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Conversational Threads

Suede Doll

rodezzy | Posted in General Discussion on

I dressed my suede doll last night.  I like the outfit, but I didn’t do very well with the face.  I will have to practice making faces.  I experimented with glitter glue and yarn applications in the face, along with fabric.  I will post a picture as soon as the glitter glue dries enough to handle without making it worse.  She looks like she has two black eyes.  he he he I was trying to use the yarn for lashes…what a mess. he he.  Nothing beats a failure but a try.  So I’ll try again on another doll.

I used doillies for her top, and designed a long skirt in denim.  Poor baby, I have a long way to go with this doll making stuff.  I need a lot of practice.  I want to make one more doll for the show, but I’m not pushing it.  I have gathered the materials, but again, I failed on the face.  Got to practice.  I may also need props for Miss Monique, as in a chair to sit on, I don’t have a stand large enough for her.  I also haven’t named the suede doll yet either, now that I think of it.  She does have a stand to let her stand up.  Maybe you guys can help me name her when I post a picture.  giggle.  That will be interesting! 

Rodezzy, Fiber Artist


  1. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #1

    You have to use real false eyelashes! halloween stuff is coming out in the stores, esp the dollarstores. Keep your eyes open for the really big long ones or the oversize costume ones. They can be sewn on really easily. Just couch them on! I use them on my ceramic faces all the time. They can be doubled or tripled up if you need to. Glitter glue can be really hard to use also. If you have access to a ceramics shop, check out their supply of acrylic paints. There are often sheer paint that have all kinds of glitter, stars, and in all sorts of colours that you just gently dab on. They can be layered for heavier effect. They are water washable when wet, permanent when dry. Cathy

    1. rodezzy | | #6

      Thanks for all of your great suggestions, however, I had her finished prior to your wonderful advice.  However, I have the info for another project doll as she/he comes along.  Thank you so much, you are filled with good advice.  Have you made dolls, it sounds like you have.  Can I see one?  Would be a priviledge.

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #7

        Sarahdoll is one Sexy honeydoll! She is ready to rock and roll! Remember the Glam Rock days of our youth? tee hee Unfortunately, I have not made a doll in years! I am starting to get itchy again tho. Will see if I have any pics and will post if I can find any. All my creative efforts were given as gifts long long ago. Might have a pic of Denise stashed somewhere tho. Right now DD3 is home packing stuff for her and her sister to move into their new apartment. Sniff, Sniff. Mamma here is having a really hard time with this. Maybe a few dolls to create will fill the void....Cathy

        1. rodezzy | | #8

          Yes, I do.  Wow, I never thought of that.  I just felt I had a hard time with this doll from the beginning.  This is the one I hesitated putting the legs on.  Hench, the long skirt.  I thought the doillies gave her a "hot" look.  She needed something different to offset the mess (I felt) I made of her face.  Live and learn.

          Please, I would be honored to see Denise. 

          Ladies moving out to start their adventures in life.  Great.  You'll get used to it, maybe.  Make them a "mommie doll" to watch over them.  Make sure she's smiling.  Or, how about a topsy turvey doll.  One with a smile and one with a grimmice (sp?) or a "do you really want to do that?" face.  giggle.  Just kidding. 

          My son took me out to dinner last night, and I was showing him the Cloth Doll books, because I met him after work and had the books with me.  He was spooked by the dolls that look "real".  In "The Cloth Doll" book there are baby dolls by Margaret Flanagan.  "Native American Babies".  He didn't like those at all.  He said they looked too real.  Won't want those around.  giggle. 

          And then I agreed with him when he saw "Angel fo Death" and "Oriental Rapunzel" by Lisa Lichtenfels.  At first when I went through the magazine, I didn't know if that was a picture of a person or a doll.  Ms. Lichtenfels is featured in this magazine "Learning to Use a Circular Needle to Make Eyes" Beginning Soft Sculpture- Part 1.  The dolls are so real. 

          Are you familiar with these doll makers?

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #9

            No, but I think I will be looking them up very shortly. DH has been working late a lot, and it keeps me from being lonely when I have some new surfing on the net to do at night. My hands are acting up so I can only sew or knit for a short time. Cathy

          2. rodezzy | | #10

            Yes, that will give you some new searching to do and you will be astonished.  Take care.

          3. sewelegant | | #15

            I think dark glasses are in!  Big ones that cover a lot of face.  But, practice makes perfect and you'll get it right soon enough.  Happy doll making.


          4. rodezzy | | #34

            Thanks for your insight and confidence in me. 

