I am trying to find a source for really luxurious satin ribbon. It is for a hand tied bridal bouquet. I have searched my local fabric stores, and the ribbon seems cheap and sort of polyester-like(?). It is more like the ribbon that would be used by a florist as a bow on a floral centerpiece, if you know what I mean… I am looking for really soft, thick satin ribbon, like stain fabric, perhaps 4 inches wide. If you know of any on-line sources, could you please let me know? Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
http://www.joggles.com has some beautiful hand dyed ribbons.
Sue b
Blog: http://suebthreads.blogspot.com/
New online classes !: http://tinyurl.com/mf7b5
Edited 5/23/2006 12:45 pm ET by sueb
Wrights makes a vast amount of the ribbon sold everywhere. There isn't much made that you can't order from wrights. If you do any work with children you can also order a huge box of outlet ribbon from them for around $6.00 or so. The box is the size you might use for a moving box. It comes packed solid full of ribbon. You don't know what your getting since its their choice. But, from past experience I can tell you its a treasure box you won't belive till you get one:)
Contact the Berry Patch in Niwot Colorado. They have access to the most luxurious ribbons in the world.
(303) 652-1500
136 2nd Ave
Niwot, CO 80544
I have no affiliation but have bought gorgeous silk satin ribbons; antique brocades, and exquisite silk petersham.
Marijo Rymer PACC
Martha Pullen has an excellent real silk satin ribbon that is perfect for your project. The company ships quickly, too. Colors are somewhat limited, but the beautiful drape and body of the ribbon is spectacular.
Here's a few sources for ribbons and trims:
http://www.mjtrim.com M & J Trimming
www. trimfabric.com
www. maryjos.com Mary Jo's Cloth Store Send them an email with your requirements (color, width, etc) and they can find it for you. They have a large mail-order service.
Good luck - it sounds very beautiful and creative!!
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