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Conversational Threads

teaching children to sew

MaryinColorado | Posted in General Discussion on

Found an interesting website www.teachingkidstosew.com and www.sewingprose.com for  those interested in teaching our little ones to sew and carrying on the art!   Hope you enjoy it!  Mary


  1. User avater
    blondie2sew | | #1

    Oh my gosh miss Mary!Thank you so much the first one you posted that is the exact one I am planning to get licensed through...kidscansew one...But the other one I am going to take a closer look and compare I haven't made a commitment as of yet to the other one...You darlin are wonderful for getting info on the other one I have not seen that one before and I have done some searching!!Thank you Thank you!!Way back when I was posting questions for grants and stuff don't know if you remember or not but they are around in the archives and I was explaining about this program I planned on using it is the one you mentioned too funny..Well Maybe there was a reason for me to be patiently waiting the other maybe just where I need to go...so I get to seeNow I will spend sometime there and on the phone like I did with the other!!
    Again Thanks Connie

  2. JanF | | #2

    I've hesitated to post this - but here goes!
    I think in principle - the lessons u advocate here are fine - but I have a real worry - so i thought i'd better voice it!
    As a professional teacher in a state school my alarm bells went off. I would never advocate putting yourself in the situation of running lessons/clubs etc. outside a school environment unless you have the correct Child protection systems in place!
    You could leave yourself wide open for any child/parent etc. to sue u for all sorts - and u would have no backup at all! yes - I'm sure most of us would advocate that sewing must be nurtured - but to do it as a business with school aged children - I would be very wary. In the Uk anyone running clubs must be vetted by police etc cos what is to stop any old Tom Dick or Harry from running a kids club? As a parent I would not send my child to any of these lessons until it could be shown that all the correct legislation was in order - and I cant see any mention of this.
    This is without mentioning Health and Safety!!!!
    I have the backing of professional Unions to help with any problems etc. but what would stop u from landing into deep trouble if little Johnie fell over and stabbed himself with a pin? You may laugh - but take it from me after 30 yrs of teaching you must make sure this aspect is covered for your own sake.
    It doesn't stop u using their schemes to teach your own children/ grandchildren and I can see the point here - but a business? leave that till the kids are old enough to sign the disclaimer!
    Sorry to be a real party pooper!

    1. User avater
      blondie2sew | | #3

      Hey Jan,Non Taken you are not a party pooper..Those are absolutely great thoughts...First I want to let you know I am working directly through my children's school for this venture.. I have working with the Principle as well as someone at the School District level. This will be held at my daughters school.. Unfortunately here in the States they have taken away our Home Ec classes....So our kids aren't being able to have that as a class like it was when I was growing up!!Anyway I am actually volunteering this program...I am a volunteer now with the district so I certainly had to get checked out by the state background and such..But you seriously gave me room to think and ask some important questions if something arises with I have the full support of the School District...Thank you Thank you again for speaking up!! I know I might even have some more questions for you...No Worries here This has been a great eye opener!Connie

      1. Cherrypops | | #4

        Well done for pursuing this venture. A little off topic here but with regards to being checked out due to security etc, I will be volunteering at my school for half hour a week for group reading work lessons and I too had to fill in a statement form and give all details, sign declaration blah blah blah. I have had paid worked within schools many years ago, and wasn't checked. How times change!

        Keep up the spirit B2Sew, lord knows we need people like you willing to give the girls and boys a chance.

        :) CherryP

        1. Ralphetta | | #5

          I do some substitute teaching and this year, in addition to the criminal background check that's been done for years, we had to be finger printed.

          1. Cherrypops | | #6

            Finger printing, can't wait!

            I'm sure Australia will catch up.


