Susan Khalje couture dress class online

Has anyone taken or (presently taking) Susan’s class? Did you use pattern V8648 or other? How did your
dress turn out? I am trying to decide on pattern since I don’t care for the 4 piece midriff and 7 piece
skirt on V8648, I love her videos and methods and am anxious to select pattern and fabric. Am still
trying to find large sheets of waxed tracing paper (don’t want $35.00 worth from Richard the Thread). Any
ideas? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Hi. If you go here:
you will find the official page. To the left are a list of about 18 projects, and each one has some comments. There are also reviews.
When you register they send you the paper pattern, so I assume that's the one you all use. I'm not sure - I JUST registered. (laughs)
But if you look at the projects, you will see that the dress can be modified in a lot of different ways to suit many styles and body shapes. I actually already own the pattern because of this.
Does that help? :)
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