Hi Jeanette and others.
Thank you for your reply. You got off lightly with your fine. Foreigners are usually booked with the utmost vigour and the highest possible fines apply. No $30 is well below the norm these days. Hope you and the twins all survived the trip here well. I agree to the fact that footy has lost it’s touch a bit.
Did you happen to notice, around Rosebud, when you were down here, the proliferation of agapanthus, which grow like a weed, and, is declared a noxious weed down there. I saw some at a market the other day, freshly divided, and, in 6″ pots for which they wanted $10 for them. Admittably they were not in that area but if I could get that sort of price for a pretty weed, I would clear the whole of the peninsula and retire. Something you can grow well up there is fangipanni and all attempts I have made have been virtual complete failures with one surviving one season and then passing on to wherever they may go.
Have to go now to pick up my eldest from the rail after a trip to Luna Park.
All the best
Thanks for your email/post. I didn't notice agapanthus there, we were there in December, maybe they are an early spring flowerer. We have some in our garden that didn't flower this year, maybe insufficient water with the drought and all. They are lovely flowers, and a church near us has a huge bed entirely covered in them , looks fantastic when they're in bloom a sea of that cornflower/jacaranda blue. Weeds, huh, it's the context, I suppose.
The frangipani are really a tropical plant, and grow very well here, but even better in Brisbane. We have a lovely red one that we transplanted back into a pot as the paper-delivery man would lob the Sydney Morning Herald each morning from his car on the other side of the road and progressively knocked bits off. It hasn't flowered since.
I'm not much of a gardener. The yard doesn't lend itself with a pool lots of brickwork, and a ginormous turpentine tree that overshadows most of the garden. More time for embroidery!
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