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Conversational Threads

Tailor tacks

Elaray | Posted in General Sewing Info on

After a few unfortunate experiences with various marking tools (namely, marks not disappearing or not washing out), I’ve decided to use tailor tacks to mark dots, etc. on my fabric. I’m asking for tips on using tailor tacks. Is it okay to use embroidery floss? What can I do to make sure the thread doesn’t pull out? I’d appreciated any tips, techniques or advice on using tailor tacks.


I sew, therefore I am


  1. louise | | #1

    Re tailor's tacks. When I am sewing anything I keep the inevitable long stray soon-to-be discarded threads, I wrap them around my "tomato" pincusion and then use these for tailors tack. Embroidery thread might leave a colour on your fabric despite being advertised as colour fast.

    I also thread a spool of thread left over from some sewing project, (particularly if it is not a colour I am likely to use again) on a shoe lace and I hang it from by gadget box, which sits above my sewing machine and beside my ironing board. You could just hang it from a hook if you like. Anyway this is an easy access, reel off as much as you need source of basting and tacking thread.

    It's easy! Don't overthink it.
    Good luck and happy sewing

  2. SkiNsew | | #2

    I use tailor tacks a lot and always use my left over embroidery thread.  It seems to grab the fabric a little better and you don't have the problem of the thread slipping out prematurely.  I have never had a problem with the thread bleeding onto the garment fabric.  Just another hint:  I use three strands and usually leave long tails (about 3-4 inches).


    Edited 6/30/2005 7:32 am ET by mare

    1. TashaGirl | | #3

      I use up thread on old bobbins.  I have also used embroidery thread and haven't had any problems.  It does seem to stay in place better than harder wound spun thread!

      For complicated projects I will color code my marks - match red to red, blue to blue, etc. 

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