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Singer Machines – which one

nadinez | Posted in General Discussion on


I have the list down to 2 machines


the 6038 vs the 2638


any thoughts, experiences to share before i part with my hard earned cash.





  1. joress | | #1

    I'm curious: Why Singers? I've heard they've changed quite a bit over the years--not as reliable or as good a value. If you're still open to others, check out Janome--still made by Janome. They're very good quality, very reliable, very good value. Janome is from dealers, New Home (their lower end model line) is from Hancock Fabrics or a few other places and is also very good. Janome makes Sears machines--either under their own name for Sears or under the Kenmore name. I understand that service from Sears can take a very long time, though with a Janome you might not need service much.

  2. RIPPETEXPERT | | #2

    My DH bought me a refurbished singer XL 50 Quantium last year and I love it totally.I do know that for a time the singer machines were not as good as the older ones but I must say this machine has been wonderful for me.It stitches beautifully on all fabrics I have tried and never has let me down for a second.I heard somewhere that some of the singers were being made by the Juki company now who have made some of the best industrial machines for many years.My machine before this was a White electronic and this singer sews better than that one did.Not familiar with the models you have chosen but if they sew as well as mine does I know you will be very happy with your choice of the singer.Do if at all possible test drive the machines.That will tell you for sure which machine should come home with you.

  3. SEWSERIOU1 | | #3

    I personally would stay away from the Singers.  They may work well for a while, but they don't hold up in the long run.  I bought a Quantum CXL (top of the line at the time and costing $1800 at discount!).  It lasted 12 years.  It is now sitting waiting to be repaired for the 2nd time for the same problem.  Every time I use the decorative embroidery on it, a piece snaps!  I have since replaced it with a Kenmore 19001 (similar to the Janome 5700 and uses interchangable feet, etc with it).  It is a higher-end combination embroidery/sewing machine and I paid less for it than the Singer. 

    I do a lot of sewing, but a machine should last me longer than 12 years!  My old Kenmore is 24 years old and it is still going strong WITHOUT any repairs!  The Singer will be repaired and given to my oldest DD as her first machine so she can sew for her DD.  She just won't be able to use all the stitches, what a shame!

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