            Edited 2/27/2007 10:13 pm by Cherrypops

      2. MaryinColorado | | #7

        Maybe you can check to make sure the school's insurance policy covers any liability risks.  When I had a licensed day care and preschool in my home I added recommended liability insurance to my homeowners policy.  Perhaps your insurance providor can make a recommendation too.  Mary

        1. User avater
          blondie2sew | | #8

          Rightin that down...Thanks for the thoughtsConnie

          1. MaryinColorado | | #9

            How are your plans progressing?  Mary

          2. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #10

            How are your plans progressing?
            This was the Question that was asked a while backWell I think they are progressing wonderful!!I went to Expo and found out some wonderful information. One of our Universities here in WA has a CTA program.(Clothing,Textile Advisor) This is a Volunteer program that is offered through the University to our community. I will get 30 hours of Training Free!! I will have access to lot of curriculum and the best part is I will be associated with them and the program so I will have liability through them!!! Yeah!!I am attaching a link if anyone wants to see what this program is about. I am as we speak filling out my application and my training starts the end of April. I go once a week on Tuesday for like 7 weeks..I will have this amazing training and then I will have to do some of OJT at some of their established programs (they are listed on the site) I will have to do 50 hours of volunteer work for this free training and being certified as a CTA ( which I am more then willing) however I am excited to say that my program I am wanting to get started come next school year will be counted as my 50 hours!!So I just wanted to give you all an update on what I have found... what a blessing..This will also cut my start up costs by a huge amount!!!http://www.pierce.wsu.edu/Life_Skills/CTA/index.htmBlondie

          3. JanF | | #11

            This sounds a great volunteer programme!
            I wish you all the luck in your new venture, its sounds a great idea and I'm sure it will give u loads of opportunity to expand your repetoire once u get established. Over here we have something similar - called evening or day classes, which people pay to go to - or get it free if they are on benefit, but the teachers are usually paid for their input and it can be a lucrative occupation for them.
            usually classes on chosen crafts and some basic dressmaking skills packages - however not many. Mostly you would need to join a craft group local to you.
            Good luck in ur chosen pathway!

          4. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #13

            Thanks Jan!!I know from your other thread about knitting you are upon Retirement! But my darlin that doesn't mean anything...I know I will still be able to pick your brain and I am so fortunate to have you and others who will be able to help! I know I will at least get three more years with you teaching the kiddies too so you will be a huge help.My goal with starting my after school program will be this fall in Oct. just after school starts in Sept. So I still have a long way to fine tune all my stuff but this CTA program like I said before will be a huge part of that! Amazing I didn't even know that was available to me or even out there!!I will post as I get into my program there is a lot I will be having access to as a member of this program and wow that will be great!! Like you said who knows what will be..I am excited to see how my one little program may take off to touch more younger kids!! We need it or this craft will become obsolete with time!!Blondie

          5. MaryinColorado | | #12

            Hey, did you hear me squeal with delight all the way up in Washington?  That is so cool!  I am so happy for you!!!  This is obviously the path you are meant to follow as everything seems to be falling into place quite nicely!  Kudos!!!!  I look forward to your posts as you progress.  Congrats!  Mary

          6. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #14

            Thanks Mary I love you for being my bestest RAH RAH girl!!Of course you will see future posts about my progress!! I will let you know of all that I am learning and maybe some wonderful industry things I have access too who knows!! Again this is just a blessing and totally wonderful to have such a program!! I did hear your squeals!! You know Colorado is not that far!!Blondie

          7. cafms | | #15

            We have a similar program in Mississippi called Master Clothing Volunteers.  I have been  an MCV for about 8 years now and really enjoy it.  We have a class each month in our county for the public and then classes for us once a quarter.  While we were at the Expo we had an chance to talk to some of the CTAs but hope to find out more about the training there.  Who does the training for you for the 7 weeks?  We have 40 hours payback each year to remain certified. I'll be interested to hear about what your training covers.  I have heard of programs in Kentucky and Texas also.  I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.

          8. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #16

            Hey thanks..Sorry this took a bit for my response back to you and Yes I will of course give you more details...So be watching for these!!You will be seeing something soon as I can post what the info I got in my intro letter that came with my application..But as far as my blogs for the class I won't start until end of April...so be patient with me!! As you can see I am so excited about this I wish it was starting now!!Blondie

          9. cafms | | #17

            Look forward to it.  Keep me posted. 


          10. JanF | | #18

            Don't be afraid to ask me if any worksheets available etc. for a particular skill or whatever 'cos I'm not "precious" about my teaching aids - if they help others - its what they're for!
            In a way u remind me of myself when i was starting out - lovely to have all the enthusiasm and energy of the younger teacher. I know lots won't agree with me, but sometimes the energy of the younger teacher is an enviable thing for us of more "mature" years!!

