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Conversational Threads

Silk sewing thread

MargaretAnn | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I was taught that silk thread was the best for sewing wool garments, but I can’t find it anymore locally.  I searched the web, and was bewildered by the unknown brands and brief descriptions.  Doesn’t Guterman make silk sewing thread anymore?  If not, what would be the best substitute?  I plan to make a tailored all wool suit.  I have the pattern, the lining, the fabric, interlining, but no thread.  Thanks for any help



  1. SewNancy | | #1

    Yes, Gutterman makes silk thread.  Greenberg and Hammer in NYC carry it. There is a general sewing size and a button hole twist.   They mail order, and have a catalogue  800 955 5135.  They maill out very quickly.  Also www Waechters.com now has it on its website and a full color display.


    Edited 8/25/2004 12:14 pm ET by Nancy

    1. sandylee | | #2

      I am also looking for some silk thread, so I can finish a rectangular silk scarf.

      For such a delicate fabric, do I need to hand roll and hand stitch the edges? 

       Is there a certain technique to do the hand rolling (so the stiches don't show)?

      1. Jean | | #3

        I'm not Nancy, but here's a pretty good How to page for you.


      2. SewNancy | | #4

        Depends on the look you want.  You can use the narrow hem foot if you want and use a fine zig zag or roll the hem by hand.  This is not hard, but time consuming.  There is a technique, I think that if you have the original Sandra Betzina books she shows it ther.  Also, you would want to find silk embroidery weight thread or cotton 2 ply  60 wt.  This is harder to find, though it comes in lots of colors.  There used to be a local store that carried it.  It is by Mettler.  The finer silk is A weight, Greenberg and Hammer probably have it.  The Gutterman silk thread is a regular sewing weight, though they may make a finer thread.  Also in High Fashion Sewing Secrets by Claire Shaeffer.  She also goes over machine rolling.  Also a back issue of threads did an article on using the heming foot.  Even if you hand roll the stitches show a little bit.


        Edited 8/26/2004 9:22 am ET by Nancy

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