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Conversational Threads

This is what I made today!

TwilaTee | Posted in Photo Gallery on

In between all my sewing home dec items for others, I really enjoy sewing things for myself that I will probably never use. But….. what can I say I have a fetish for historical costumes! Anyway I made myself some Regency Era underpinnings. (I love the underwear! Its so weird with all the gussets and bones. Really challenging!) Here are some pictures! I’m going to make a gown to go with it too, I got the idea for it from one of the post on this site, entitled “Where do you go for sewing inspiration?” Loomchick suggested visiting http://www.vintagetextile.com and I found the most beautiful Regency Dress! I can’t wait to make it! Here is a picture of it: http://www.vintagetextile.com/new_page_444.htm Silly I know but I love this kind of thing! I wish that there was a Jane Austin club here in Vegas…. poor me.


  1. User avater
    TwilaTee | | #1

    I think I figured out what I'm doing wrong with posting pictures. I'm going to try again. I think you will be able to view these pictures!

    1. fabricholic | | #10

      I like the underdress you made better than the Regency dress. It looks like a beautiful simple gown to me. Very pretty and a very good job.Marcy

      1. User avater
        TwilaTee | | #12

        Thank you so much for the compliments, but every girl needs a little fluff. :)

        1. fabricholic | | #13

          If only my body wasn't so fluffed, I would love to wear that undergarment/gown like you made. It truly is beautiful.Marcy

  2. Josefly | | #2

    The dress you linked us to is absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to see how you copy it.The photos you attached of the undergarments you made, however, I can't see - they download to my desktop, but then I can't open them. Don't know why. I'd love to see them.

    1. User avater
      TwilaTee | | #5

      Oh I'm sorry you couldn't see them. Check again and see if it works now. I have such a hard time putting pictures on the forum. I think its because I have a mac, and everything is a little weird for us apple people. I think I fixed it now, so give it a go.

      1. Josefly | | #14

        Thanks so much for whatever you did to make the photos available. I can see them now. I have a mac, too, so don't know what the problem was before, but all's well.Your things are amazing. That corset, especially. Did you do all the tucking, etc? What kind of boning is that you have up the center of the corset? Isn't it fascinating what women wore as underclothes, and the beautiful work that went into them, when they didn't show at all? Not that I want those days back - I can't imagine wearing all those layers and still being able to breathe. But just to think about all the work that went into one outfit is overwhelming.I echo the sentiments of some other posters - I'd love to see your work featured in a Threads article.

        1. User avater
          TwilaTee | | #15

          I agree with you about the intricacy of historical clothes. It puts our T-shirts and bahama shorts to shame, doesn't it? Even our "fancy clothes" don't even begin to compare with what was regared as "everyday".
          I like to make modern fashion too, so doing this kind of sewing has really helped me with concepts like fit, and pattern alteration / drafting. In the past year or so, I have completely changed the way I see clothes. I always saw clothes as a pile of pattern peices, but now, I'm thinking how to alter the pattern to make it fit better. Really an eye opener.
          Most of the patterns for historical costumes are printed in books that you have to scale up to fit you. So after you scale up the pattern, you make muslin, after muslin, altering a little here and a little there, so each garment is a one of a kind.
          As far a me teaching, or writing an article, I fear I am not experienced enough to do this genre justice. Check out these links to see some costumers who make EVERYTHING by hand! With tiny little stitches, with intricate embroidery. It's the thing to make the clothes using the same method as the time period that is being emulated. They belong to a million clubs and tour the country, and have their things displayed in museums. Its actually quite breathtaking! I warn you though... your going to end up like me... doing laundry in regency stays! :)

          1. User avater
            TwilaTee | | #16

            I mean look at this! http://home0.inet.tele.dk/drewscph/xenia.htm
            Historical costumers are just amazing! When I see things like this I get itchy fingers!

          2. Josefly | | #17

            Yes I see what you mean. Gorgeous.

          3. fabricholic | | #18

            I want you to make that Twila Tee. Oh that would be beautiful.Marcy

          4. user-217847 | | #19

            Twila Tee,

            you asked about Wal Mart, in Aus. no we don't, in my case I have to travel 2 hours to Sydney for decent fabrics. For one season fabrics we have a Spot Light Store they do keep a good supply of notions. We did have several top end fabric stores we lost them, could'nt compete with the cheaper second rate fabrics. We do have some remarkable quilting stores though.

            Wombat (lee)










































  3. Cherrypops | | #3

    I love the dress you chose. It is so 'dreamy'!

    I was able to view all your pictures. Wow you are good with your hands, threads and machine!


    :) CherryP

    1. User avater
      TwilaTee | | #6

      Thank you! That old dress is dreamy..... I found the perfect fabric to make it too. Although its not silk, like the original, I couldn't beat the price at $1 a yard! I feel guilty for such an amazing find! Wal-Mart is weird like that. Sometimes you can get the best stuff for super cheapo. Do you guys have Wal-Mart in Australia?

      1. sewingkmulkey | | #9

        I just heard this week that Wal Mart is closing all of its fabric centers - can you imagine???  I don't usually buy much fabric from them but am always going there for notions as I tend to run out of thread and such late Sunday afternoon.  I've  bought a lot of fabric on line in the past few years but dread the thought of loosing all our fabric stores - need that "touchy feely" fix.


        1. User avater
          TwilaTee | | #11

          No WAY! Say it isn't so! I can't believe it..... I'm speachless. Literally.... That's probably the worst thing I have ever heard. Wal-Mart is open 24-7 here... what will I do when I need ??? anything at 2 am? When I go there tomorrow I will ask them if that is true! If it is I will start a protest!!!! That's just not cool! Victory for the sewers!!!! LoL :)

      2. Cherrypops | | #20

        Regarding Wal-mart: I was watching my travel show the other night. One of our guys visitied Wal-mart. First time I've ever seen such a store. Unfortunately there is None similar (a one-stop shop, it has absolutely everything) in Australia.

        My main two Fabric Notions Stores are 15mins drive away.

        http://www.spotlight.com.au has good sales, can be lucky to find decent quality in the dress fabric range.

        http://www.lincraft.com.au now leading toward scrapbooking and other crafts. Limited fabric supply, but it is better quality than spotlight.

        We have dedicated quilting stores out western sydney. http://www.patchworkfabrics.com.au

        About 2hrs west I can find Amy Butler Fabric. http://www.fredtheneedle.com

        And in the Inner City Of Sydney there are few stores with excellent dress fabrics.

        I am yet to purchase online. I love the knit fabrics from http://www.knitwit.com.au in Western Australia. (they don't ship internationally).

        I just have to hunt for all the other smaller businesses in the suburbs. Might strike gold.





  4. User avater
    blondie2sew | | #4

    Amazing under garments!! Wow you need to teach my your wonderful talents in this venue!! and what a great dress you chose!! I love it!! that would be something I would wear..oh yeah and your long under garmet dress...I would probably wear that just as is now I'm I a dork or what!! Thanks for sharing your passion!! I love itBlondie

    1. User avater
      TwilaTee | | #7

      Your not a dork at all. I wouldn't have known a year ago about any of this type of sewing. But now that I have started making historical garments, I'm beginning to know WAY more than I ever suspected. It's really all due to the internet. Once you start looking at one thing it leads to another and it just keeps snowballing until you find yourself one day hanging around your house, and doing the laundry in Regency Stays.... Anything to make my husband shake his head at me and keep me entertained! Thanks for your compliments!-Twila

      1. User avater
        blondie2sew | | #8

        I think that is great that you actually wear them!! Too fun.. Thanks for letting me know I wouldn't be the only one that would wear these out!!Blondie

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