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Conversational Threads

Tailor Boards Available to Buy?

Vallie | Posted in General Discussion on

Dear sewing-enthusist readers,
     Old-fashioned,  SPECIALIZED tailoring equipment is getting hard to come by.  Has anyone seen a TAILOR BOARD available in any catalog or on-line site?   It is similar to a point presser, but with many curved surfaces upon which to press seams open, made of hardwood.  It is tremendously helpful to press open seams on vest armholes and necklines, curved collars and cuffs, scalloped edges, sweetheart necklines, and all sorts of other curved areas.  The best reason to use it is so that (after you have pressed the seam open, clipped and/or notched and graded the seam allowances), when the item is turned right-side out the edge turns PRECISELY on the seam line.  This means you are not having to “roll” the sewn edge back and forth between your fingers, while trying to get it to stay put with the tip of your iron, usually to the distress of your fingertips. 
     I do have one of these in oak made by my husband years ago when he was a wood shop teacher and had access to power equipment.  Now I’d like to give one to a dear friend who came to my rescue by sewing groomsmens’ “formal” western vests. 
    Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.  Maybe Threads could feature it and re-aquaint a new generation of seamstress/tailors to an old standard piece of equipment. 



  1. diday | | #1

    It would be nice to see an article on favorite sewing tools readers use, the old standards and the new--those kind we wouldn't give up for anything!

    When I googled the Tailor Board I was surprised not to find many sources. Here is one, a Canadian source:

    June Tailor Tailor Board
    #JT-500 $44.90 Canadian


    1. FitnessNut | | #2

      It does sound from your description as if the June Tailor board is the one you are looking for.

  2. mimi | | #3

    Have you looked on Nancy's Notions or Clotilde online?  They have good sources and links to sources.


  3. ShannonG4d | | #4

    Cynthia Guffey sells one that is very nicely constructed.  Contact her at [email protected]  if you're interested....NAYY


  4. clsosa | | #5

    It is a June Tailor board that your looking for.  I think I purchased mine (along with the padded covers from Clotilde.  But if they no longer carry it you can call June Tailor direct at 1-800/844-5400.  It is a wonderful tool that you will use often.

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