          5. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #16

            I was looking up the doll designers and found this site. Thought you might like a peek a boo. Cathyhttp://www.clothdollconnection.com/ClothDollDesigners.htmlThere was an exhibition at the National Art Gallery last summer by *?* (will remember his name about 2:00am) Who did non life scale representations of humans in fibreglass. The baby faces were ginormous. They were so eerie. My favorite was a little boy who was about 6 or so, playing in a mirror. He was just 7/8 scale. Fascinating to watch the other little ones study him. My other favorite was the 1/3 scale grannies, right down to the saggy support hose and worn out cloth coats. Amazing. CathyEdited 8/29/2008 7:24 pm ET by ThreadKoe

            Edited 8/29/2008 7:25 pm ET by ThreadKoe

          6. Josefly | | #18

            Just looked at the link you directed rodezzy to. Oh my gosh, did you look at Anne Myatt's "Just Like Me" dolls? I would love to watch how she does those faces.

          7. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #24

            I just looked under About the Artist. These are not just dolls, but sculpture. The heads and faces are clay sculptures. Beautiful. A very talented woman. Rodezzy was asking me about the dolls I had made. I haven't found any pictures. Most of mine were bunnies or mice because that was what the girls wanted at that time, and were completely played out. I know I have one pic of one somewhere.......Found the pattern, minus her undies pattern tho...thinking I might just make her again for company tee hee. Cathy

          8. Josefly | | #52

            Sculpted clay heads? Wow. So much for my vision...I assumed they were somehow sculpted of fabric and stuffing. Thanks for checking it out.A "company" doll. I like the idea. You can pour her a cup of tea and maybe the house won't feel so empty.

          9. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #54

            I will put her in the car with me, or on the back of my bike! Company for road trips when DH is busy. As she is about the size of a 4 yr old, I should get her a car seat too. tee hee Cathy

          10. rodezzy | | #57

            What doll are you so excited about taking for a trip around the world!  giggle....Inquiring minds are too lazy to go back through the threads to find out. 

          11. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #63

            Denise (The Niece). Found the pattern for her. Been years since I did her up. She is the size of approx. a 4 yr old. With the new fun yarns that are available, I should be able to do some neat things with her hair. Thanks to your neat hair ideas with Monique and Sara. Cathy

          12. rodezzy | | #64

            Wow, that sounds great.  Can't wait to see your new friend.

          13. Josefly | | #77

            If you take her on your bike, make her with lots of hair that can fly in the wind!

          14. rodezzy | | #56

            Yes, there are clay sculpted, cloth covered doll heads.  But there is also soft sculpture heads, like the minimal sculpting I did on the nose of my new doll.  That is done with the doll needles and thread.  So, get back to your vision.......if a novice like me can do it.....so....can....You!  giggle.  I can't wait to put my doll in the quilt show this year.  I will be able to go from Miss Monique to Sara to......new doll doesn't have a name.  Name suggestions will also be pondered.  giggle.

            Edited 9/4/2008 9:20 am ET by rodezzy

          15. rodezzy | | #35

            Wow, sounds amazing.  Thanks for the site, I visit it often.

          16. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #40

            The dolls are all so different, so many dolly personalities, so much creativity. It is like stepping into Wonderland! Some neat ideas too. I hope Monique and Sara soon have a brother or sister for us to drool over! I am sure your brain is full of wonderful ideas. Cathy

          17. rodezzy | | #43

            You bet!  I also discovered sock dolls.  Seem easy and fast, along with the more complicated ones.

          18. SAAM | | #71

            Hi Rodezzy, Just catching up on the threads after getting my 16 year old daughter off to college. (We had a month and a half from receiving the acceptance letter until she had to go! I was crazy busy sewing her clothes she "had to have before she left.) I remember making sock dolls when I was a teenager. They were a lot of fun. I could make them in an hour or two. I also made a few when my girls were young. They loved them more than the store-bought dolls. It was fun to see them "come alive" as I embroidered their cute little faces.Sherry

            Edited 9/5/2008 1:28 am ET by SAAM

          19. rodezzy | | #72

            Hi SAAM, what a wonderful thing to be able to sew for your young lady going off to college.  You must really be good.  I can't do clothes that well.  I do a lot of sewing, but it mostly for home dec, crafts and easy 1-2-3 items to wear.  Nothing fabulous.  I just don't have the patience for it. 

            Oh, it almost escaped me, she's 16 and going off to college.  Must be brillant!  How awesome is that!  How proud you must be.  My best wishes to her and her future endeavours.  Stick that chest out!!!!!

            Where did you get your socks.....basically I want to know....were they tube socks or any kind?

          20. MaryinColorado | | #74

            way to go!  She is someone to be so proud of going to college at 16!  Congratulations!  Now dry those tears and sew up something just for you!  Mary

          21. Tangent | | #78

            It's my own fault.  I should know better.  Spent the morning reading threads and exploring interesting links.  Sigh.... Back to chores or they'll not be done in time!  

            Thanks for the entertainment, and the link to the cloth dollmakers!!  Lisa Lichtenfels is truly amazing!!!  One of these days I'll make some dolls again, they are fun and so individual, even if cut from the same pattern & fabric.

