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Stcky note fabric covers- instructions

cookymom | Posted in Patterns on

While searching the net for craft ideas, I found instructions for using leftover fabric and card stock to make a covered sticky note pad that would be great to have in your purse or on the desk.
I think these items would sell well at a church fair.
It had a scrapbook fastener to keep it closed.
The pattern is not where I thought I found it. (Moda site)

Has anyone seen it or have a suggestion as to what sites to check? Any clues appreciated…


  1. cookymom | | #1

    One more clue --I think I found this on a fabric site, such as Moda and the steps (shown as photos) included sewing the scrap fabric to a heavier cardboard base.

    1. sewelegant | | #2

      Gee, I haven't a clue how to find that data!  I had a couple crafty sites on my favorites, but did not see it.  Did you check your "history" button to see what sites you had been googleing (or whatever)?  Of course, if you search a lot it would disappear fast too.  I know I have seen something like you mentioned, but it was probably a Carol Duvall show.  Hope you find it.

    2. KharminJ | | #3

      Hi Mom! ;o)It's possible that it was linked from the site you were looking at, to this one - Instructables.com ( http://www.instructables.com/craft )It's a fabulous resource for all kind of how-to-do-it information, and not-incidentally, a great place to publish one's own picture-tutorials, if you're into that.Happy Hunting!Kharmin

  2. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #4

    The instructions are on the Moda site, but in the Bake Shop! ;) Cathy

    1. cookymom | | #5

      Thank you ThreadKoe! These bake goods that are fabric are hot right now.

    2. sewelegant | | #6

      I am not familiar with this Moda site... how do you access it?  moda.com didn't look very promising.

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #8

        I was not familiar with it either, but was curious, so I took a look at it. Never know what you will find when you bite into a new site. I found the actual site that was being looked for by googling it. I had time while I was waiting for supper to cook. I think Moda is one of those sites you actually have to browse through to see what is there, rather than just a quick look. I also pulled it up by googling Moda, and it was the first site on the list. It appears to be a site geared towards Quilters and quilt craft. Really good tutorials with pictures once you get into it. Cathy

  3. Josefly | | #7

    I think I remember seeing the sticky note covers somewhere on the CraftStylish site:http://www.craftstylish.com/You'll have to search through the site and I'm pretty sure the tutorial is there.But if you can't find the info you're looking for there, check out this site, which has some great instructions for similar projects, like the "Folder folio", the "Checkbook cover" or the "Hardcover Padfolio". I really like this site:http://twocreativestudios.com/free.htmGood luck.

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