          11. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #19

            Thanks Jan!!The way I see it we all at any stage need each others strengths and we give each other the breath of fresh air sometimes we needed!!I will be posting as my progression begins!!Thanks for your wonderful kindness and help I know I get to tap into!!Blondie

          12. solosmocker | | #20

            This sounds wonderful, Blondie, and I await with great anticipation the arrival of your blog. I know you'll keep us posted.

          13. Cherrypops | | #21

            Blondie, I found this on my travels today. A good article on Choosing Patterns for a beginner. I hope you can find ideas from this. I thought of your girls also.



          14. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #22

            Cool thanks chickie!!

          15. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #23

            Just wanted to give you all an update on that CTA program from WSU I got excepted for the program...I am so excited I got my letter on Good Friday as a matter of fact..so it was in deed a great Friday!Ok well I was going to take the time to post some of the things that I will be getting trained on and I can't find my letter that had all the info on it!! So I will start the search and see if I can..Anyway if I can't you will know when I get started.Well it is now official anyway!! The class starts April 24th...and will run every Tues till June 5th!!I am excited that I still got excepted and I have to miss the first two trainings.. not that I wanted to I just had a prior out of town commitment that involved airline tickets and such...so I have put a call into the Coordinator to see if I need to get with her prior to me leaving and such and then when I get back to make up those two trainings...they don't like anyone to miss...so I feel really blessed that they still accepted me!!!More later

          16. MaryinColorado | | #24

            Yahoo!!!  Congratulations!!!  I am so excited for you!  I was hoping that you would get in for this session.  We share your joy and look forward to hearing about your progress.  Cool Beans!!!  Mary

          17. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #25

            That is exactly what I said..."Cool Beans"

          18. MaryinColorado | | #26

            There's a new gal who wrote a new post under the heading long arm quilter machine.  She sounds pretty cool.  Mary

          19. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #27

            Thanks got on it

          20. JanF | | #48

            Congrats to Blondie on getting accepted onto CTA program. Well done and all power to your elbow as we say - go to it!
            - I've been away in our new motorhome - a mixed time was had - lovely weather - hubby couldn't sleep and was all for jacking it in after 1st night!!but we persevered (could only manage 2 nights away )
            Our Easter weather has been fantastic and that made the time great - got to do some walking around The Long Mynd in Shropshire - a really lovely part of the country - The Welsh Marches (border with England - a pox on the English!!)( I don't really mean that - hubby's English!)and actually got sunburnt!
            normally it p...s...s it down around the Easter hols!
            I'm afraid I never got to do any knitting - got ready in a rush - and was a little desperate to finish a book for my book club meeting this wed ( now I remembered I've got parents evening at school so won't be able to go to the meeting!!! rats!) The 6th. Lamentation - anyone read it?
            Also been finishing a little bolero jacket for my daughters friends wedding - her dress is strapless and she fancied some cover up.
            God I wish I hadn't offered!!
            The simplest of things to make - but could I get the sleeves to fit well enough???
            I don't know if I was in holiday mood or what - or wether not being in school does something to my brain but I was really struggling - I couldn't believe it!
            Can anyone explain why 2 sleeves would perform so differently?
            Sleeve heads and armholes measured exactly the same but boy did they take some maneuvering to fit together - I have never been so relieved to get a phone call tonight to say everything was fine with them ( I couldn't see her to do last try on when I delivered them)
            Has anyone else held their breath whilst thinking of a plausible reason(not excuse I hasten to add)to explain why I still need to do a final adjustment if she isn't happy?
            I'd forgotten all about my rant of not so long ago about never doing anymore alterations/sewing for fiends - will I ever remember to say no?
            I was going to add for Blondie that the nicest thing for her will be that all her students will be wanting to study with her - believe me - it makes such a difference!
            You lucky thing you - it makes me all the more determined to try to develop my own tuition classes for when I retire!! 4-6 sensible people wanting to learn something!
            Needless to say I'm really, really looking forward to going back to ordinary school tomorrow -new classes -Yippee!!(tongue in cheek here) I wonder if anyone is keen to start work?
            You never know!
            I'm sorry - I sound a little jaundiced I know!Holidays aren't always good for you!

