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Conversational Threads

Show and tell

Michelle | Posted in General Discussion on

This posting has been inspired by Julie’s  and Sarah’s pictures.  (see bias tube and kippah)

There is no-doubt a tremendous amount of talent in this group, and there are many of us out there who are doing interesting work in the field of sewing.  

For the rest of us, it is especially exciting when someone treats us with a sample picture of what they have been doing, and can tell us about their projects so please let us hear (and see, if possible) what everyone is up to.



  1. HNYMAMA | | #1

    Sure I love showing my stuff off.  I have just recently started smocking and I am having fun making my youngest daughter some dresses,  I have 2 more finished that I need to construct.  I have some other non smocking projects that I am working on but I forget to take pictures of them

    View Image This is my first dress

    View Image my second dress

    View Image and a close up of the birds

    Edited 6/4/2003 1:54:14 PM ET by Honey

    1. Jean | | #2

      Honey, they are precious! I love to see little girls in dresses. These are wonderful and your DD's  beautiful!

      It breaks my heart to see older girls going around dressed like miniature street walkers today. They are wearing fabrics and styles so inappropriate for their age.  What are their mothers thinking!!

      1. HNYMAMA | | #3

        Thanks Jean:)  I love dresses on little girls too,  they are just so sweet looking.  LOL actually in warm months I like long flowly dresses for me too,  so comfortable.   I usually sew much simpler dresses (like the one below) but I am just having so much fun smocking,  plus I can do it when I can't  do machine sewing,  while we travel or watch TV at night.

        I have a 12 year old dd too and she gets upset that I do not allow her to wear the 'cool' clothes.  I definitely think your 'miniature street walker' sums them up better than her 'cool' does.

        1. dregan | | #4

          You should really be proud to be able to make such cute dresses for your beautiful little girl.  I've never smocked anything in my life, and looks so complicated and time consuming.  It certainly adds 150% to those little dresses!


          1. HNYMAMA | | #8

            Thanks Deb:)  I had to take classes to learn the basics but it is really easy to pick up.

        2. Jmars0727 | | #6

          Beautiful dresses and daughter!  I envy you -- sewing for little girls (especially ones as cute as your daughter) is probably one of life's greatest pleasures.  I think it must all be practice for the 'big one' -- the wedding dress!  Fortunately, you have a while before you will need to tackle that one.

          On another note, could you tell us (me) how you got the pictures into your post.  I tried to do that for over 2 hours the other night, and finally had to settle for making them an attachment.

          1. HNYMAMA | | #10

            Thank you Julie:)  And I agree sewing for little girls is definitely one of my greatest pleasures,  it is so much fun,  Amie will find fabric in my basket and ask me to make her a dress,  so sweet.

            To add the picture into your post you need to have them uploaded to a website that allows remote linking,  if you have your own web-page it should not be a problem,  I am currently using a pay for site but need to switch to the one that I have with my internet provider.  If you just want the picture in one post I right click,  copy and paste it in the post.  If you want to add it permanently as a signature,  that is easy too.  Simply click on your name at the top of a post,  this will bring up a profile box and will give you the option of 'my prefs',  click on this and if you scroll down about half way you can copy and paste the picture there too.

            If you need better directions I can give you a link to a web page that goes into a lot more detail. Or let me know what you need help with and I will try and explain.   This board uses the same format as the about.com and delphi.com forums and the signature/profile information seems to be the same in all of them for me. 

            Edited 6/5/2003 8:05:04 AM ET by Honey

          2. Jmars0727 | | #16

            Honey and Kelly-Anne, Thanks so much for the instructions about posting pictures.  I don't have a web page --wonder if you could do the same thing from one of the photo album sites (like Ofoto.com)?

            Julie M.

          3. oJoat | | #13

            Another option for having pics open in the thread is loading it as an attachment in the sandbox and copying it to the thread.

            The sandbox link cab be found on the welcome page (when you sign in) just above the pic of this months issue.

            There is a thread there called pic 2 where people from Breaktime and Over the Fence have done this.

            Reply to someone, and post your pic as an attachment.

            open your reply and the attachment and copy the pic.

            Do your post here and then paste pic.


          4. JeanetteR | | #14

            What lovely dresses, and what a lovely smile!  I agree with the previous comments about dressing little girls appropriately, and not like little barbies or too prevocatively in any way - let them be little girls while they are little and precious.

          5. HNYMAMA | | #15

            Thanks Jeanette:)

          6. JulieP25 | | #18

            Great smocking and beautiful d's. It's really nice so see the talent thats out there.


          7. jscraphappy | | #17

            goodmorning from the rainy uk.How lovely to see your dd in dresses that obviously were made with talent & workmanship. Just finished making 3 teddy bears for a stall in a local fair (sat) raising funds for the children of "Chenoble" that live in the orphanges.conditions are truly awfull.Never tried smocking, but have a few of "Inspiration" mags.that show what can be achieved.June

    2. kai230 | | #5

      Great work (smocking and darling DD!)--I guess you can sort of feel your way through smocking in the dark once you get it going?

      Jean, "miniature street walker"--perfect. Just the other day I saw a young guy (10?) walking home from school w/a group of others, and his ENTIRE butt was exposed. Perhaps he was showing off a thong, but, geezzzzz. I bet I could get him in trouble if I'd reported him to the school.

      1. HNYMAMA | | #9

        Thank you:) 

      2. Jean | | #12

        re. street walker thing.  I think it just shouts to the pedophiles'Come and get me'. The kids may be naive (or not) but what are the parents thinking?

    3. rjf | | #7

      Really beautiful! And so nicely done!  But your daughter is so cute, it must be easy to sew for her......and she can save it for her daughter.  Smocking is a satifying project when you finally get it it all prepared.  It reminds me of counted cross stitch in a way because you can see the pattern develop and for me, that's encouragement to keep going.             rjf

      1. HNYMAMA | | #11

        Thanks:)  I took a class to learn the basics,  my teacher said if we could do counted cross stitch this would be very easy for us,  I am like you I think it is neat to watch a piece slowly develop.

        Edited 6/5/2003 8:05:34 AM ET by Honey

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