            To All: Please keep posting pix of your projects!  Thanks!

            Edited 9/7/2008 12:42 pm by Tangent

        2. Josefly | | #12

          Your experience, separating from your daughter, tugs at my heart. I remember when we drove my daughter, our youngest, to college, in Mass., the other side of the world from Georgia. As much as I told myself that this was what we had prepared her for, I just knew it was the end of so much that I enjoyed. My husband and I had planned to travel around a little bit and sight-see up there, after dropping her off, but we were both so glum we drove straight home after just one night. And it was the beginning of a new kind of life, I do have to say. But slowly I began to see the up side of it, too. Of course we still had her home in the summer and at holidays, so the change was not as abrupt as I thought it would be. Somehow, that last child is harder to let go of. I'll bet your daughter is having some mixed feelings about moving out, too.You know, it sounds to me, from some of your postings, that you have a wonderfully busy and interesting life.

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #14

            I guess I do have an interesting and very busy life. I forget sometimes. I am part of the sandwich generation as well, and get a little discouraged that I have to shelve my needs and interests so often. Now that my girls are leaving home, I had always promised myself that it would begin to be MY time to pursue my career/interests. Not working out that way.
            Daughter is having really mixed feelings. Some of her friends are a year behind her in school, and are being a bit rough on her. They expected her to be home another year also. I told her it is her life, and if this is what she needs to do, then it is her decision, not theirs. I am finding the house awfully quiet tho. Cathy

          2. Josefly | | #17

            Yes, the quiet is hard to get used to. How far away is your daughter moving? Mine lives in Albuquerque, but swears she's going to come back closer to home. I do miss her so. We video-chat, though, and that helps a little. And my son and his wife and my grandson live only an hour away, so I feel lucky for that. Know what you mean about the sandwich generation. Just when you think you're going to get your own adult life back, and enjoy your children as adults, you suddenly become "parent" to your parents. I guess that old saying about God laughing at our plans is true.

          3. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #22

            The two girls will be 2 1/2 hrs by car away. Not too far, but still far enough that you can't just drop by. Just got back from seeing the new appt. It is really nice for the price. They did well. A friend's parents have given them a sofa so it is not completely bare. They will be back in a couple of weeks to pack the rest of their stuff. I am sure I will have more for them by then. Cathy

          4. Josefly | | #23

            2 1/2 hours away is a long way to go for just a day, isn't it? But not as bad as it could be. Maybe it'll be fun helping them find furnishings for the apartment. Are they flea-market shoppers? I wish luck to them in their new home - an exciting time.

          5. rodezzy | | #44

            Yes, that is a little far.  I just thought they were moving within your town.  Well, they are probably so excited right now, they aren't thinking that when they get lonesome for you, it will be a little bit of a hike to get to you.  But you guys will work it out.  Love conquers all!  giggle.

  2. Josefly | | #2

    I love to hear how you're experimenting. How exciting! You never know what just might do the trick. Threadkoe has given you some good suggestions, too.


    1. rodezzy | | #3

      Yes, she looks like she has too black eyes. 

      I can't change it now.  But I cut out a new doll last night.  I took the pattern from "The Cloth Doll" my friend Sandra gave me.  It will be an attempt to make a better looking doll.  I've purchased many materials from a book on dolls Sandra gave me.  I want to make a really pretty doll for the show.  I don't have much time, but I started it.  I hope this doll is really better.  I've been reading and studying soft cloth doll making everywhere I can.  I'm excited.  I also have an idea for a totally original doll in my head.

      So, please give a round of applause for "Sara" who is giving her opening night, first ever performance, coming to you all the way from Chicago, IL......."America the Beautiful."




      1. Josefly | | #4

        Oh, I think she's great. I've seen people with eyes just like those - remember when women used to circle their eyes with kohl? She is a snazzy lady!

        1. rodezzy | | #5

          Thanks, and yes, I remember, I remember.  he he

      2. Gloriasews | | #11

        Sara is so cute!  She looks like a blues singer with just lots of eyeliner on (not black eyes) & I love her hair - what is it made of?


        1. rodezzy | | #13

          Her hair is made of novelty yarn.  Great stuff, that novelty yarn.  Thanks.

          1. Gloriasews | | #19

            You're very welcome :)


      3. MaryinColorado | | #21

        "Clap clap clap, lots of applause for "Sara from the windy city of Chicago, USA"  I think she looks sassy!  She looks like she has spunk and lots of personality!  Love that hair too! 