            Edited 4/16/2007 6:39 pm ET by JanF

          21. MaryinColorado | | #49

            You sound so enthusiastic, at least the students won't notice because they will be feeling the same way!!!  You really made me chuckle!

            Sounds like you enjoyed your motorhome.  I finally got a new car so the motorhome is somewhere down the list of "somedays".   Dear hubby is not as adventurous as me so it will be a big adjustment for him.  He likes to sleep in his own bed! 

          22. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #50

            Well Welcome back Ms. Jan!!!I loved hearing about your wonderful adventure with your new toy!! ha ha haThanks for the atta girls..Yes I too think it will be nice to work with those who want to be there. So On ward and forward..I too will be gone a week and half come this Monday!! I will be road tripping with a friend..from one end of the US to back here this end of the US. So that otta be fun..I wish I could blog everyday you would surely get your chuckles with that!!We missed ya around here.No worries I will be posting more on my new training adventure and such

          23. JanF | | #51

            You lucky, lucky thing you!!
            Hope ur not planning a Thelma and Louise! I can't imagine the amount of miles u will be clocking up but i'd love to do this - I think I will be restricted to Europe - unless we get the bug and when we sell on the motorhome we decide to have a good summer in USA - its what I'd like - but haven't told Pete yet!Another thing on the list to do when retired!!
            try to post some pics!

          24. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #52

            Well you are too funny!! I actually refrained myself to saying We are going on a Thelma and Louise Trip..but yes that is exactly what we have been calling this all along..ha ha haBut of course we won't have the wonderful ending and of course we aren't going to rob anything..however if Brad Pitt comes in our path...hmmm..nah!! just a thought though.This trip is going to be interesting..It will be nice to get away from the life for awhile...Lot's going on so the break will do me just fineOh my first OJT with one of the classes on Wed went well..This lady who is doing this is actually a 4-H Group. Mostly I observed and watched the kids and interactions and such. She didn't want to throw me to the wolves too soon!! I will be with her for 4 more times so I know it takes a bit for the kids to feel comfortable with a new face..so I am expecting to be more involved the next time as they saw me and sized me up for the day!! So now it I am focused to get out of town on Monday!!

          25. JanF | | #53

            I think i could be persuaded to be a little indiscreet if Brad Pitt came my way too! Wonder if he ever fancies the older woman?
            Have a good time and enjoy the time away from the stresses of everyday life - its what I love about caravanning in any shape or form - just got to get Pete used to not being in his own bed!!

          26. user-167104 | | #28

            Yep, in KY, that's where I am. I am just beginning in the program as a MV. I love the concept and the work that goes into teaching something so important. I have a brother that lives in Gautier MS, near Biloxi. You know where that is?

          27. PrincessKatja | | #29


            Welcome (in advance) to the CTA program!  I'm guessing you're taking the training in Pierce County? If so, I'll see you at graduation!!

            Best wishes and have a great time.  I wish I was helping teach the training this year but I'll just have to wait to meet the new class.  :)  The WA CTA's are a great bunch and a lot of fun.  We are so blessed to have such a huge resource of talented and knowledgeable people to work with.  Glad you can join us!



            Edited 4/12/2007 5:53 pm ET by PrincessKatja

          28. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #30

            Thank you so much for your encouragement! Yes I am taking it at the Pierce County Extension.As a matter of fact I am starting a bit early as I was blessed to get in even though I am not going to be there for the 1st two..They are willing to work with me! I go in and see Lessie tomorrow for my back ground check and then again I know I will be coming in to maybe start my first two trainings..I had planned a trip to help a friend like way back in Dec and of course involve airline tickets and such. Not knowing at all about this wonderful program until Expo. This is going to help me out so much in my program I am starting here in Puyallup!! I know this sounds weird but I see your posts as you do mine and I think I know you from Sew Fun at Quality...Are you the one taking over Sew fun ? The one with the cool measuring tape bag? I know I am reaching but if you are we have been chatting there as well!!So again thanks and I am really looking forward to working with you and all the rest!

          29. PrincessKatja | | #31

            ha ha... that is so funny!

