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Conversational Threads

Sweing lingerie

SexiToni | Posted in Patterns on

I am an intermediate seamstress who LOVES lingerie and risque club attire.  I spend a lot of money on outfits that I am certain that I can make myself.  I am looking for suggestions from someone who has made lingerie/clubwear that would be willing to assist me in getting started.  Hope to hear from you soon.


  1. Tatsy | | #1

    Sewing lingerie and clubwear is easy to learn but is best done in steps. Start with something simple like a teddy or half-slip and be sure to pick a stable knit like nylon jersey, which is slick but has almost no give. As you get used to sewing on knits, step up to some with more give like sweater knits, which stretch but are still civilized to sew on, and finally the slinky knits which hug the body. Stable knits can be sewn with regular patterns; stretchy knits need patterns made specifically for them.

    The main things to keep in mind are to be sure to use either ball-point or universal needles, set the stitch-length longer--at least 3mm on a European machine--and to recognize that the straight of grain on a knit follows the vertical line of the stitches. In any case, you want the fabric laid out so that the direction with the most give goes around the body.

    Some other things to keep in mind are to use weights to lay out the pattern pieces rather than pins for two reasons: the fabric tends to distort when pinned and regular pins will poke holes in knits which cause the same kind of runs you get in nylon pantyhose. For this same reason, most sewers use small, smooth clips which won't snag the fabric to hold the pieces together instead of pins. With a little practice, you will be able to sew most pieces together just by holding them in your hands and letting the feed dogs ease them together.

    My last bits of advice are to get two good books, one specifically on sewing with knits, the other on sewing lingerie. There are many good ones out there. Also, plan to spend a few hours learning how to sew on knits. Before you start sewing on the beautiful fabrics you intend to wear, pick up several yards of cheap cotton jersey, a kid's pajama pattern and a package of non-roll elastic. Make three pair and donate them to Good Will. You get the practice you need. You don't have to see your mistakes, and someone else might actually benefit from your efforts.  Good luck.

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