        Before you "paint" on the dolls, do you use gesso on the areas you are going to paint?  That helped me alot as a base coat.  I also tried real eyeshadows, etc.  some of them run and smear so it is a learning process.  You seem to be a natural at the dollmaking, they have such character!  Mary

        1. rodezzy | | #37

          Thank you sweetie.  You are so encouraging!  Yes, I've purchased gesso for the next doll, the various doll needles to attach the head, arms, and legs for my next doll.  I've been give "Soft Doll & Animals" magazines and purchased the latest one.  I have one "The Cloth Doll" magazine of which I cut the last doll from.  Will be starting soon.  I have paint already, chalk and lots of stuff I've collected over the past two years, just because.  So, look out world.  Here I come.  giggle.

          1. MaryinColorado | | #60

            You tease, can't wait to see your next little gem!  Mary

          2. rodezzy | | #65

            Hi MaryinColorado:  Go to New Doll in the Works thread and see the pics.

          3. MaryinColorado | | #73


      4. Teaf5 | | #76

        Hee hee, she's great! She looks like some of the ladies who live in our town, the ones with the blue hair rinses and "never-go-out-without-full" makeup.

        If you want slightly more realistic eyes on your next doll, remember that the eyebrow and the iris (colored part) of the eye are far more distinctive than the outline of the lids, even when the lashes are heavily mascared.  The iris also fills most of the opened oval, with its top and base beneath the lids.  When viewed straight-on, we can see only the outer lashes.  Human eyes are usually at the midpoint of the entire head, much lower than one would expect.

        An easy way to draw an eye is to make an almond shape, then put a large pair of parentheses in middle: < (  ) >  and then connect the outer lines with a slight curve.  The eyelashes are just a few upward strokes radiating from the top line just on the outer half.  (Not sure I can do THAT on a keyboard!)  Have fun!

        1. rodezzy | | #80

          Thanks, how about the Cherl doll, closer huh?

  3. MaryinColorado | | #20

    Hi!  I've been offsite for awhile.  I have used fake eyelashes from the drugstore on dolls a few times.  They look cute but the glue doesn't hold forever.  I think next time I'd use that silicone glue, it's called something 2000. 

    I've been reorganizing the studio, it was a mess with too many projects going at once.  I couldn't work in the chaos!  I got more fabrics washed for my grandson's "high school daze" quilt, think a crazy quilt might work out well with the variety of fabrics and embroidery designs, so many colors it makes my head spin already.  Now, if I could just get the fairies to iron all those fabrics!!! 

    Good luck on your latest dollie!!!  Mary

    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #25

      Mary, the glue for the eyelashes is great for positioning them, but if you couch them on with black or brown single strand embroidery floss, it looks like eyeliner! Cathy

      1. MaryinColorado | | #26

        Great tip!  Thank You!  I haven't made dolls in years, but Rodezzy has me inspired again so I am going through my dollmaking books again.  Mary

        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #27

          I think she has inspired a few of us. I have been frustrated with my sewing lately. Maybe this will free me up a bit. Cathy

          1. MaryinColorado | | #28

            She's amazing!  I don't want to think what my life would be like without all of you here at Gatherings!  You've all gotten me through some really tough times, as well as motivated and inspired me to keep sewing.

            I was in a major slump because I had always considered myself a clothing type seamstress that dabbled in other areas of sewing on the side.  The body warp of time hit me hard.  Making a quilt brought me back in a new way.  Now I want to sew everything.  I see new fairy dolls on the horizon with glittering glowing wings!  Mary

          2. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #29

            Oh, Do I hear you! Plus, my Dr has been able to reduce my meds. Gives me something nice to ponder here, people to talk to with interests like mine, who think like I do, plus at least a giggle or two every day. Not so worried 'bout the lumps, bumps and gravity either! Everyone here seems to deal with it the same way-fix what we can, ignore the rest! tee hee. Ro has the wildest sense of humor too. I really would make the effort to meet a lot of the ladies here. I think my sides would hurt from laughing so hard tho.... Cathy

          3. MaryinColorado | | #30

            I'm really hoping for a "retreat" one of these days with some of you gals.  Don't know if we'd actually get much sewing done, but it would be so fun! 

          4. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #31

            Yeah, Me too. Maybe this winter where the weather is more temperate for us in the northern climes. Need to get a bunch together to make dummies(dressforms) and fitted muslins, and a fun project. Like wine, brie, and a big dinner. Tee hee Cathy

          5. MaryinColorado | | #32

            Oh yeah!  Lot's of goodies, definitely!  That would be great to make dressforms and muslins together!  Excellent idea!  We would be laughing at ourselves so hard, that we would be able to go back home with a new "appreciation" for our "unique" figures.  I can just see us all in our leotards, ha ha.  (I'd look like a fat little elf).... guess it better be like "what happens in Vegas/stays in Vegas"  "What we see, we don't tell!"  The person taking the measurements must be sworn to secrecy!  Mary

          6. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #33

            Who would we tell anyway? We all live a distance apart! tee hee Was just checking a map to see what Northern Central might be. Even a place with a hot tub to soak weary bones would work for me! Wondering what it would take to get something like this organized....or if Threads would come on board? Cathy

          7. rodezzy | | #42

            I'm on board, but it can't be this year.  With the holidays looming and so much stuff on my calendar already, planning for me would be after New Years Day. 