            Yes, I am guilty as charged - I'm the tall redhead with the bag woven out of measuring tapes.  :)  And  yes, I'm teaching Sew Fun in the "southern" stores this month so you have to swear not to laugh. :)  Actually, you're welcome to laugh because I laugh at myself all the time!  It should be a fun club - it's my first month of teaching Sew Fun so I am very excited and just a little nervous.  Not really scared nervous, just excited-and-wound-up nervous.  What can I say - I'm excitable.  But I love teaching, especially because I am the Queen...or should I say Princess of Successful Screwups.  My biggest triumphs come out of near-disasters so I feel obligated to keep people from getting discouraged just because they make mistakes. 

            Okay, so I'm babbling.  But seriously, best of luck!  There are several CTA summer sewing schools if you want some extra practice for your afterschool work.  And of course there's always the option of doing your program in cooperation with the county 4-H program which would help with liability issues.  There are several CTA's who are also active 4-H leaders with large youth teaching programs.  They will be a great resource for you.  I also do a lot of 4-H work but I don't have the experience that they do - I tend to do more judging, workshop teaching, judges' training, etc. 

            There's lots of good resources out there so have fun!  There are some good resources at http://www.bunkhousebooks.com.  I am a little biased because I know the authors - former 4-H'er and her Mom. :)

            See you soon!!!

          30. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #32

            Yes I am the other younger gal who comes (blonde of course)...ya know the one who is also easy excitable as well..I made those Mini Skirt Bags...actually they are posted here in the gallery..I know you will be a great addition to our Sew Fun!! I actually thought about maybe inquiring about that because it needs to be fun and needs to be real! I see that in you!! So they did great at bringing you on!! I thought that was you when you posted about the needle felting machine..then they made that announcment to introduce you last month! I am helping Lynette this Sat to launch that machine for Puyallup...with make and takesThanks for the resources I will give it a look..I am just excited to see all the other resources and such that I will have access through this CTA progam..what a blessing! And hey think of me if you need a partner in crime! Of course when I am officially graduated that is!! I know we have to do 3 days of OJT which is new as of this year part of our training. So I chose the one out at American Lake, FT Lewis... I think it would be fun to get one going at McChord. My honey is AF so I know the ladies in my squadron might think that is cool!! Hey girl....You will rock Sew Fun!! and I am going to miss your Debut!! I just realized that! I will be on my road trip..darn!! Oh now I am sad...So let me know if you do realize who I am? If not I am so not offended I will just have to make sure next time..well are you going to be doing Sew Fun for May?

          31. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #33

            Hey I just went to the site you posted and I am not sure that this is the site you are referring too? Can you check it and let me know?I wasn't finding any sewing books..

          32. PrincessKatja | | #34

            Doh! Where is my brain today...
            It's http://www.bunkhousesewing.com - not the other. So sorry!I have the beginning book for girls and I think it's well done. I haven't read through the newer books. Of course it is one resource of many that is available. I think many of the tables of contents and similar information is listed which helps give an idea of whether or not you think it will work for the use you have in mind.Good luck!

          33. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #36

            Oh many thanks!! I love the website you sent me too!! No wonder your a bit bias!! Now my mind is racing!! I am sure going to be checking into this!! I especially like the book for the Boys!! I am really wanted to make sure I am able to accommodate them as well!! I am hoping I get some to teach. Thanks again!! I got that site book marked!!

          34. PrincessKatja | | #37

            Sorry I didn't reply to your earlier message when I posted the corrected website address. I swear I just have too much on my mind lately!I do remember you! The handbags are adorable! It's great that you are able to help out with the needle felting class tomorrow. I'm jealous! I have to attend a memorial service in PT, and then teach a 4-H judging workshop on Sunday. I'm selfishly hoping that there will be a machine or two left over so I can pick one up. I wasn't even able to get one to do my class projects! :) Too bad you're going to miss this month's Sew Fun. There are some really fun projects. Unfortunately, the In Stitches book is sold out - we were only able to find a few copies and the book is in reprint! So I will have lots of unhappy customers. But it will be worth the wait if they special-order.Next time we run into each other at Quality we will certainly have a good laugh. Thank you very much for your vote of confidence. Sometimes it is intimidating as a younger woman to be teaching those with more experience (or more years, at least). But hey, we all have lots to learn - especially from each other. You're going to have such a good time teaching. I prefer the teenagers because I like making fancy clothes, but they're all fun. I think the trick with the boys (anyone, really) is to let them make something related to what interests them. When I taught Home Ec I had a jock who didn't want to sew ( a lot of kids were just dumped into my class) but he learned how to sew his track medals and patches onto his letter jacket and even appliqued lightning bolts onto his track shoes. Duffels and bags to carry their stuff. My archery boys (4-H) were interested in making quivers and arm guards. There's always something!:)

