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Conversational Threads

Threads Fitting DVD’s

2much2so | Posted in General Discussion on

Hi All:

I bought a copy of Threads #142 at my local grocery store this weekend and watched the free preview of the Threads Fitting DVD.  This was just a sneak peak of the 4- DVD set.  Threads is offering the set for $74.99, still a bit pricey.  Has anyone purchased the complete set?  I would love your comments and reviews on the complete set. 

Thank you,





  1. guen | | #1

    I have purchased the set of 4 and watched them all just once. I can't wait to sit down and view them again. The information is basic but very good. I was reminded of many drafting tips I use to know. I have lots of sewing videos, these are the best I have found.

    Edited 3/24/2009 7:18 pm ET by guen

    Edited 3/24/2009 7:18 pm ET by guen

  2. ohiostar | | #2

    I viewed the videos on line and am considering buying the set. I am also teaching someone to sew and this would be helpful. It was great to be reminded of some of the fitting basics. I own computer patternmaking software and occasionally you must use a pencil to get a design idea to come out, so having a fitting video can be a great tool to making alterations to a pattern. Just my .02 worth!

    1. tropicalkaren | | #3

      I am very frustrated. I bought the magazine and the DVD doesn't work. I checked my computer with another disk which worked fine. I did email Threads about this.

      1. ohiostar | | #4

        Sorry that the DVD didn't work for you. And here I thought (my lower lip was extended) we didn't get anything special because we got a subscription. I found a link later that day in one of the newsletters that I get from Threads. The videos did freeze up a couple of times, but I did get to see all of them.

        1. tropicalkaren | | #5


          1. User avater
            Deana | | #14
  3. ottonpantherbaby | | #6

    The  4 David thread's  is selling ,our they  articles that have been in their magazine or are techniques being  demonstrated.


    1. 2much2so | | #7

      On the preview DVD the team from Threads demonstrates fit techniques.  I think the 4 pack DVD set might be very helpful.  I just haven't been able to find any reviews or many comments about them and $74.99 is still a bit expensive.



      1. User avater
        knitmachinequeen | | #8

        I have the 4 Threads Fitting DVD's and I would love to say that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread...but in my opinion they are not. It could be that I am quite knowledgable about fit and therefore found nothing earth shattering about the set. Sure Kenneth King provides an intro on all the DVD's but nothing that helps with fitting problems.

        I've met Judy Neukam before but on the DVD she is so soft-spoken that her voice lulled me to sleep several times. On the sleeve video I noticed how twisted her sleeves looked so was very disappointed that no one paid any attention to that while filming or editing. Another disappointing thing was that they don't show any finished garments from the adjustments or tips that are featured on any of the DVD's. Yet another disappointment was that it is obvious that you need two people for the adustments and the person that is doing the measuring and adjusting needs to know what they are doing. The videos could be useful if you are a person that sews for other people and needs to know how to address lots of different fitting issues but if you mainly so for yourself...not so much. A person that sews mostly for themselves will need to mainly know how to solve their particular fitting issue.

        On the positive side the videos are very well produced and the lighting is wonderful. The videos are very professional. The videos are not worthless but for the money I can't suggest that you run right out and buy them because there are better videos available for much less. Again the is just my opinion and no one died and left me in charge of anything. So think long and hard about what your particular fitting problem is and whether or not just doing more studying and research and making muslins may not be a better option of you.

        1. 2much2so | | #9

          Thank you very much for your honest review.  I am a sewer wanting to get my "stitch back"  after a very long hiatus.  I have my McCalls fit shell completed and a good supply of reference books.   I guess trial and error on the muslin is still worth the time.  I am going to wait on the DVD's for now...

          2much2 so

          1. Roznos | | #11

            I was seriously thinking about buying the Threads DVDs, too, especially since if you buy them through the ASG you get a heavy discount, but several reviews in different sewing blogs have not recommended them for the price.  Threads Magazine has been a staple in my sewing room for a long, long time, too.  One book that I have found very helpful when it comes to fit is: The Perfect Fit. Published byCreative Publishing Int'l. ISBN 1-58923-227-5.  I understand that it was orignially published as a Singer Fit Book and reissued as The Perfect Fit. Non the less, it is - in my opinion- a great fit manual.  It has lots of pictures of what 'bad' fit is and lots of pictures of 'good fit'.  Its available new and used on Amazon - or at least it was the last time I checked.   The more you sew the more you learn and for the price of one set of DVDs you can buy a lot of muslin to sew some test garments.

        2. ottonpantherbaby | | #10

          knitmachinequeen  you menitioned there our several viedo that our better than Threads 4 DVD set. Could you please provide a list.


        3. ljb2115 | | #12

          Sorry to be so late with my "take" on the Threads DVD, but I felt the same as you on all counts.  Why was Kenneth King even there?  I was in hopes of some great fitting information, but received elementary education on mediocre fitting problems.  On the plus side, I was able to purchase these at a greatly reduced price through an unnamed professional organization. Even then, I overpaid.

          1. User avater
            knitmachinequeen | | #13

            I feel better now because my mother always says that everyone does not tell the same story! The DVD's were disappointing to say the least. I'm thinking of giving them away as a "gift" ...gag gift that is...LOL

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