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Conversational Threads

surfboard bag

Giniso | Posted in Patterns on

Would anyone know where I can get a pattern to make a surfboard bag?


  1. suesew | | #1

    I've never seen a pattern for a surf board bag. But if some one asked me to make one I would tape together enough newspaper to lay the surf board on, trace around it , add generous seam allowances and use that as my pattern. A zipper around one end should close it all up - or something overlapping like a duvet cover.

    1. Giniso | | #2

      Thanks for the info.  I'm just starting to put it together in my head.

  2. SusanC | | #3

    Hi Gini, 

    I don't know if you are able or willing to adapt a pattern for your surfboard, but I have made several snowboard bags from the Storm Mtn. #302 pattern (can be seen if you go to justmakeit.com and do a search for that particular pattern).  The pattern itself is fairly straightforward, the bag goes together without problem, and it seemed to be adaptable.  You may be able to use it...The materials--cordura, zips, webbing, and hardware--are all available from Textile Outfitters as well.

    Hope this helps you...Good luck.


    1. Giniso | | #4

      Hi Singaporesling,

      Thanks alot for the info on the surfboard bag.  I'm going to have to go into the justmakeit site. 


  3. Teaf | | #5

    Having made several sailboard bags, maybe I can help! If you can take a look at commercial bags in a shop or on the internet or borrow one from a fellow surfer, you'll notice important details like where the openings should be, how long the zipper/closure is, and where to put the handles,. However, boards vary widely, so you may have to start from scratch.

    I used an old sheet wrapped around the board, then safety-pinned the seamlines and openings before testing how easy it was to take off and put back on --putting the board in nose-first and zippers or drawstrings at the tail seemed easiest. I used old belts to check the balance point for straps, and added an opening for the skeg and side pockets for fittings and small gear for that particular board to keep them organized.

    After getting the safety-pinned sheet to function well, I marked all the lines and pieces and cut them out of quilted or outdoor canvas fabric. Long zippers weren't necessary with the nose-first design, but you could use ones reclaimed from sleeping bags or tents.

    My bags held up well through thousands of miles atop the car and years of happy sailing; they cost very little, and fellow sailors kept asking where they could get one. Each was well worth the single afternoon it took to make one! Hope that helps...

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