          35. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #38

            Wonderful Thanks!! All your boy ideas will be great..I did notice on that website the boys...they did like vests for out doors and then I saw some pouches I think for bikes and such!! I was thinkin you your line as well let the boys figure out what they want to do! Of course with ideas and such!! I do plan on taking my Felting machine to my class too...how cool would that be!!Ok Maybe I can pre order my book you said that was back ordered!! Don't want to miss out on that..is that to do with the felting machine?Just met with Lessie and Ann today!! Got my back ground check done!!
            Wonderful chatting with them and seeing all this program has to offer!!You are a busy busy bee!Way Cool!!Can you tell I am sooooo excited to have this opportunity!!Yeah

          36. MaryinColorado | | #39

            You gals make me wish I lived nearby!  Sounds like "sew much fun is going on"!  I am jealous, he he  he   Mary

          37. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #40

            I would love love love to have you near by!! I got my class syllabus today!! I need to take a peak of it and then I will post when I get a chance so you know what I will be learning!!And the Coordinator Lessie told me today that usually they will not except anyone who will be missing 2 classes..Like I had told you before..I am so blessed..and it was because I wanted to start something within the schools that really captured them!! Well I am hoping my application/resume helped...which I am assuming it did!! Yeah!!

          38. MaryinColorado | | #41

            I wonder if someone could video tape or even audio record the class sessions you are going to miss?  When I was in college, we used to tape record the lectures with the professor's permission. 


          39. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #43

            Ya know that is a great idea...I could ask but I am assuming no.She did go over a bit with me yesterday and I after my trip will be coming to pick up my homework and handouts I missed.. I just will be missing the History of the program (which she went over the Power Point presentation with me yesterday) And just some more introductions for the 1st one...then the second one is all about Fabric Care and oh darn I don't have my sheet in front of me I will post this later!!But they seamed to think that I would be ok...She did want me to start my OJT with one of the groups with the kids next week...so I am planning for next Wed going there! So that is cool. I didn't know that we were going to jump into our OJT so soon. I wasn't going to complain. I just need to get kids pawned somewhere!!

          40. cafms | | #44

            What does OJT stand for?  What will you be doing?  I'm really interested in your training.

          41. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #45

            I am sorry OJT is On the Job Training..That means during my course one of the requirements is to go to one of their programs already established and train with the other CTA's. We are required to do at least 3 of those. Every Tuesday from 9am to 2pm we are in training. This consists of different topics each week. We get alot of information to file and for reference, We will have homework, (don't know exactly what but I know some will be sewing). We will get training by the coordinators as well as other CTA's. Training will also consist of how to train others,teaching styles and techniques. Fabric Care, Pressing techniques, Interfacings, New Notions, Patterns/Measuring for Accuracy, All about your sewing feet, Fabric/needles and thread choices, Burn Test, Color/lines, Dress to flatter your body and shape and lifestyle. Of course how to fill out our volunteer paperwork.Then we have a final project upon graduation, what I don't knowWhen we graduate we will then be able to meet once a month with other CTA's for on going training for us..we train each otherI was told once a year there is a local weekend retreat for us as well.So this is what I know so far as my syllabus is stating..But I know I can give you more as I am in training!! I plan on blogging here for you all after each training so you can know about this program more!!I hope this helps a bit more!! I know she had told me this program is around the US!! This is nation wide

          42. cafms | | #46

            Here we are called Master Clothing Volunteers.  I have really been interested in your training topics and talked to some of the CTA's while I was at the Sewing Expo in March.  We want to revise the training and manuals here and I'm looking for ideas to suggest.  I've looked at some websites for other programs (mostly KY, TX, and yours) and have gotten some ideas and made suggestions.  Now to get them implemented. 

