I would like to learn where to find instructions on how to create a sloper for menswear, for creating and fitting garment for my own use. There is a dearth of pattern material for men’s wear that is other than tailored.
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Now that I think about it I have never seen anything about making a sloper for men. Tailors and costumers use them. I wonder if searching in that direction could give you some help. A sloper is basically a very simple fitted garment that helps us find our own bodies ideosyncracies. If you started with the simplest of men's garments and fitted that, I think you would learn some things about fitting yourself that you could transfer to any pattern. Directions for fitting women's pants could offer direction for men's garments as well.
I use the book by winifred Aldrich, published by Bell and hyman. I think the title is "metric pattern cutting for mens wear" but have not checked.
'how to make sewing patterns' by donald h. McCunn has info for men's patterns. i found the book thru amazon.com, and bought it second-hand.
contact McCunn via email: [email protected]
online forum: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/How-to-Make-Sewing-Patterns/
have fun with it!
slopers for men
You might try to see if this book is still available: Fundamentals of Men's Fashion Design by Masaaki Kawashima, Fairchild Publications. First published in 1974, then 1976 and I don't know about after that. Z
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