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Conversational Threads

Threads a Bust?

usersuz | Posted in General Discussion on

1 Is it possible that current issues are repeating subjects covered in older issues because the new editors have not read all the old Threads? Do they know that unlike other magazines, women KEEP these issues for reference and inspiration?
2 I still miss the back covers; I am not interested in what fabrics to buy, and wonder if there is some financial motivation here, like promoting textiles of certain manufacturers.
3 What is with this new Taunton magazine they are pushing so hard “Sew Stylish?” The promo for it sounds just like what Threads is supposed to be; are they cannibalizing their own readers? Anybody know?


  1. mygaley | | #1

    A sample article from "Sew Stylish" about hand picking a zipper seems to be taken verbatim from a Threads of several years ago. I remember that article well because I found it fascinating. I am trying to figure out what this repeat says about Sew Stylish and its relationship to Threads readers. Galey

    1. HeartFire2 | | #2

      Sew Stylish is by the Taunton publishers, so the relationship is there, who is the author of the article? Susan Khalje? She wrote the article in Threads a few yrs ago,

    2. User avater
      Becky-book | | #4

      I found out about Threads Mag at issue 111 so I don't have all those back issues and can't afford to buy them all, so if SEW STYLISH will be a condensation of all the best 'old' stuff from past Threads I want it!  I can understand how the Charter Subscribers would be disappointed since they already have all the good stuff from the past. 


      1. usersuz | | #5

        Ah, much of the good stuff can still be purchased, if not from Threads website (archives), then on e-bay. Since the indexes are archived at the website, you will know what you're getting if you bid at auction. Maybe it would be less objectionable if Threads came right out and said, Here is a reprint from (date) and wasn't it good?

        1. user-51823 | | #6

          taunton would probably rather reprint than have folks buy old on ebay, if it's to survive. and new folks deserve the pleasure we had of getting the info delivered bimonthly in a shiney new magazine rather than having no choice but to go to the archives.
          i find it really amusing that we're up in arms about threads publishing old info... if they print a disclaimer, all other magazines need to do it too. just how many ways ARE there to make sugar cookies and royal icing, LOL? yet every holiday, especially Christmas, check-out stands are plastered with Family circle, Women's Day, et al with covers full of cookies- brownies, lemon squares, chess bars, shortbread, gingerbread houses, etc. Every spring and summer there's a universe of "new" diet secrets selling mags (let me save you the money: decrease your calories, increase your metabolism. done). all magazines do it, most far far worse than threads, but it's often disguised with a twist in style. Threads is not a newspaper; not a current event publication. sewing is creative but certain facts and techniques are finite. i personally don't have a problem with threads low rate of recycling those facts.edited to add: certain classic questions repeatedly posted here, year after year, are evidence that there is always a new audience for info some of us have known for decades.

          Edited 1/10/2007 12:49 pm ET by msm-s

          1. Elaray | | #7

            I was thinking "Sew Stylish" was a spin-off of "Threads" and that the targeted audience/readership was beginning sewers. Then "Threads" would then be free to target intermediate and advanced sewers. If this was not Taunton's intention, maybe it should be.

          2. user-51823 | | #8

            that does sound like a good plan. i myself have not seen the new magazine, but was defending them for reprinting older info.

          3. Josefly | | #9

            I had the impression that Sew Stylish is a one-time publication aimed at relatively new sewers, with some of the basics, sewing techniques and inspiration all gathered together in one volume. The offer for "free delivery" if ordered before the deadline would not apply to a periodical, would it?. I ordered it for my daughter, who's fairly new to sewing. I hope she'll find it useful.

          4. mygaley | | #10

            Finding myself on a thread entitled "threads a bust" is a puzzle to me as I do feel that threads is still the best magazine available. This must be one of the mysteries of cyberspace that I will never untangle LOL. Galey

  2. user-51823 | | #3

    my DH was amazed that we were shopping star wars toys from his young nephew's christmas list in 1991. "that's an OLD movie! why does he like something so old?" i reminded him it was a great movie and it's not old to someone who wasn't born yet in the 70's. i think Threads repeating itself is a little like that: sure we long-time readers have our own archives, but our old news is fresh and useful to novices.
    as to taunton creating a new magazine canibalizing it's own Threads, possibly they are trying to phase into a completely new image for the newbies?

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