          43. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #47

            Wonderful!! Do you want me to give you the Coordinator of this program email to you? This might help too!! When she went over the history of this program and mentioned all who are doing this they had different names..I guess it would be up to the different states for the curriculum and such!! Let me know I can email you directly her info to you so you can learn more and pick her brain I am sure she wouldn't mind especially as you are apart of your areas group and also needing to revamp your program a bit!!Let me know if you are interested and I will get you the names!!

          44. MaryinColorado | | #42

            I m sure that your resume helped, it is a great one!  You have alot of leadership skills that I am sure will be put to good use.  You are so enthusiastic too!!!  go girl!!!  There's no stopping you!  Mary

          45. cafms | | #35

            I do know where Gautier is.    How did he fair with Katrina?   I'm about 150 miles north of there, close to Jackson.   I think we had an MCV there at one time. 

            I hope you enjoy your training and then teaching sewing.  I really enjoy teaching our classes and working with the 4-H kids.


  3. Cherrypops | | #54

    To Mary and everyone here,

    It's happened!

    Master Thomas (5) has asked me to teach him to sew!

    Sitting in the car yesterday, he blurted out ' mummy can you show me how to thread a needle on the machine.?" I nearly cried. I do give him my Sewing Mags to read..hahaha

    I know he is very interested in fabrics, and he knows how much his friend in loving having my latest bean bags (sit-upons). Mummy is special!

    I have my Janome 350e, have only read the instructions. Have a head/chest cold not taking the chance this week at playing with/breaking it.. Thomas now knows that I can do what Nanna does, and already has designs of his favourite Thomas the Tank Engine lined up for me to do.

    He has done a very small amount of sewing before at a show last year. The ladies were quite happy for him to sit at the machine and push start/stop and feed the quilted fabric through. They thought he was adorable and could see hidden talent.

    We shall see!

    The fun begins. Keep you posted.






    1. User avater
      Becky-book | | #55

      Wonderful!!!  It is so good when they can start early and 'play' with the skill before they really need to make something.

      Please make sure he will make the commitment to you that he will sew safely and not try any 'funny stuff' and get himself hurt in the process!

      Happy for you,


      1. Cherrypops | | #56

        Thanks so much Becky,

        I will start with the basics. (A basic course at one place here costs $200. 4 lessons -6hrs each.) He may need a loan from daddy...lol.

        He is good with scissors, can cut a straight line better than me sometimes.

        He seems happy to learn so I will go at his pace. Keeping all fingers intact too.

        He is also reading very well so I should have him reading patterns with "place on fold" etc soon enough! and show him how to do it too.

        I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully, he will be able to help me make his classmates christmas gifts. They would love that!



    2. User avater
      blondie2sew | | #57

      Wow MS CherryP!!You brought tears to my eyes as well!! That is so way cool!! I am finding that boys are great little sewers and they get things done!! Girls are quite the social bugs you know!! I can't wait to hear what he has been doing on the machine..well ya know what that means...maybe another sewing machine addition to your household!! I will be waiting to hear about the new arrival!! ha ha haAnd congrats on your new addition...I am sooo jealous!!Yes by the way I am back from my road trip...and I am now 2 weeks into my CTA program with lots of fun things to share!! So I have homework every week plus a final project..and I have been also doing my OJT for this 4 H group of kids as well..that is why I have made the observation on boys versus girls in sewing at that young age!!! I will have to email you more on everything else that is been going on since I have been back you..you just will have to laugh and cry at the same time with me!! A lot hit the fan...

      1. Cherrypops | | #58

        Hey blondie,

        Soooo good to hear from you. Can't wait for more news.

        Thanks for popping in, I know how busy you are at the moment. I've been running all over town lately.

        Another sewing machine, well,

        I do have Ma's Singer 1960's and her Mamylock serger, Thomas can use. The Singer is great. That's the one I used for my wedding outfits, my first machine. All I needed was Straight and Zigzag, and it does them beaut. It has a few discs to get different stitch types but it's been years since I've used them, I've forgotten what they are.

        Thomas has own little table and chair downstairs for homework, so I can set him up there. Dad can help, it was dad that taught me how to sew on the Singer. I didn't listen in Jr High. Mum never sewed. I could read patterns etc but never got used to a machine.

