overprinted with a heavy ink or dye- when you stretch them, you see the white underneath. Also, I'm not confident about their recovery. I haven't washed them yet, so we'll see what changes. I may need to make items with more ease, so it's more of a 1:1 fit and I won't need to capitalize on the stretch as much.
*Sean - I thought you said that Gatherings could handle the activity brought over from Sewing World?! Just kidding, although this isn't the first time that Gatherings went down right after Sewing World went down.
*I just tried to get into Sewing World.....and couldn't! Oh, say it isn't down again!
*Rosemarie, You can't get in with your subscriber bookmark any more. You have to go in through the front door -- http://www.sewingworld.com --see you there, Nancy
*we'll be fine.where'd everyone go?
*Can't you guess?
*hi allJust took a spin over here to read upand I see lots of SW regulars...I just got a new batch of fabric inthat I will be destroying this week.14 yards, 16 yards and 16 yards. Yum.My washing machine is quivering fromanticipation.I have been to NYC and bought $550worth of lace from a friend in thelarge manufacturing business of wedding gowns which I DO NOT planon distressing. : )Take caresher
*Sheri - What type of fabric (14 yds, 16 yds, & 16 yds) are you going to destroy now? Can't wait to hear the results!I can't believe that you actually have something that you are not going to destroy. Wow!
*where'd everyone go?
*Sewing World is back up. Most people prefer that format to Gatherings. Although they still check in here frequently they do not post as frequently as they check in. Sewing World is starting a new format soon. If the users don't like the new format you may see more action here.
*Don't take that last comment personally. Many of us prefer the format here. The system at Sewing World is very cumbersome in my opinion and they don't have your wonderful red "New" notices. Nor do they have "Read your new messages" which is such a time saver. I have tried to locate messages which I had read previously at Sewing World and that is almost impossible. Their new format looks good but requires that you search through all previous messages to get to the new ones, with no indication which the new ones are. Also, Sewing World seems to attract a much chattier group and they are often off topic. That works well for them, but I like the concise information that I get here.
*I agree: I much prefer the focus here in Gatherings for learning about techniques although I do lurk in Sewing World for the amusement value. The list of topics here in reverse chronological order by latest posting is easy to track, much more so than the folders. Gatherings is a little confusing at present with some discussions in folders, some not. I'd prefer no folders.
*I happened to come across a message regarding the Bulletin Board at Nancy's Notions. The board is run by TalkCity and they haven't cleaned it up in a long time until just recently. They have been working on an upgrade for several months; that is why you haven't been able to get into our area on their site. They have assured us that they have cleaned up our site and will start fresh very shortly. We will have the new link at our Nancy's Notions web site as soon as they send it to us. We hope that all of you will come back and share your sewing hints, questions, and tips. Thank you for your patience during this down time.
*Great News! Our bulletin board is now up and running. You can either go to our web site and click on the link we have at our front door or you can go to TalkCity-we have a folder in the Home & Family discussion board area. Enjoy!
*I am looking for current (9/99) info on chenille quiltingtechniques. I thought there was something I saw recentlyon the internet but cannot now find it. [email protected]
This post is archived.