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Conversational Threads

Sloper Pattern?

jatman | Posted in Patterns on

I’ve seen several members in various discussions mention ‘sloper patterns’ from the larger pattern companies.  Yet, when I go to the websites for Vogue, McCalls, Simplicity, Burda, etc. I cannot find a pattern for such a thing.  Can anyone give me specifics regarding the sloper pattern?  For example a company and actual pattern number?  Thank you for any input you can give me!




  1. user-7820524 | | #1

    The person fitting pattern that I use is Butterick 5746.  I suggest you purchase the pattern according to your "high bust" measurement and go from there...It takes some patience and time to get a pattern that truly fits but it's really worth it. 

  2. diday | | #2

    Palmre Pletsch website has McCall's 2718 Basic Fit Pattern.

  3. User avater
    artfulenterprises | | #3

    I teach a class in making a personal fit Basic Block. These are the patterns I recommend for my students:

    Basic Fit Dress Block Pattern (McCall’s #2718 Szs:6-22 recommended), or Butterick #5746 Szs.6-22 or Butterick #6092 Extended Sizes 16W to 32W

    Good luck with your project! It is wonderfully worthwhile.

  4. zuwena | | #4

    I don't think you'll find anything labelled a "sloper". Among the pattern companies its usually called something akin to "basic fit pattern" but the objective is to create a "garment" that has all the characteristics of a sloper. I have a 1985 Vogue 1000. You should note that technically speaking once all the proper measurements are taken and a muslin is fitted, one "creates" a sloper, i.e., in oaktag or similar paper stock. Hope this helps. Zuwena

  5. jatman | | #5

    Thank you to everyone who helped me identify which patterns to use to create a sloper.  I never heard of such a thing until I joined this message board - so I appreciate the tip on just how it is used as well.

    Thank you again.


    1. MaryinColorado | | #6

      I found sloper patterns in the major pattern company pattern books consistantly in the very back pages of the books.  Hope this helps.

       I am quite shocked to see that according to thier measurements I need a size fourteen to sixteen when in readymade I wear a twelve petite.  Sure hope this will work out as I have very small bone structure and shoulders.  I remember the good old days when it was hard to find patterns small enough to fit me!

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