          8. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #45

            This is starting to sound like the beginning of a plan. It would be a riot to get a few together to do this. It would definitely have to be late winter what with travelling and all. Will make a list to see what would be involved. Give me a few days and I will post a new heading. Let's see where this will go, shall we? Cathy

          9. rodezzy | | #46

            I'm on board.  I just don't have a house, or else I would invite you all to it.  Or, I'm sure I could get my cousin to let us come to her house.  It's beautiful and in a quiet suburb of Chicago.  Richton Park, IL. or we could all pitch in and pay for a nice place in downtown Chicago.  That would be a great experience.  Chicago is an exciting place these days in the downtown area especially.  There is so much to see and do, and all in walking distance from some great hotels.

            Edited 9/2/2008 1:41 pm ET by rodezzy

          10. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #47

            Depending on how many are interested, some hotels will rent out a meeting room for a group of guests. Group packages/discounts can be arranged ahead of time. Even a small hall could probably be found somewhere as well. I am one for going on the reasonable cost side of things, so all options are open for discussion. Less cost on hotel=more money for shopping! Lots of options. Is Chicago most central for most who are interested? Cathy

          11. rodezzy | | #48

            That will depend on who's signing on from what locations.  I was just throwing it out there because Chicago is such a hot tourist spot right now.  giggle. 

            I'm up for whatever.  A list of participants would have to be drawn up first. 

            But actually, I've wanted to travel, so it would be in my interest to go somewhere else.  I'm very open to where..ever this challenge leads me. 

            Edited 9/2/2008 2:09 pm ET by rodezzy

          12. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #49

            Like you, I want to travel also. Ontario weather in Jan/Feb is the pits unless you ski/snomobile/skate. I do not. Anywhere in the states is south of me. tee hee. Cathy

          13. rodezzy | | #50

            I feel ya there.  I would like to go south now that you say it.  Maybe one of the members here live in a warm climate and have some input and recommendations.

          14. KharminJ | | #51

            OOh!OOh!OOh! Road Trip!Just a reminder - whichever way you're crossing the border, we all need to have a passport these days (Canadians, too I think - US citizens, fersure). I know ~ another thing for the "To Do" list!!Anyway, Rodezzy, I'm in the western suburbs, maybe we could get together sometime?
            I'm so inspired by your willingness to "just do it" - the 'perfect' comes *after* the 'practice'! philosophy. I know that I use my "perfectionism" as an excuse to procrastinate - Oops, almost late for work!BB!Kharmin

          15. rodezzy | | #55

            I just went to the Traveling USA and there's a trip to Washington State for the 13 mile yard sale brewing too. 

            Would love to come to Canada also.  Man, my travel bags are shaking.  And I've got a lot of saving to do. 

            Please check out my new doll post.  I have pics of the new doll in progress.  Let me know what you think.

          16. MaryinColorado | | #58

            Northcentral's climate was allways cold and damp through the winter and early spring months, brrrr.  I was there last May and it was still sweater weather and it rained most days. It would need to be an indoor hot tub I think.  (From an old Ill. native who gets in the hot tub outside year round in Colorado except when the snow is too deep.)  Just my two cents worth, if we go there, I hope it's between Memorial and Labor Day!  (Unless I can leave Arthur Itis at home, he he).

          17. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #67

            Outdoor tub? not on my radar in winter! Have done that but hate the trip to and from. Was DEFINITELY thinking indoor. Travel and room is usually the most expensive part of a trip. The actual get together and supplies the cheapest. If people do not mind doubling or quading in a room, it gets cheaper for the rooms. It is off season in the central, or North Central in winter, so often a little less expensive as well. I think a reasonable hotel with facilities would fit the bill. And if people could manage to travel together, even part way, more fun and less cost as well. I am also trying to figure a time frame for the actual project. How much time do we need? If people bring a muslin ready for fitting, it would take way less time. The dress form, I have no idea on how much time that would take. Or do we just do the dress form and plan another get together if we meet with success with this one? Anyone have suggestions? Cathy

          18. rodezzy | | #68

            What about the body doubles with duck tape?  Isn't that a viable dress form to make on a trip?

          19. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #69

            This is the dressform I am hoping we will make. That or the paper tape one. For those that also wish for help fitting a basic muslin, I was hoping that we could fit that in also, if possible? I guess we should call it our Body Double Retreat? Cathy

            Edited 9/4/2008 2:24 pm ET by ThreadKoe

          20. rodezzy | | #70

            Sounds good to me!

          21. MaryinColorado | | #75

            Sounds like a great idea.

