Sources – Notcher and Chalk Roller

I have been searching for a couple of marking tools with no luck. Does anyone know where to find them?
The first is a notching clipper that cuts a perfect little “V” out of the edge of a piece of fabric. It’s great for marking the notches and dots that have to match on seams. I saw it in a catalog from a tailoring supply company about 5 or 6 years ago, but I don’t remember which.
The second one is a marking wheel that I bought years ago. It is labelled “Sew Easy – Chalk-o=Line.” It is a fairly flat tool. The inside holds chalk powder and at the end there is a small serrated wheel that rolls and lets the chalk trickle out in a thin line. I like it because there is almost no drag on the fabric when I draw a long straight line against a ruler. There is also a container of chalk powder that refills it. I would like to get another one with colored chalk powder (mine is white) if possible.
Has anyone seen either of these?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Joyce, has a pattern notcher and lots of other fun stuff like that. if they don't have the chalk liner thing I know that does
Thanks Elisabeth. Now do you have any idea what the notcher is called? I did a search on the site for notch(er) and scissors, but it didn't come up. Does it have a special name?
Hi Joyce,
You're welcome, glad you found the chalk marker! Oh, let's see, the pattern notcher is under "workroom tools" here I haven't used one of those but I am thinking it is for notching paper patterns. If it notches fabrics as well that is a really good idea. I usually cut tiny slits for markers but sometimes they seem to disappear.
Thanks again Elisabeth,
I didn't realize the notcher was for paper patterns. I'm going to get one anyway and see if it works on fabric. It looks heavy-duty enough to go through just about anything. I hope it works.
I just ordered the chalk marker. Not only did they have it, they had it in 4 colors! Thank you so much.
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