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TRACIEJB | Posted in Talk With Us on

I have scoured the web for a definition and cannot find a description of this technique mentioned in the latest issue of Threads… can anyone help me out with a descrition or instructions of this?  t.i.a. for doing so!


  1. solosmocker | | #1

    got out my Claire Schaeffer Fabric Sewing Guide. She has info on slot seams so I am guessing here that it is a dart sewn in the manner of the slot seam. This is where "slot seams feature two tucks stitched to an underlay."Open slot seams have more underlay exposed between the tucks. I would think that maybe the legs of the dart are turned back and stitched over an underlay. I am not sure how this would work out at the point however. Great question!

    1. TRACIEJB | | #3

      Have you gtten your latest issue? in the skirts article the picture of the slot dart looks like an upsidedown godet.  that would put in room not remove it around the waist.  I hope one of the editors or the author jumps in to explain it all to us!!!!

  2. Josefly | | #2

    Looking closely at the circular photos on page 42, and bearing in mind the post immediately above about slot seams, it appears to me that a slot dart is actually two narrow darts which meet at the same dart point, folded and pressed away from each other, then top-stitched on the outside along the seam line of the two darts, stitching a "V" and giving the appearance of an inset of fabric.There was another article in Threads, within the last year, I think, which described decorative darts which were slit and trimmed close to the legs of the dart, then bound with a bias binding, then the bound legs of the dart were butted together over a contrasting fabric and stitched to that fabric, which barely showed under the bound edges of the dart. I think those were also called slot darts. - Just looked and found the article in issue # 130, page 60 "Art Darts".

    1. TRACIEJB | | #4

      hmmmm, now that's a possibility!

  3. Cherrypops | | #5

    For those of us who don't yet have the current issue (me included).

    This link is from Threads - current issue #134.


    Scroll down to Anatomy of a dart - fitted skirt; Turn to the Back point 2 - build a slot dart.

    1. Gloriasews | | #9

      Thanks, Anna Maree (I haven't received my new Threads, either).  The gold skirt is lovely, but how do you get into it?  By the photo of "add decorative closures", doesn't it look like the inside of the fold is sewn down about 2"?  And there appears to be no zipper! 

      As for the slot dart, I, too, can't see the purpose, other than decorative - as well, it's fiddly.  What it looks like to me is it looks like an inventive way of adding fabric to expand a waistline if your skirt is too tight at the waist & would possibly not be flattering, especially if you had another contrasting colour underneath, eh?  What do you think?


    2. WandaJ | | #10

      Thanks for this reference for those of us that have not received the new issue.

      1. Cherrypops | | #11

        you will find another reference to Slot Darts in these books

        **Sewing with Leather and Suede (page 68) by Sandy Scrivano

        **Clotilde's Sew Smart

        I found them by using Google Book Search Engine - typed in Slot Dart.

        The pages referring to the Slot Darts are viewable online.

  4. jjgg | | #6

    Reading the online article that Cherrypops sent the link to, it looks to me like it's 2 darts that are angled together at the bottom. Instead of the dart going straight down, you angle it and then do another one angeling it to the same point. They would have to be very narrow darts or you will get a very funky point, I'm not sure what her purpose was with this. They didn't show a close up of what the dart looks like at the bottom of the point - the picture stops right at the point. I think it would be very difficult to pull this off nicely, I just tried playing with some fabric to do this, didn't look nice!

    1. Cherrypops | | #7

      Thanks for looking at the link, adding your comments and actually trialling the process..I wondered how/if it would work.

      1. TRACIEJB | | #8

        now I have to getback to the laboratory, er, sewing room and explore this further!  thank you all for the help!

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