          22. rodezzy | | #41

            Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I'm seeing us in my mind too.  That would be so much fun.  I've been wanting to do a body double of me in order to help with fitting my clothes and haven't found no one with the time.  Most of my sewing buddies have families and husbands to attend to and we just never seem to have time.  I'm going to press them into it though.  Winter is coming and after visiting that textile place (I'll give you the name later, its at home) I'm eager to make some stuff after the quilt show and my next doll venture.  I'm going to have to make a weekly schedule with myself on paper in order to realize all the stuff I'm inspired to do.

          23. MaryinColorado | | #61

            You'll need a really big weekly calender to fit it all in!  he he  You make my head spin, Popeye!

          24. rodezzy | | #66

            Arghhhhhh!  Shiver me timbers!  I got a lot of works to do!  Arghhhhhhh!

          25. Gloriasews | | #79

            Speaking of quilting, Rodezzy, are you planning to attend (or work) at the Original Sewing & Quilt Festival in St. Charles IL Oct. 9-11??  I just received the MacPhee Workshop newsletter & Linda MacPhee will have a booth & fashion show there (your kind of easy clothing), in case you are interested.  Also, in case you are interested, she is looking for models for her clothing (you? :) & part-time workers at her booth.  Check out http://www.sewingexpo.com for further info.   If you'd like to model or work at her booth, contact Linda at [email protected].   If you're not interested or already committed to something else, not to worry - I just thought you might be interested. :) 


          26. rodezzy | | #81

            Actually, I was reading the flyer last night and looking at the classes.  I want to take a class on fitting.  I'll research the site you sent me today and see what's going on.  I'm too fat to be a model.  Pleassssssssse!

          27. Gloriasews | | #82

            No, you're not too fat to be a model!  Linda's clothes are made for all shapes of people, as they are simple styles.  She even says in her fashion show that the BLT outfit is made for eating extra goodies.  Have you checked out her patterns on http://www.macpheeworkshop.com ?  They don't require a lot of fitting, as they are not tight fitting - they are made to be comfortable - & to travel well, too.


          28. rodezzy | | #83

            Oh yes, her fashions lot like fun and great colors.  I love it.  But I don't want to be a model.  I will be buying the DVD's later in the year, if they are still available by the time I get hold of some extra money.  I'm building a DVD collection now of my favorite crafts and sewing.

          29. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #84

            You should try one of the patterns. You would LOVE them. Lots of room for creativity too. And they are really simple to fit and sew. Lovely for us Bountiful Babes! Cathy

          30. rodezzy | | #85

            Yes, I saw how creative they were.  I just went to Joann Fabric this morning while shopping for the office coffee supplies.  I found a "See & Sew" pattern for a cute jacket.  I'm going straight home and cut it out.  Talk about creativity.  Wait till you see the mix I'm going to do.  he he he.  Here I go again.  It's B5239 See & Sew

          31. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #86

            Nice Choice! Very flattering for your figure. Cathy

          32. rodezzy | | #87

            Oh, heres the fabric I was talking about.  It's a very fine corduroy, really light and drapey.  Going to make that jacket with it.  What you think?  I've included some other fabrics I want to make jackets or coats out of.  The black and the faux fur have over 3 yds, but the two couduroys have a little less than 3 yds.



          33. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #88

            Absolutely Smashing! Just love it. I think it would be so pretty. You might have to consider facings and undercollars in a different contrast colour to fit the fabric yardage if needed, but that would only add to the uniqueness of the garment. I love all the fabrics actually. They look so Fun! Cathy

          34. rodezzy | | #89

            Yes, those are my sentiments exactly.  I have a few ideas.  But when I get home I will spend some time going through the stash for favorable options.  But I will first see how much I can get out of the original piece.  I also have some fleece options too.  My mind is racing, I'm again on edge, ready to get out of here and home to start a project.  I can hardly sit still.  (It's kind of sad I don't have nothing else to do but what I want.....NOT....giggle).

          35. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #90

            I have a meeting to go to tonight, and DH 3 is home, and offered to make dinner! Have been emptying out dressers for the girls, now trying to figure out what to do with the Stuff I have stored in them. All part of my Stash of course! Mind you, did find the pattern I misplaced (or the elves did) earlier this summer. I am going to have to buy more Rubbermaid! Should be buying stocks in that....Cathy

          36. rodezzy | | #91

            Giggle, yes you should buy stock and so should I.

          37. Ceeayche | | #93

            Gotta weigh in on the road trip idea!!!!  Sounds intriguing!

            So add Virginia as an option (34 miles northwest of Washington DC)!


          38. rodezzy | | #95

            Sounds Great.  Looking forward to how this thing comes together.  ThreadKoe is pretty much the organizer.  Let her know your thoughts on the subject.