        Shopping today for 'Brother' feet. Finally getting the Blind Hem Foot + others.

        Janome is happy sitting on the shelf. Thomas no doubt will want to know the 'mechanics' of how his designs can make it onto the fabric. That's one for his dad to explain..lol.

        Boys and girls at school are the same. Boys work Girls talk. I notice that on my school morning. The girls love to colour in, but it takes them so long and they don't finish. so we have said it is to be done last, time permitting. I love them all just the same!

        Take care,









        1. User avater
          blondie2sew | | #60

          Yes I too am soooo glad to be back....no time to breath either.I will email you soon...think about you often and just wanting some breathing time to write!!

          1. Cherrypops | | #61

            I know that! I'm patient.

            you are a pocket rocket.

            Luv ya Cherrypops

      2. MaryinColorado | | #66

        Alot hit the fan?  You have my curiosity going wild.....just got back in town myself....hope all is going well with the 4H group and your training!  You go girl!!!  Mary

    3. cafms | | #59

      Good for your little boy.  When my boys were little they did some sewing too.  The second one made a t-shirt that he wore to school in the first grade.  When he was in high school it came in handy.  A button came off of the fly of the pants on a costume he was wearing just before he was to go on stage so he sewed it back on.  He is now a Doctor and when he learned to stitch up his patients I reminded him that I had originally taught him to sew.   My daughter sewed when she was little too but not so much now.  She is the kindergarten and first grade music teacher and has made some costumes for her students for their programs.

    4. MaryinColorado | | #62

      Hi!  Just got back today, will be reading emails for awhile to catch up. 

      So glad to hear that soon Thomas will be joining you in the sewing room.  The adventure begins!  Have fun!  Mary

      1. Cherrypops | | #63

        Thanks , yes it will be an experience, haven't begun yet. I am sure he will work out the Janome 350e touch screen quicker than me....i'm not letting him near it yet!

        1. MaryinColorado | | #64

          My youngest grandson, now 10, was happy in the beginning, just to push the "start" button.  He was fascinated watching the machine "make a picture" on the fabric.  The kids are more computer savy than me, I had more of a learning curve to work out.  Right off, they asked questions about what the software could and could not do.  They think you should be able to make the designs any size you want anytime rather than only 20% or so.   "Why don't you just zoom in Grandma?"  and "Why can't we just delete this part of the design?"  Now if the software engineers could just work out some of these issues and the cost become more realistic.......


          1. solosmocker | | #65

            Amen to the cost thing! Welcome back Mary. Great to have you and your wonderful knowledge back on line. My grandson is fascinated with what he calls my "tools". He loves to dig in the drawer with my feet and such and ask questions about everything. He thinks the sewing machine is magic and grandma is the magician. I let him play in my room cutting fabric pieces or digging in my drawers and asking questions. I also let him push the buttons as needed and help me change feet. When he comes to visit there are two questions I always get. "When can we go into the garden?" and " When can we go into your sewing room?" It is just wonderful.

            Edited 5/31/2007 9:21 am ET by solosmocker

          2. MaryinColorado | | #67

            Seeing the world through a child's eyes is so enlightening!  They are fascinated with everything.  We are so blessed to have them to share our lives.  Your comment about Grandma being a magician was heartfelt and sweet.  It's the way my youngest grandson feels about his Grandpa now.  The admiration in their eyes is priceless!  Mary


    5. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #68

      Oh, how exciting!  I was just about his age when I started playing with fabrics and my Mom began teaching me how to sew (see 6838.7 that I posted last night).  Let him have fun with it, and who knows what will happen?  Kids are so computer literate these days, he may be digitizing his own embroidery designs for your 350e before long!


      1. Cherrypops | | #69

        Thanks for writing Vicki.

        Thomas can use buzz explore to look at the embroidery designs. has seen my test pieces but not the machine working yet. most definitely one for touch screens. I have to remember to turn screen off.

        start with the basics just like you did. ( thanks for the redirection).




    6. dionna | | #70

      My has been asking me to teach him to sew sence he was 12 years old he's now 14 years old I just waited to see if he was sure he asked me again last week I will start after school is out for summer  06/15  I  will start on sat.morning 

      Edited 6/7/2007 11:41 am by dionna

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