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The Great Coat Sewalong

sewslow67 | Posted in General Discussion on

For those of you/us who are thinking about making a coat, here is a blog that I found very interesting.  Aside from their “group” timeline to share and advise about the process as it moves along, the link below shows a lot of absolutely beautiful coats and their individual details. 

I find the photos quite an inspiration, possibly, because like many of you, I have made coats in the past and am currently considering making one for this coming winter.  Last winter here was brutal, and I don’t want to end up “living” in a parka again next winter should it be last winter’s twin!  Here’s the blog for those of you who might find it interesting.  Enjoy!



  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    Thanks for sharing the website.  So many interesting coats and so well done too.  Mary

    1. sewslow67 | | #2

      You are welcome, Mary.  I too, thought the workmanship was lovely. 

  2. Gloriasews | | #3

    Our winter may well be brutal again, as summer is still flirting with us.  Remember my comments about the bog coat I made ages ago that was almost too hot (it was too hot if I wore it in a store or indoors)?  Be sure to use Thinsulate in your coat, add a hood & cuff your wrists fairly close or put the weather shield inside the sleeves at wrist level.  Also, have your coat close snugly at the neck to keep these cool breezes out & you'll be toasty warm when you're outside.  Good luck with it.

    1. sewslow67 | | #4

      Hi Gloria,

      Thanks so much for that helpful information.  I just copied your message and filed it in my on-line sewing notebook.  You mentioned some issues that I just hadn't thought of yet.  I do know this though; I don't think I could survive another winter like we had last year without a new, very warm, winter coat.

      Thanks for taking time to help me think.  I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.

      1. Gloriasews | | #5

        You're welcome!

      2. BusyVicki | | #6

        Hello - I usually just follow along, but I couldn't help noticing your mention of an online sewing notebook. What a fantastic idea. I have windows Vista and there is a problem with copying and pasting into Word from the internet - it always freezes the program. So if I could keep tips I see in blogs and youtube and forums it would be great! How do you go about creating an online notebook? Is it something you can share, or am i just so un-with-it that you all know what it is and I don't? Possible...

        1. sewslow67 | | #7

          Hi Vicki.  (BTW: I love your screen name).  Now then, I opened an empty Word document and named it, "Sewing Notes".  I also use Vista (I dislike it, but had no choice with this new computer), and do a copy/paste into my on-line notebook.  I'm not sure why that wouldn't work for you, but perhaps you might want to take your computer into a repair shop and check that out.

          I wish I could be more help, but don't know what else to suggest right now.  However, I will think about it, and continue with how I do mine and see what I can think of.  I mostly do all this stuff intuitively, so maybe I am just "doing it" and possibly forgetting to mention a step, but I think it just that simple.

          The only other thing I can think of is to ask if you do all of your computer maintenance every few days, i.e. System Tools maintenance, such as disk deframenter etc.  I also clear history, passwords, files, etc. every few days.  But that is also because I use my computer for my work, so I always have a lot of stuff to delete.

          Please feel free to ask more questions or to ask for more help.  I am happy to give all the help that I can so you can get your on-line notebook set up.

        2. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #8

          Hi Vicki! I have come across a couple of sites that are unwilling to to just cut and paste to word as well. They seem to be protected somehow. To go around this problem, you have to bring the page up in the print page format provided by them first. Sometimes you have to save them as a .jpeg file to get a picture of the page to get the information off the page. To do that you need to right click and save picture as. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Some sites just do not want you to save your stuff to a computer, you just have to print it off. I have printed off a lot of great stuff for my resource file to have handy by my sewing machine that needs to be filed. Need to get filing again.... Cathy

          1. BusyVicki | | #9

            Thank you so much ThreadKoe!! I really appreciate the fact that you have had trouble on some sites and it may be that I just assumed if I had trouble it was me doing something wrong. I usually do print, but my printer is old and I can't find the driver cd...obviously being organized is not my priority. I use a wireless printer and that usually works, but it is downstairs and the sewing room is upstairs, and sometimes something happens and I don't even realize what I am missing when I go pick up the printed pages. Anyway, I will keep trying it and see if I can make my online file as fat as my printed out one! Of course, we need to get back to sewing instead of computerizing also!