          39. MaryinColorado | | #116

            I used to live in Alexandria, that part of the country is beautiful!  Hm, Va Beach, Great Falls MD and Va, DC shopping,  so many historical sites and interesting things to do and see!  I remember sleeping out at concerts on the Washington Monument grounds in the 70's.  Mary

          40. Gloriasews | | #92

            With all of your DVDs & video tapes, you'll need to buy a cabinet to store them, too, when you finally save enough to get the other furniture.  Another goal for you, dear lady, eh?  We don't get any quilting, sewing or needlework shows here, so you are so lucky to be able to tape the ones you have.  I guess I should start checking online for the shows - otherwise, I've been lucky enough to have gotten some great books from the library, which have been a great help & inspiration.


          41. rodezzy | | #94

            Yes, they will find a home in my furniture when I get it.  giggle.

            I love the new DVD's on knitting and crocheting.  I've got to update my Meg Swanson "Shawl Collared Vest", the VHS video doesn't work and I haven't made the vest yet. 

          42. Gloriasews | | #96

            Will you be knitting or crocheting the vest - when you finally have time?  Or sewing it?


          43. rodezzy | | #97

            It's a knitted vest on circular needles in the round.  It has a cable on each side of the front opening (steeks) and two cables running up the back in proportion. 

            She shows how to create steek stitches (extra stitches) for cutting the front open and the arm holes.  She does an Icord bind off shoulder seam closing, shows how to knit backwards, and has a cute cat that keeps walking in front of the camera....giggle.  I love the video, so I guess I will have to purchase the DVD.  Sometimes I just want to watch her knit.  She doesn't knit the whole thing during the camera run, she takes you through the techniques as they come into play.


          44. Gloriasews | | #98

            That should be a really beautiful & really different vest!  The directions, though, are rather intimidating (for me, anyway) - thank heavens you have the video to guide you, as that would be a huge help.  Good luck with it - & we do want pics, as usual :).  What yarn will you use?


          45. rodezzy | | #99

            I am just trying to get a replacement for the video that no longer works.   

          46. Gloriasews | | #100

            Hopefully you'll get it soon.  It would be a shame if you couldn't get another copy, eh?  Then you might have to play (oops, I should have said 'knit') if by ear.  You're so terrific at improvising, that it should be a cinch for you!  Good luck with your search.


          47. rodezzy | | #101

            Yea, I haven't received a response from the company yet.  So, I'll probably have to purchase the DVD and take a loss on the video tape.  Oh, well. 

          48. Gloriasews | | #103

            You probably won't take a loss in the end, as the DVD should last a lot longer, eh?  HOpefully, you'll receive it soon.


          49. rodezzy | | #104

            Oh, Schoolhouse Press hasn't responded to my inquiry yet.  I don't believe they are going to compensate me at all.  I will probably purchase the DVD.  Right now, I have other priorities, like furniture to spend my hard earned money on.  I must get organized.  I can hardly stand it.  giggle.

          50. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #105

            What happened to the tape? is it stretched or did it break? some of the video rental stores still have the repair kits that they use to fix damaged tapes, have you asked to see if they have them and if they can repair it? even if only part is unreadable, if most of it is still good, it is better than nothing. Cathy

          51. rodezzy | | #106

            Actually, I don't know what happened to it.  It starts and then shuts off the TV and spits out the tape.  In my other VCR, it just stops the VCR and spits out the tape.  Never had problems with it before. 

            I called and gave them what I've said here, and this will be the third week with no response.  I called twice.  Schoolhouse Press is in Wisconsin.  The tape was sold out of yarn shop.  They are in another town outside of Chicago, I don't remember where right now, I was on a yarn trip with my fellow crafters. 

            But I do know this, I will never buy a VHS tape again, I will just write down the title and buy the DVD on-line.

          52. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #107

            I know this sounds really silly, but can you rewind the tape? Cathy

          53. rodezzy | | #108

            It was rewound after the last use.  I always rewind after I watch a tape.  The small television rewinds automatically when it comes to the end. 

            Can't go forward or backward....nothing.  Shuts down equipment.


          54. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #109

            It sounds like the tape inside is stuck. This happened to my girls tapes all the time. Turn the tape so the two holes are up. On the left side, there is a tiny button that releases the cover on the tape. Push this and gently pull back the cover to see if the tape has come undone inside and rewound all the way into the tape. If the tape is still there, it is probably too tight and has jammed the wheels. While holding the top back, stick your thumb in the hole with the most tape and press down gently and wiggle it around, and at some point the tape will release a bit and loosen. STOP! Carefully put the tape in the machine and try to play or fast forward a bit. The cogs seem to get between and get stuck and the machine reads this as the end of the tape. If the tape has broken, the people at your local rental place may have the know how to open the tape and fix it. Mine all do. It is worth a try. Cheaper than a new DVD for now. Cathy

          55. rodezzy | | #110

            Wow, you are a marvel.  I've printed out your instructions and will give it the old college try tonight!  Thanks for being so thoughtful and helpful. 

