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Conversational Threads


cloetzu | Posted in General Discussion on


I’m wondering if someone help me understand something… A while back I received a letter from Threads stating that after 3 issus of SewStylish they were not going to continue with the magazine… they’d send the final and 4th issue but then not offer it after that.  I waited and waited but never got my 4 issues – sent them an email but nothing… 1st of all does anyone know a phone number or direct email I can use to try to get my 4 issues that I’ve paid for (got 3 of the 4 only)??

2ndly, today I got my latest issue of Threads and near the back there is an add for SewStylish????  What am I missing here – are they or are they not going to offer SewStylish???

Thanks in advance for any responses!!


  1. Crazy K | | #1

    O.K. folks, please correct me if I'm wrong.......I think I read or heard that SewStylish was to be discontinued for subscription but would be available in stores that carry sewing mags................I keep buying it at my local JoAnn ETC store. 

    Hope that answers your question.............and hope I'm at least  mostly correct on this.


  2. jatman | | #2

    I think that Taunton extended your subscription to Threads by any issues that Sew Stylish subscribers were shorted.  If you weren't also a subscriber to Threads they must have reimbursed the money back to you (?).  One thing that I have never understood is if the magazine was still being published, why didn't they at least honor the 4 issues that the subscription costs covered (made all the more important to those of us outside the US since we paid a higher premium for shipping on that subscription) and not take any more orders for subscriptions instead of halting the subscription service midway through a subscription year.  Sew Stylish I think will still be published a few times a year, it's just not part of any magazine subscription.

    Sew Stylish was handled in a very strange way.


    1. Cherrypops | | #4


      I subscribed to all 4 issues. have received all magazines displayed on the sewstylish website and taunton shop. The special issues I ordered separately.

      I should be receiving by post, the Spring issue which I read about via Threads Email.

      I was advised I was covered till this issue, I will be contacting them if I don't get it.

      Customer Service was quick with their emails sorting out sub issues, I have no complaints.

      CherryP ( sydney australia)



      1. jatman | | #5

        I think a lot of people may have done what I did - I purchased the first issue directly from Taunton to see what it was like.  I liked it, so I paid for a subscription which included 4 more magazines.  After the 3rd one  of the subscription they sent the letter out saying they were no longer offering the magazine on a subscription basis.  Sounds like you may have subscribed from the very first issue (?) but there have now been 5 SewStylish issues out now.  I had to buy the last one directly from Taunton.


        1. Cherrypops | | #6

          What you wrote makes perfect sense.

          Yes, I subscribed from the 1st issue

          SS Spring 2007 - Blue Top on Cover. Spine reads Volume 1

          Then I got confused as the spine changed wording:

          SS Red Carpet Ready Number 1 - summer 2007

          SS Number 2 - fall 2007

          SS Embellishments Number 3 (winter 2007 not written on spine)

          I am waiting on Spring 2008 Number 4 (?) i guess it will be labelled that.

          SS Gifts To Make Special - Number 2 ( this i purchased separately along with 2 from CraftStylish  )

          That's all I have to date.






          1. jatman | | #7

            Hi CP,

            Those are exactly what I have, too.  I also noticed the volume numbers when I was looking at mine.  They run 1, 2, then 1, 2, and 3.  Strange!  I'm curious - is volume 4 (that you are waiting for) part of your subscription?  Or did you order that one separately?


          2. Cherrypops | | #8

            according to an email received from customer service back in August 2007 i am to receive one more SS after the winter issue ( my guess is the Spring one). because i subscribed from day one and they cancelled part way through, that extra issue will be attached to my Threads subscription and not be duplicated as both subs are on the same account. will check bank records to be certain.

          3. jatman | | #9

            OK, because it was my understanding that the last issue anyone would receive as part of their subscription was the one labeled Volume 3 (Embellishments).

            Very confusing!  Thank you for the info.


          4. Cherrypops | | #10

            you're welcome...if in doubt email customer service... i believed what you did too, which is why i asked them about my sub.  :)

  3. Cherrypops | | #3

    Hi, I use this contact email, [email protected] and have received answers regarding my subscriptions.

    I am sorry to hear of your dilemma. I have been through it.

    I am waiting on the Spring issue to be mailed out. I subscribed to all 4 issues. I am up to date. Then with the discontinuation of mailorder subs, I was advised my sub order would be covered till Spring. Any future issues would need to be purchased online, (I am in Australia and not many newsagents close stock it).

    CrazyK is correct with her reply.

    Jatman is correct in that Threads Magazine would be extended an issue to cover sub costs, provided you are Threads Subscriber.

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