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Conversational Threads


skog | Posted in Patterns on

I wish to ask david coffin this question but did not see his contact name

Dear Mr. Coffin

i own your shirtmaking book and have found it to be invaluable in sewing. I bought a shirt a few years back from a company called willis and geiger for my husband. it had gussets button down collar and many other nice features. the company went out of business and i wondered if you might have a source for the shirt pattern that they used. the company was around for a long time.

thank you


  1. carolfresia | | #1

    Here's David's answer to your question:

    I remember admiring Willis and Geiger's hunting shirts in their catalogs before Land's End (or was it Orvis?) bought them and closed them down; I wish I'd had a chance to examine one! As far as a pattern goes, since this garment was filled with trademark details and unique features, I very much doubt that a pattern exists...but this kind of shirt is perfect for the kind of detail-stealing that I demonstrate in the "Catalog of Design Ideas" section of my book, especially if you have the original garment to work from. After thoroughly examining the detail you want to copy, making measurements, and maybe even opening a few inches of a tricky seam, experiment with duplicating construction ideas by folding paper, and even stitching on it; paper towels make great throw-away sample material.

    Good luck!

    David Coffin

    1. CTI | | #2

      " paper towels make great throw-away sample material."

      I like this creative thinking! Thank you Mr. Coffin.

    2. ceb1 | | #3

      I also own the book and video and have enjoyed learning from these immensely. I wish that David would write more articles.

      1. carolfresia | | #4

        I'll pester him about that even after he's gone. I think he might do some free-lancing...


        1. FitnessNut | | #5

          "I think he might do some free-lancing..."

          Please, please, pester him to do some more writing for Threads. I've always enjoyed his articles (and his book) and have found them full of inspiring ideas/techniques. I'm so sorry that he is leaving Threads, but do wish him well in future endeavours.


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