Singer sewing pattern – no seam allowance dotted lines included?
I haven’t sewn using a pattern in 30 years.
I just bought a Singer (multi-size) pattern. I noticed that there are no dotted seam allowance line markings.
I’m assuming that the 5/8” seam allowance is included within the cutting line.
Does anyone know why they stopped including the dotted seam allowance lines right on the pattern?
Thank you. I’m probably a dinosaur!
The Actual seam line is not shown since A, it is, unless otherwise indicated such as skirt hems which are often deeper, a standard 5/8th" for commercially produced by major makers Dressmaking Patterns. B, Actually printing the 5/8th" lines would be confusing since the multi-sized patterns may have a difference between sizes at any given point that varies; some places a mere fraction of an inch, others considerably more. C, Many people actually trace off their size from a sheet of multi sized patterns so that if they re-use the pattern, in a different size they still have the complete one, so they use a twin wheeleed tracing wheel to mark not only the seam line but also the cutting line; ie 5/8" apart , as they trace. Enough reasons? Personally I used to buy multi sized basic patterns; PJ's and T Shirts for my kids as I could start tracing the smallest and still be using the same years later; now I am re-using them for my Grands; and I know I need to allow extra ; ie jump from a size 8 to a size 10 below the waist for my GD who has bigger hips than her very slim built all the way down cousin.
Yes, the multi-sized patterns do include the 5/8" seam allowance.