Does anyone know where I can find a thread exchange/equivalent list for Sulky and Coats and Clark? My embroidery software gives the Sulky color numbers, but I don’t have that brand. The software is supposed to change the numbers for me, but the file is corrupted/missing, and I don’t have a clue how to fix it. I have a printed list of color numbers from the Coats and Clark website so I have something in my hand to take to the fabric store, but I need a translation sheet. Any ideas?
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The page doesn't have the conversion from Coats and Clark to Sulky, only JP Coates, which isn't the same thing. I eventually had to call the software tech help line. They had to send me a file to fix the software gap--I would not have been able to do it myself. I probably won't get a full conversion list on paper, but at least I'll be able to take a list of thread color numbers for specific projects to the fabric store.
If you tell me the specific Sulky colors you are looking to convert, I can tell you what Coats and Clark ones are closest with my software. has a thread conversion chart I used to use but that was a long time ago, don't remember how it worked or if it had C&C. Mary
I need a good substitute for Sulky 40 #1127, 1149, 1135, 1137, 1039, 1190, and 1035. Here's the kicker: The thread I use (the only thread available at the only local Joann's fabric store) is Coats and Clark trilobal polyester. My software (viking 4D) also has conversions for several lines of C&C, but NOT the tri poly. Go figure. I'll try the emblibrary site next.
Hi! I have the 4D Suite also. Could the CC Poly thread in our software listed as Trilobal Poly be the same as at Joannes Sylko Poly? When I went to the CC website they only listed one type of poly embroidery thread. When I tried to colormatch the brands, I discovered it is difficult because Sulky has such a wide range of colors and CC doesn't so they come up more yellow or? The closest thing I saw to the yellow green was a lime, no way!
I wonder if it might work best to take a Sulky thread colors pamphlet with you to the store and try to match them there.
Sorry, I thought they would match up better, I haven't had problems with the thread matching to Madeira, Robison Anton, etc. but the CC just don't look very close.
When I colormatched the 1149 Sulky, it gave me CCPoly 8148, but the 8364 looks closer on my screen.
Edited 12/11/2008 10:05 am by MaryinColorado
I tried to color match the trilobal poly with the CC poly in the software, but the color numbers are not the same. My spools of thread have 2 or 3 digits, but the software lists four digits. I think I'm going to have to wing it. And I'm also going to call Coats and Clark and see if they can help. Will let you know what I find out.
Sorry that I couldn't be more helpful! I'll be interested in hearing what they say. Maybe that's a new thread, it's not on the CC website. Mary
Figured out what I was doing wrong. The C&C trilobal poly is indeed the same as the Coats Rayon 40 in the viking 4D thread database. So here's another question: how do I set it as my preferred, standard, always come up thread range? I know how it import a new thread range into MY THREAD RANGE, but how do I take one off? I don't want to have to change each and every thread color on each and every embroidery design each and every time.
I haven't tried it yet, but here is some free software for converting a lot of different thread brands http://www.rnk-<!----> called Thread Converter Pro which might help.
I always use and assortment of thread brands when embroidering so I usually do things the old fashioned way, as I figure out what I have to substitute, I write it done and then arrange all the threads in order before starting the project. If it is something I think I will make again I save the cheat sheet.
My preferred standard is set to Sulky Rayon, new designs still come up with their programmed thread, I still have to change each one and save it that way. I'm glad it doesn't automatically change the thread to another brand because the colors don't always transfer "perfectly", sometimes I use Sulky, Madeira, Robison Anton,and CC in the same design because I like the colors. . I know it's time consuming, but I don't think any software with change preprogrammed thread brands automatically.
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