          56. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #111

            I found we had a lot of trouble rewinding the tapes all the way to the end, so we always watched them and stopped them before the machine got to spit them out. Got to be a bit of a game actually....CathyIf you have to touch the tape, it is ok if you are gentle, as it is the end of the tape with nothing on it, and a few fingerprints will not hurt there.

            Edited 9/22/2008 3:57 pm ET by ThreadKoe

          57. MaryinColorado | | #117

            I had that problem and the grandkids had a tape that you put in the VCR to clean it.  After they did that, alot of my old tapes started working again.  It's all beyond me, but it was great to find out the tapes were still good after all. 

          58. Gloriasews | | #112

            So must I get organized!  The furniture will help tremendously.  I hope you're able to get it before winter sets in.  Also, as Cathy suggest, you might look into getting your tape fixed.  I didn't know there was such a service available.  Maybe all is not lost!


          59. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #113

            Rental places, in the days of tapes, often had to repair or fix their tapes. The people who owned the place we went to asked why I kept renting one particular movie. Because mine is broken and it is my daughter's favorite afternoon movie for rest time. He told me to bring it in and he would look at it. He spliced out the bad part, and told me he had to fix a lot of his because customer machines kept eating his movies at great expense. It only cost me a couple of dollars. Cathy

          60. Gloriasews | | #114

            You were very lucky to have someone like him who could fix your tape.  Hopefully, Rodezzy will also find a person to fix hers.  I never knew anyone did that, as the movie rental places certainly don't advertise the fact.  It would be helpful if they did.  If we couldn't fix a tape ourselves, we threw it out - too bad & a real waste!


          61. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #115

            No it is not an advertised thing, otherwise they could not sell tapes. However, if you talk to people and ask questions, you find out the most amazing things! I think I asked about how many ruined tapes he must have gone through when he admitted he fixed his. So I asked what he would charge to fix mine. You have to talk to the guy in charge, not the hire a guy behind the counter. (That could be a girl too. I do not want to sound sexist, it is just an expression.) Cathy

          62. Gloriasews | | #118

            Thanks for the info.  I'll remember that next time.


          63. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #102

            You wore out a video!?! Must have been a really good one. Hope you can get your replacement. Cathy

          64. rodezzy | | #39

            Glad you are getting along so well.  Looking forward to hearing from everyone all the time.  I just have to get a computer at home.  You ladies are great.  You've all inspired me too.  More than you can ever know.

          65. rodezzy | | #38

            Wow, you go girl.......go go go!

    2. rodezzy | | #36

      Yes, I've noticed that you were gone.  Glad to hear from you as always.  I've cut out a doll, but I was outside all weekend.  I went to the free jazz festival here in Chicago on Sat & Sun, met up with a friend each day. 

      Sat. had lunch with my first quilting friend & mentor at 1:00 p.m., we lunched at the Corner Bakery Michigan Avenue, went to two stages listening various jazz artists.  I don't know any names, I just enjoyed being outside, with a good friend and mentor, and the weather was grand.  She left at 6:30 p.m. and I stayed on until 9:00 p.m. 

      Went out again Sun. to a textile place with two other guild friends and mentors.  Had then drop me out at Michigan Avenue afterwards to continue my afternoon awash with the sounds of jazz, another friend called and came down to finish out the evening outside with me.  Monday was spent in the suburbs with my family.  She had a fish fry, grilled hot dogs, sausages and hamburgers and sides.  Cake and Ice Cream. 

      We played Taboo, and another categories game, can't remember it.  Scategories? I don't know.  But they were fun. 

      I taught three cousins, ages 8, and two thirty-something's to crochet.  I was so proud.  I just happen to take along a bag of yarns and my bag of knitting & crocheting tools at the last moment to make a steering wheel cover for my car and they started asking to learn.  I grabbed that bag just as I was leaving because I didn't have time to go through anything.  It was ment to be.  The 8 yr. old made five rows with six stitches for a headband.  Everyone took their yarn and hook home.  Great weekend.  Loved it. 

      1. Josefly | | #53

        You are amazing. Wish I could've sat in on your crochet class. Glad you had such a good time for the Labor Day weekend.

      2. MaryinColorado | | #59

        Wow!  You sure know how to make great use of your time!  No wonder you are such a prolific seamstress!  I wish I could've been there with you at the Jazz Fest!  Sounds like a wonderful time.

        Then the fullfillment of teaching others your art to top it off.  I'm glad you are enjoying life and sharing your talents.  I bet the eight year old was so proud of her headband and new skill!  Mary

        1. rodezzy | | #62

          Oh she was thrilled and so persistant.  Reminds me, I'm going to call her tonight and hear about her progress.  And I know we would have had fun at the Jazz Fest.  It was so relaxing and fun.

          Edited 9/4/2008 11:06 am ET by rodezzy

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