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Conversational Threads

Singer Model 2662

LoopyLupine | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Hello everyone.

I am a beginner/intermediate sewer with a wonderful and patient Mom as a teacher!  I found a Singer Model 2662 at Walmart on clearance for only fifty dollars.  It had been a demo model and did not have the box and they wanted to put a new one out so they marked the one I bought down to clearance.  I bought it and it seems to work beautifully.  Of course, I’m just a beginner so I don’t know how it will stack up to long term use, but I just couldn’t pass it up at the price.  I have searched high and low for opinions about this machine and have not found anything, good or bad.  If  you have any experience with this machine, I would love to hear your thoughts, good or bad, about what to look for or watch out for with this machine.  I really want to get going and learn to make some of the more “hip” clothes for my daughter.

Thanks in advance!



  1. marijke | | #1

    I don't know that particular model. Your post brought back memories of my own first sewing machine. It was second hand, cost me fifty guilders (that was back in Europe in the seventies), sewed straight and zigzag. I sewed a lot of stuff on it and I was quite happy with it. I'm not sure if it's still hiding in my mom's attic. I couldn't bring it because the voltage is different here.

    At fifty bucks, your machine sounds like a good deal no matter what its quality. Once you learn more you'll also discover what sort of features you'd like to have. Then you can invest in a machine that can do all that without feeling guilty about putting aside the machine you have now.


    1. LoopyLupine | | #2

      Dear Marijke,

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me!  I loved reading about your first machine. Fifty guilders was probably a lot of money in the seventies?   (Are you Dutch? I love Holland and Philipsburg, St. Maarten (N Antilles) is my favorite vacation spot!!!! I love the Dutch people.)

      I think you are right and I am worrying too much.  So far, I have made four cute little pot holders (no pattern, just logical construction) ,  a heavy canvas "hammock" (using the old one as a pattern)  for our small camper,  and a skirt/top set for my daughter.  I have played a bit with the decorative stitches and a few of the stretch stitches...it has done very well so far!  I have not had any problems with the tension or stitch length, except that on the heavy canvas, it seemed to want to do smaller stitches.  I have also noticed that on thicker layers, I should set the stitch length a bit longer so it is more even.  But in all, I think it was a very good deal and have not had any problems!

      Thanks so much for responding!



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