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sticker residue on faux suede

Li | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Hi–I’m the sometime moderator over at Cooks Talk.

I have sticker residue on a faux suede (hence washable) jacket from an “I voted today” sticker. I’ve washed the jacket; residue remains. Should I take to a dry cleaner or….?

Thanks for any advice you can give me.

Only connect.


  1. starzoe | | #1

    There is a product called "GooGone" which you could look into, I believe they say it will work on fabrics. It works on everything else.

  2. Josefly | | #2

    I wouldn't use the GooGone on suede. It's an oil-based product and though it removes stickers and other adhesives from solid surfaces like a champ, I would be afraid it would leave an oily stain. Perhaps the GooGone would launder out, but I'd sure want to test it first in a place that wouldn't show.

    Can you feel sticky stuff on the jacket, even after you've washed it, or is it just a color difference? I think I would try rubbing some Woolite directly on the stain, then wash it as directed.

    1. User avater
      JunkQueen | | #3

      Bummer! I'm thinking I'd take it to the cleaner, but that's because I can't think of anything that might work, although the Woolite sounds like it's worth a try. Borax or Oxy-Clean might work, too. If all else fails, you may need to get out the old sewing machine and do some creative embellishment or find an appropriate brooch. Good luck.

  3. User avater
    Becky-book | | #4

    Try De-Solv-it Citrus Solution. the fine print said not for use on suede, leather, ....so I would try it out on an inside spot first.

  4. fabricmaven | | #5

    Hi, You might try pressing an ice cube directly on the sticky area. After it gets cold, with the lip of a teaspoon scrape the area till the adhesive loosens. You might have to do it a few times. If the pile is flattened you can then buff it gently with a diamond nail fail. Hope this helps.

  5. Teaf5 | | #6

    If you can find out the fiber content (probably 100% polyester for faux suede), you'll have a better idea of what techniques you can use to remove that residue. (Those "I voted" stickers are tough, aren't they!)

    On real suede, I've use white art gum erasers and/or fine sandpaper, after I've stuck other label and plain cardstock to the residue to pull off as much as I can first. But a washable polyester is nearly bulletproof, so a lot of these other methods will probably be fine (after testing, of course!).

  6. User avater
    paddyscar | | #7

    Hi Li:

    I would try sprinkling some dry cornstarch or some white blackboard chalk on the spot and allow it to sit for a while, then rub with a soft cloth, either of these may absorb the sticker glue. 

    Another thing you could try is a artist's eraser, which would work to 'ball up' the remaining sticker residue. 


    1. Li | | #8

      Thanks, everyone! I will report back.

This post is archived.

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