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mandy | Posted in Patterns on

Hi, I’m looking for a pattern if it exists for the new uniform from Star Trek.  I’ve been asked if I’ll make one for an avid “Trekkie” fan.

Can anyone help me ?

Thanks, Mandy Cowell, Preston, U.K.


  1. chrishaynes | | #1

    I don't know when and if there will be patterns for the "Enterprise" series, but there are patterns for other Star Trek series from the Roddenberry store:


    Also, I have seen various Trekkie costume forum sites, I just don't remember where (I usually find them around Halloween when I am doing costume idea searches for my kids).  You might start here:


    and http://www.stenterprise.com/ 

    and http://www.startrekbbs.com/

    Out of curiousity I did a google search and found this:


    Okay, they are not patterns... but some nice photos.  The outfit is a basically a well fitted coverall with lots of pockets. 

    Now after doing a http://www.google.com search I am finding the whole Star Trek bit a little scary... but not as frightening as the Star Wars bunch (where I found that there were a bunch who painted their cars to look like Star War space vehicles!).

    1. mandy | | #2

      Thanks Chris, I'm going to have a look now, during my lunch hour !



  2. Amyred | | #3

    At one time McCall's had a pattern for the Starfleet jumpsuits, and even had directions for a little ribbon to replace the combadge. However, you can probably order the combadges from startrek.com or take a look in Spencer's Gifts or someplace like that, if you have one around.

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