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Conversational Threads

shoulder pads`

Clairezbo_ | Posted in The Archives on

I have a real hardtime with shoulder pads for suits(womens) and dresses. Any good books on how to install, where to buy good pads or how to make them.


  1. Clairezbo_ | | #1

    I cant believe there is so little information on shoulder pads. They are so important in a garment. I spend more time placing the pads than I do in making the jacket.

    1. Sandra_M._Brown | | #2

      *Hi, Clairezebo. If you want to make your own shoulder pads, check Vogue's 8817 pattern. There is also information in Classic Tailoring Techniques, A Construction Guide for Women's Wear (there is a men's wear version, as well) by Roberto Cabrera and Patricia Flaherty Meyerson Pg. 137-141, with a pattern on Pg. 299; The New Vogue Sewing Book has instructions on Pg. 447. Have you searched Threads' archives. Also, the WWW may have online instructions available. Basically, you are placing smaller and smaller thin layers of fabric (cotton wadding, cotton flannelette, etc.) on top of each other and stitching through to hold them in place. Once you have the depth and shape, you can cover it with silky type fabric to match the garment. Lining fabric is often used. Good luck.

      1. Clairezbo_ | | #3

        *Thanks for the info. I will try both refrences. I have been buying the kind that come in a package and they are not very good. Every time I find a really good pad they stop making them. I really didn't want to make them my self but it looks like I may have to. Thanks again Sandra

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