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Successful stain removal

Teaf5 | Posted in General Discussion on

Thanks to tips from this forum, I just salvaged a favorite silk blouse using white vinegar.  A cream-colored silk princess-seamed weskit style, it worked well with skirts but had developed perspiration stains over the years.  The other laundry products warned “not for use on silk,” but the white vinegar, slightly diluted, worked like a charm.

Anyone else have other successful stain removal strategies?  I’m sure I’ll be needing them somewhere along the way….


  1. User avater
    JunkQueen | | #1

    Teaf -- I've found the product called Zout to be dang near miraculous in removing grease stains.

    1. sewslow67 | | #2

      Do you think it would be OK to use it on wool?  I just noticed that I have two (yeah ...really, clumsy of me, huh?) on my very favorite wool suit; one on the jacket and one on the skirt.  I have no idea when I got these ...probably the last time we went out for a "dress up" dinner, which was several months ago ...and not sure what the substance might be.  It looks more like red wine, but not sure, and I'm not positive what I had for dinner, either.  I just remember that it was delicious ...and that I didn't have to cook it.  LOL!

      Any thoughts?

      Edited 8/24/2008 6:01 pm by sewslow67

      Edited 8/24/2008 6:02 pm by sewslow67

      1. User avater
        JunkQueen | | #3

        Here's what the label says. Use Zout stain remover with confidence on all colorfast washable fabrics including cotton, linen, silk, wook, cashmere, polyester, rayon, nylon, and other natural or synthetic fabrics. Zout stain remover works in all temperatures and can be used with other laundry additives. I would surely test it on a seam allowance to test for color fastness. Sometimes I look at one of these situations as a "well, what do I have to lose?" situation. If I can't wear the garment with the stain, I go for broke.

        1. sewslow67 | | #4

          Thanks for the helpful information ...and good point too, i.e. what do I have to lose?  I'll give it a "shot", so to speak, if I can find the Zout.  I had some years ago, but don't have any now - at least not here in BC.  Thanks again, JQ. 

          PS:  Have you recovered from your glorious time with your friends yet, or do you continue to live those moments over and over?   If it were me, I would do the latter and continue to laugh until my sides needed a rest.  ;-)  Frankly, I'm still enjoying gazing at those pictures you shared.  Oh, so beautiful ...

          1. User avater
            JunkQueen | | #5

            I got this Zout either on Nancy Zieman's or Clotilde's site. Can't recall which one. And it may have been a close-out sale. I do a lot of that! We are all still reliving last week. I was sitting here minding my own business and a commercial came on TV that related to one of our laugh fests, and I sat here snickering like Dick Dastardly dog Muttley from the cartoons. This will keep me going for a while. :))

          2. sewslow67 | | #6

            I'll try both websites; thanks for the info, as I'd really like to save that suit.  It is one of my favorites, if not the real deal.   Thanks for the tips.

            BTW, I can hardly wait to hear the details ...giggle ...giggle!

          3. kytoodles | | #11

            Try Dollar Tree for the Zout.  I think this is what I buy.



  2. Josefly | | #7

    I'm so glad to hear about white vinegar on old perspiration stains. I've got a silk blouse I just couldn't throw away, but which is unwearable as is. I'm going to give it a go with vinegar. Thank you. Did you just soak the blouse in the solution, then wash as normal?


    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #8

      Ammonia, (Windex or Window Cleaner) works on getting underarm stains from white cottons and polyesters as well. Wet area with water, then soak with ammonia or window cleaner. Let sit a bit then wash with regular load, do not dry until you check it first. Repeat if necessary. The ammonia dissolves the buildup of under arm charm. Shampoo under the arm area on a regular basis keeps the stain from building up in the first place. It also works really well on collar buildup. Cathy

      1. Josefly | | #9

        Really! I'm going to remember those tips. I haven't tried the vinegar yet on my silk shirt. I would be so happy to be able to wear it again.

    2. Teaf5 | | #12

      I just dabbed the damp blouse with a cotton ball of slightly diluted vinegar/water solution, then laundered as usual.

      I'll save the borax and ammonia tips for my other problem tops!  Thanks, all.

  3. Ocrafty1 | | #10

    I know a dear lady nearing age 94, who told me how to get white cottons really white.  Wash in Borax, rinse very well, then lay on green grass in the sun.  Something about the chlorophyll reacting with the borax and sun.  It works wonderfully!  I have an elderly client who loves to wear vintage clothing.  She brought me a lace and netting dress that had rust stains from straight pins and snaps.  I washed it with salt and vinegar; rinsed, then used the borax and on the grass treatment. It turned out brilliantly white. The old time remedies sometimes work the best.


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