          2. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #10

            he he he, I can solve that little problem for you also. Been there done that...
            You can find the drivers for your printers, online for free, by going to the manufacturer's website. For example, Canon, and going to the Service or Download area of their sites. Depends on the site. Then find your printer model in the list or type in the model in the search bar, and they will have it online. They will have updated drivers for most of the OLD Windows systems. But beware! Many of the more inexpensive printers, or some of the very old, but still great printers do not have the updated software for Vista and some of the newer software, because they want you to buy new ones.... I will not state who, because that would be WRONG, but I can tell you that it starts with the letter l. (can you tell I have ISSUES????) Cathy

          3. BusyVicki | | #11

            Wonderful Cathy! I will try that tonight on that laptop to see if it will work with vista - fortunately, my printer starts with a C and now is owned by an H so hopefully they haven't thought that far ahead since the merger! Looking forward to being the most informed sewer out there - with lots of info at my fingertips! Have a good day.

        3. rekha | | #12

          There's one other way. I don't have Vista so can't tell if it'll work, but it has worked for me always upto now. You need to do what is called a screen dump. This is what you do:Press Alt and PrintScreen buttons. The first one is, on my keyboard anyway, below the Z button and the second one is top left button in a panel of 9 keys located on the right side of the Return key.

          Then open an empty Word document and simply press Paste.

          Try it and see. I have uploaded a jpg of the sort of keyboard I am referring to

          1. BusyVicki | | #13

            Thank you for the advice rekha, but it doesn't work in Vista. When you get to the word document, the right click doesn't give you an option to paste anything. I'll keep trying options, though, and hopefully I'll figure out something.

          2. rekha | | #14

            You could use the Edit menu on top of your page

          3. BusyVicki | | #15

            Hey rekha - I forgot to tell you - what a COOL pdf picture of the keyboard!!! that was very professional-looking. I was very impressed. And, I have been told that there is a bug in one of the updates for Vista (of course I always install all the updates!) and it closes the Works and Word programs due to an error when you try to paste from clipboard. I need to determine which update it was and restore prior to that, but that would mean I had to set a date for the restore to save my data, and did I do that?....well, you can tell I am not organized at all. Anyway, I just figured out a solution: copy and then go to email and send it to myself. I can print an email at any time, or copy it to Word maybe, too. I will find a way around this, and if I ever figure out a way to REMOVE Vista and replace it with XP, I will do that too. Thanks to all who helped me with this issue, and I am sorry it is so far afield from the Coat Sew-Along. I will hush now.

          4. Sancin | | #16

            When I occasionally have difficulty highlighting, copying and pasting from a web site it usually starts after I highlight - I can't copy it (either because site won't allow it, or whatever) I do one of the following. I start highlighting from the BOTTOM of the information I want - for some reason this seems to work better. As previously suggested I sometimes select the command "Copy this graphic/info". I recently downloaded an add on to Firefox called 'download helper'. I haven't used it yet as my copying and pasting to Word has worked for things I have wanted lately. I never had any problems with Vista cutting and pasting. But sometime pasting from my mouse doesn't work so I try pasting from the edit menu.
            One problem that has cropped up lately for me also as cropped up for a friend with Win XP. Highlighting a web site in an email or on line document will not open. If I highlight and copy the site then paste it into my web browser address line it usually works. Web browsers seem to be in a bit of a competition as more are coming available, making everything very confusing with all sorts of new bells and whistles. But I'm very stubborn in getting what I want!!

          5. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #17

            I had trouble copying from an email recently, until I hit the reply button. Then I could copy and paste to my heart's content. When you open it in reply or forward, it is in edit mode, and it seems to easier to do things to. Cathy

          6. Teaf5 | | #18

            Vista has some problems with older programs and websites, and there are a lot of online discussions and help sites that offer work-arounds for it, but "removing Vista and replacing it with XP" means buying a whole new operating system and completely re-installing your computer.   Don't experiment with this unless you have a complete and external backup of all your programs and data first!

            And now, back to the Great Coat Sewalong, although it's been over 100 degrees here for the last month, so I can read about it only in the early mornings....

          7. BusyVicki | | #19

            I understand what you are saying, I guess you can't fight "progress" so I'll have to work with what I have!

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