I really appreciate the work threads is doing to be current and easy reference. I was quite put off with all the negative words I was reading about threads and wrote to the forum about them, one lady comment about how her husband was a carpenter for 20 years and there was little in the new woodworking magazines for him but when he found something it was a wow moment, I agree, we sew because we love it, and we buy sewing reference to help us and often it is reminders of how to do it right or better, and every once in a while it is a new skill and we have a wow moment.
Thanks so much for offering this forum I hope to read good and helpful discussions in it and when I read the negative I zone out and don’t visit for a spell. Thanks Amber for taking all the flack and thanks for hanging in there and giving us ideas to work with.
I agree. What is boring or too simple for some people is of great interest to others. There is always something new to learn or improve.
Thanks for responding, I don't do alot or writing in this site but I felt I had to speak up I had written Amber in hopes to encourage her.
My sewing is changing directions lately and it is new and uncharted waters for me, A brand new grandson born about 5 weeks early but arriving on Christmas Eve has made me far more interested in softer seams and simpler designs for little boys. Jeremiah is home from the hospital now and gaining weight, for that we are grateful. How long have you been sewing Margie?
Hi Kat.
I have been sewing for years. I have discovered a new love and enthusiasm for sewing since I retired from work 18 months ago and, of course, having a beautiful 11 months old grand-son helps. I have also been having lessons on how to improve on fitting which has taken me to a new level.
I used to sew years ago for the children when they were growing to fast to keep buying them clothes, I have sewed for about 35 years I was a frustrated beginner with little in the way of instruction and when I figured out how to use my mum's old Singer well I did alot wrong but had a alot of fun trying.
Thanks for taking time to reply.
Have a grand weekend.
it seems that grandchildren get us back to sewing, that is what happend to me.
Also bought a new sewing machine when my mum passed over, so now i can embroider on the items as well.
I love hand embroidery but it is so much quicker when sewing for the youngsters.
I made a lined jacket for myself something i would never have done if i had not subscribed to threads.
Hasnt the internet opened up the world for us, it is so great to learn new things,
I think i am learning at a speed not known to me since my school days.
I wondered whether other grandma's ( i am oma) would love to see a few items for children, even if it was just the trends, where we could buy nice fabric etc. and ideas.
Grand children have crept up on my husband and I, some how we thought that would happen when we were much older, but in comparison to our children we are indeed "much older...." Our daughter told us Christmas Morning she and her husband were expecting, so we had our new little grandson just hours old and our daughter tell us Christmas morning it was to happen again in June. Sudden a new era in life had come to us, one we didn't know we were searching for til it landed on our door steps.
I had been making androgynous things for Jeremiah while he was being created, but now I shall make key point things for him, that shall be such a quiet pleasure, our daughter is looking for "Classic Winnie the Pooh" fabric not the Disney plump red shirted fellow but the one that looks like an old favorite teddy with hinged arms and no clothes. I would appreciate any fabric info on this elusive fellow in our neck of the woods, we are hoping to do this precious little ones Nursery up in "Funny ole bear" style. I shall hope to discover it before June so we can have the nursery all ready and good to go for the welcome addition.
Where are you situated in the world Denise? I am on Prince Edward Island on the East Coast of Canada.
Thanks for replying
Have a special Day.
dear Kat.
We have family in Canada in London Ontario, they are like my husband dutch immigrants, we spent time with them in 2005.
We live in an island paradise off the bottom of Australia called Tasmania.
I live in the capital Hobart., our popuation is around 500.000 it is twice the size of the Netherlands, so you can imagine the space, but it is very mountaneous.
You know you are correct, I never ever thought too much about being an Oma ( dutch grandma) but when Charles arrived it is a though you have been given such a blessing and seeing things through a child eye once more.
But because I have more time, I can spend time showing him the world that I have to remember he has not seen before,
I made him a Christmas quilt. And also lovely cool pyjamas and little tops as he was born in January he shall be one on the 31st the day after his mums 31 st birthday.
I know the names of lots of good fabric sites but I am not sure whether it is permissible to put them on the web, so if you would like to email me i shall let you know.
Thanks! You made my week!
You are very welcome, have a gentle weekend.
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