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stationary balloon shade

artistic1 | Posted in General Discussion on

Hi Again!

I am back!! New issue..i am supposed to make a stationary balloon shade. the fabric UGHHH is silk. It goes in a window box. the measurement is 53 1/2 inches wide and the balloon at the lowest point is 24 inches. Three scallops across on the lower edge.

Now heres my question….what is the best way to do this…one piece gathered at the bottom in two places or 3 pieces sewed together with the gathers at the seam? It going to be staped on a board. how much should I allow for the scallops?

You guys are great and I hope someone knows what I am talking about!!!




  1. KharminJ | | #1

    Hi Debbie!
    I hope this isn't
    Hi Debbie!

    I hope this isn't too late for this project... seems your question got tangled up in the switches of the new format. (Not lost, but overlooked)

    Unless you've got much wider-than-average fabric (more than 54-60"), or are planning to have it flat across the top, you'll have to use 3 pieces for 3 scallops. (Or cut it width-wise: use selvage-to-selvage for top-to-bottom.)

    There's probably a better name to use for what you're looking for than "Balloon Shade" - the scallops threw me off at first.

    Here's a how-to for a "Balloon Valance":


    Note there are no scallops in this design.

    Here's one for "Austrian Blinds", which I *think* is more like what you're looking for:


    Eliminate the draw strings, since you say yours will be stationary.

    To achieve this look, I would sew two gathering lines at each scallop, up as far as you want, and then stitch between them onto a stable tape - grosgrain, probably, in a coordinating color so it's not obvious from the outside of the window.

    Hope this helps!


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